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/fit/ - Fitness

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Why should I get fit when it will repulse women?
Scpecially when you have +100M in the bank
>trusting what women say
Kathy from accounting was glad she was able to make her voice heard in this survey
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This is what women mean, when they say they are attracted to "dad bods"

Fat men like to convince themselves that being fat is the dad bod that women want and is the same thing as being "built fat" (pic related) which it's clearly not considering you need to lift to be able to look like pic related.
lol I thought that was Momoa on the right until I read the names below
all a dad bod means is fit but you’re willing to spend time with and eat with your gf instead of spending 24/6 at the gym and having a perfect diet
each and every single man in this survey is not only handsome enough to be in movies, they're all multimillionaires. You think that might have some impact on the results?
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r8 my dadbod
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>fat old ugly women who are coping based on attainability say dad bods are the best they think they can get and keep
also never improve goy- .. er I mean guys
I love multiculturalism and feminism so much
Not handsome or rich enough to pull off the unattractive body

Women say this because they don't want to appear shallow, even on an anonymous survey. She might even actually convince herself that she's not shallow. That's what life as a liar does to a person, your relationship with the truth becomes twisted and you cannot tell truth from lies anymore
why are you on /fit/ ?
to mog you
Not a single young, mature or old woman cares about muscles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKsKCObse3w
>that pic
RIP STEMcels. Not even money can fix your inceldom.
you're rich and have kids then?
even if women could articulate what they wanted, they would not tell for fear of social stigma
this entire genre of article is vapid cunts virtue signaling as hard as possible that they aren't vapid cunts
>jewtube link
fuck off nigger faggot
It's over
>uhhh women totally secretly like roidcels guys!
>just build unnatural looking tumors all over your body and the ladies will be all over you!
didn't say that, nice strawman
Nobody said this. Are you a woman?

>implying women have any idea what they want
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Obvious propaganda, they would love for us to eat plant based "meat", bugs and they demonize milk and real meat because they want us to be weak.
>bugs are le bad even though they have more protein than meat
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They don't know anything.
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>hurrr eat the bugs bro
Found the globohomo shill.
Wont eat the bugs.
Wont take the vaxx.
Will eat the homemade cheeseburger.
Will drink the raw milk.
Fat women cope
Hot girls like ripped guys and everyone likes celebrities regardless of their physique
Country girls love that shit nigga. Even got a big ol' truck.
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>women dont like muscles
>but the hardcover of literally every romance novel has men with muscles
>most hollywood stars are muscular
>most male strippers are in good shape
If women dont care about muscles why does media that is aimed at them feature muscular men?
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>but the hardcover of literally every romance novel has men with muscles
Meme started by Fabio. Those men are also always handsome. Muscles don't mean anything if you don't have the face to go along with it.

>most hollywood stars are muscular
Only capeshit actors. They literally have to be for their roles.
dad bod means Chris Bunstead off season
>t. retard
I am tired of hearing this cope. If you’ve ever gone from thin to muscular you know what an immense different it makes in how women respond to you. Yet the lazy fatties keep telling themselves this lie to justify the utter mediocrity they embrace for their lives because they can’t get off the couch or put down the processed poison global corporations shovel down their fat throats. If you’re a man and you’ve never been 10% bf with decent muscle, you are living half a life.
Why didn't it make any difference for this guy? >>74606494
>women being attracted to muscular men is a meme
Funny how all the pretty women seem to have fallen for it.
>muscles are a plus
>oh yeah then why didnt they solve all the issues with a ugly balding manlet with 0 social skills who lives with his mom
Are you retarded?
It's easy to tell it's a meme because older romance novels didn't have shirtless faggots on the cover. Basically it doesn't matter whether they are shirtless or clothed.
Women dont care specifically about muscles rather masculinity. There is overlap of course but your quad sweep or lack thereof is not responsible for your sex life.
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true. "dad bod" often means wide and strong shoulders, big arms, big pecs, big back. the skinny fat no shoulders no pecks big gut look is not the dad bod women want.
this is unfortunate. not as bad as some of the things we've seen here but if I looked like that i'd start home workouts like yesterday and wont stop until I no longer look like the worms from men in black
Wasnt your argument, your argument was for fat people being lazy. Nice goal post moving
/thread. It's like when middle aged men don't like girls who work out because they look "masculine". It's always the unfit people who have a negative opinion on fit people.
6 is literally me
I laugh at this picture every time I see it with his varied coping posts to multiple boards but truly I do hope he accepted he's ugly and is happily SEAmaxxing
>It's like when middle aged men don't like girls who work out because they look "masculine".
That's true though. If you like women who do anything other than cardio you're unironically a little gay
Why do with bother with surveys when polygraphs, brain scanning, thermal imaging, eye tracking cameras technologies are so portable and readable now? Just show people pictures and track metrics for arousal. Then ask them questions to see how full of shit they are.
what about adonis belt bro?
Theres nothing wrong with this dude except he reeks of desperation. Looksmaxers will never understand that personality is 100% of everything. I've known legit hamplanets, working at gas station and retail jobs that were up to their non-existent necks in attractive women because they had confidence and could talk.

Looksmaxing is just autistic cope.
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Women dont like dad bods. Its a psyop to weaken men and tell you that its okay to be a fat useless piece of shit. Its not okay, and never will be. Women have been tricked into saying they like it, but when actually shown a "dad bod" they hate it.

You should be getting fit for your own health and longevity, not out of vanity, and certainly not out of concern for what women claim to prefer. Health is attractive and a fit body is a natural side effect of being healthy. It's impossible to have a healthy posture without well-developed hip and abdominal muscles and if you have those along with a healthy body weight, you'll have visible abs.
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>Billionaire > Fit Millionaire > fit badboy > regular millonaire > ugly millionaire >>>> normies
That's just the way it is
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>Just show people pictures and track metrics for arousal. Then ask them questions to see how full of shit they are.
They try to avoid doing this sort of thing after studies like pic got such awkward results.
When my sister told me dad bods are her favourite, I asked her to show me an example and she showed old mate who played Thor in the first movie.
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these kinds of women know they can't get a fit good looking dude, so they mindfuck themselves by saying they prefer balding, dadbod men like pic rel.
ahh, the magical fat ugly fuck that drowns in pussy, even if its real its like 1 in a million fatty.
It literally says survey in the pic OP, I don’t understand why you’d post this. “””Researchers””” literally asked a bunch of women what type of male bodies they like and they’re all gonna say something modest, humble, self serving or complimentary to their partners. You know this, I know this, we all know this. What women don’t like is the idea of a muscle man, as media has portrayed them. Cunty, cheating, unobtainable and intolerable. But if you take your shirt off and you have abs, you get looks anyway.
>1 in a million fatty
I'm in the south, that's like half of them down here and they pull 8/10s easy. Personality is key, chicks literally do not care about anything else. Even if they say they do, they don't.
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>Why should I get fit when it will repulse women?
Different woman likes different things. You would have known it if you ever actually spoke to woman. No reading Twitter post from retarted cunts doesn't count.
The more I look at this guy the weirder it gets, his head is to large for his tiny shoulders and his hands look oversized on his stick arms
i got big and strong and i'm really not bad looking.

can't outlift the autisic aura though.
I lift to repulse women, so it makes no difference to me
Should've been a guy living at home with his parents
6 is literally half of this board
So many men are out of shape, women seeing one in person is rare and strange to see.
it amazes me that 10 has a bigger slice than 5. if 3 and 4 didn't have legs cropped (and assuming they trained legs) I wonder how that would impact their slice
>wide and strong shoulders, big arms, big pecs, big back.
me to a t basically since i was in my early 20's.
naaah... most attractive young alt woman/girls who are interesting they are into femboys like timothee chalamet or young Björn Andrésen

ir they are more normative they are into people like steve-o

(im girl btw so I know lol)
also, you should do exercise cuz you want to be healthy, lazy ass

If you rly want to be appealing to woman do some strogen and go to gym to get slightly on shape, woman do not like soggy or fat men, they just dont mind or like a bit of tummy cuz is cute.
This is what a dad bod is though? It's become co-opted to mean fat by fat fucks trying to sound attractive, like curvy has been for women
he has to be lying about his age
I’ve seen this type of thread on this board literally thousands of times. It has never worked on me. Go ahead, keep posting it. Post it over and over again. Spend your whole youth posting it. You will never win.
I hear women complaining all the time about dudes not working out enough past their 20s. I’m in my 30s now I guess so women mostly are looking at a lot of dudes that don’t give a shit anymore or are family guys with nothing to prove or whatever so they get fat. I guess the key thing is they fall for an athletic dude and when he stops, their pussy kind of dries up, remember to keep working for the rest of your days boys.
bud light phenotype
I'm betting this survey was like:
Do you prefer this dad bod?, or
Do you prefer this veiny roid freak?
Show them some healthy leanpill guys as option C and lets see how the survey goes
Your wife fucks black guys
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>quiet shy weirdo
>get along with everybody, but always very platonic
>bulked last year, cut a few % bodyfat well before this summer
>i’d say am roughly 15%, not cut abs but leaned out a lot
>out with friends a lot
>girlfriend’s friends subtly and some blatantly checked me out any time we went swimming
when we left the beach to go back to change we all got in the same lift and i noticed in the mirror when one of the girls thought i couldn’t see, she full on eyed me up and down like a piece of meat. mfw.
that would not have happened if i was 10kg heavier.

Women view Engineers as blue collar and low status, whereas they view Lawyers and Doctors as white collar and high status. Money isn't as important as the perception of status. Same thing works for business CEOs. The CEO of a wastewater filtration company will be seen as lower status than the CEO of a luxury brand, even if the wastewater CEO makes more money.
This can be unfucked easily in 6~ months
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This is the dad bod those women were talking about
If you have your own place (even if it's a shithole) and your own car, you have literally no excuse for not having a gf
i don't believe this tbqh. it's some sort of cope by fat journos or something. Every girl i ever dated said mean things about fatties

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