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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Tubby Towelheads who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74598923
Actually found a nutrition resource online for the restaurant plus a lot of the ingredients that matter are logged on MFP. Turned out to be less than 500 calories so I will assume it is at most 600 calories. I'm going to cook and enjoy my steak dinner now
Repost from previous thread, open to comments/suggestions for if I can improve anything for next trip on july 15. Grocery shopping done for the next two weeks (grocers is hour drive each way so I stock up)
>2.5lbs flank steak
>4lbs round steak
>5lbs sirloin
>1.5lbs ground bison
>2 containers spinach
>2 bunches of bananas
>6 avacado
>1 bag popcorn
>1 dozen eggs (egg guy gets back from hospital next week)
>2lbs frozen vegetables (carrots, broccoli, peas)
>1 container cream cheese
>2 container Greek yogurt
>2L milk
Overall I’m pretty happy with it for what I spent. Considering I had to get some essentials like toilet paper and gasoline as well I’m happy with $320 all in. Not sure how the Jews convinced so many people that eating healthy is more expensive cause I was spending like $250 per week on just food and alcohol before the cut. Happy Canada Day weekend everyone
Thats a lot of towels
finally back to 94lbs thank the lord
fuck off disgusting attention whore
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20 cals
Fatty contest

This is a really solid list imo - what are your planned meals? I would add some sweet/white potatoes. Maybe strawberries but that's cause they're on sale every week and berries are my one joy left on my cut
>Finally pooped
are you really slutty?

Where do you shop?
>13lbs of meat
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All the meat is at a butcher shop that gets all local meat from some farms in the area, all the non meat is from Safeway
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Yeah, cope
>mix eggs, cream cheese, avocado, and spinach and make an omelette
>greek yogurt, milk, banana, protein powder blended into a shake
Pretty basic meals but I usually only eat twice a day, one meal based on vegetables and protein, the other based on meat…and protein.
You should be pooping 5x a day. Eat more fiber by adding peas, carrots, and broccoli to your diet.
NTA but I eat 400g of veg everyday. On a 1200cal diet I poop once, maybe twice at most every day. One day was an unusual three poop day however
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Damn dude you got me. Posted about eating healthier on a thread about losing weight.
based, i fucking hate zoomies
Went from 145kg (~319 lb) last year to 115kg a few months ago (~253 lb) by mainly eating less shit and bicycling almost daily. Been stuck at 115 but I'm somehow still losing size while gaining leg muscle like crazy.

Is that shit normal?
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>buy smart scale
>lose 20lbs
>move from 27.5% body fat to 25%
>at 25 BMI

makes no sense
im never touching Greek yogurt again
dont care how good the macros are, its ass and you cant make it not taste like shit
Add vanilla protein powder to it, tastes like cookie dough. Also I like it with honey and walnuts.
Ill be having beans and carrots tonight, along with either potato or sweet potato and chicken.
Try the 5%. If you want 0% then try Skyr, it has a better texture and taste.
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Ignore the feet
No one cares, canacuck.
Based, the one thing we don't have in the UK is Bison meat. I'd love to try it
I picked up the vanilla flavored from aldis by accident and its actually tasty, plain is just terrible. I added chocolate flavored protein powder to it once, still did not do it for me.
Ill pick Skyr tomorrow and try it out.
wait what why is everyone calling me slut
Your tummy is probably too big to be a slut, anyway.
Fatty Contest
these pictures are so fucking cute! they're the reason I visit this general, and I'm not even fat
yeah they are good thinspo desu
WTF what is your problem
THe true sign of being skinny is how plump your pussy is
Is it just the usual skinnyfat bloat, or is it an unflushed miscarriage?
i don't understand how i'm supposed to meet my fiber goals without either beans or supplements.

according to MFP, 400g of broccoli has a whopping eight grams of fiber. add in some fruit and it adds an additional 8g leaving me with 16g.

how on earth am i supposed to get to 25-30g?

oh man. i live in an area of the US where bison are farmed so we get more than just ground meat. bison are super lean, but if you get a fatty cut like ribeyes, they taste much like a cow but have less calories. the problem is, it costs 2x as much as beef does.
what the hell happened
>how on earth am i supposed to get to 25-30g?
30g is easy to get to if you have fiber with every meal
Weight loss is really about changing your thinking and having simple daily habits.

1. All or Nothing thinking.

You'll either lose all the weight, eat clean, etc or you'll pig out and feel like crap. Or you'll look ar yourself in the mirror, see your body, and give up because why bother.

Stuff like that is all or nothing thinking and it doesn't result in you acheiving your goals. It's poison.

Instead there are two things to realize.

Something is better than nothing.

If you do something every day consistently you will be amazed by your results. Your results will build momentum and over time you'll achieve your goals. Doing something rather than nothing is the difference between success and failure. You don't have to run a 10K today, but you can go for a walk.

You don't have to restrict yourself to death, but you do need to log at least one meal in a food app.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You don't have to walk a thousand miles tooday. But you need to take the next step.

Pick two or three daily habits that matter. Like logging what you eat at least one meal, and going for a walk.

Keeping a simple easy goal will build confidence, and give you momentum, and lead to better and better results.

The biggest obstacle to a healthy weight is all in your head.
reddit spacing
Thanks, ChatGPT
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>skip breakfast
>eat pizza as a treat
>it doesnt even taste that good
Pizza is goated fuck you
No one cares, oml
yeah usually I agree but this pizza was not worth it
I have started to enjoy fermented foods. I have started to tolerate, even enjoy, olives. I am getting Oldman tastes or reaching a regular weight has changed my food preferences.
If I had less willpower I'd be just about to slip from the diet and exercise
Went over 2k calories yesterday and ate some shit without weighing it today
Enough of that bullshit, locking back in
WE LOCKING THE FUCK IN ANON, you watching any kinos lately?
Started watching The Sympathizer on HBO, interesting premise about a commie Vietnam double agent but it started sniffing its own farts a bit too much after a few episodes
Based, currently watching Boston legal myself. Having a good series or two really helps with weight loss
nice. what company?
I wanna try and make some jerky.
What kind of beef do I look that has the best calorie/protein ratio?
flank is a common cut. but the good news is that super lean cuts like eye of round work well. you have a dehydrator?
Too much veg can constipate you too. Add olive oil to cokked veg to help thing move along
I read you can use your oven if you use low temp setting with the door cracked a bit open, just hang them up in there for whatever amount of hours.
If this fails then ill look into getting a dehydrator because I want to try making fruit strips too.
ive never tried, but ive read the same thing. also, air circulation helps. if youve got convection on your oven or an air fryer you can put on a low temp, it would help
That means to conservatively estimate them upwards as a buffer.
Round them up.
Add 20% to your estimation.
Whatever you need to do to make sure that if you make a mistake estimating them, you wont go over budget.
Yeah i'm having one of those emotional lonely fat nights, i love you guys.
>watching ufc 303 on a fast
You wouldn't get it.
Who you got? POOtan or Jiri?
Pereira will do it again
Jiri has solved his spiritual demons, he will win
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>been losing weight
>sign up for gym since I decided it's time I started working out properly
>have my phone, airpods, and wallet in my short pockets
>start with the treadmill to warm up
>decide to start jogging, kind of afraid since the stupid machine won't let you hold down the speed button to lower it
>5 seconds into jogging, feel my pants dropping
>freak out and start pushing the button
>shorts fall just as I stopped the machine
>quickly put on my shorts and leave
I didn't even look to see if anyone saw it. I can only hope it doesn't end up on tiktok or some shit. I'm never going back there again, I'll just go to a park or something from now on.
Treadmills have an emergency stop button. This sounded like an emergency
I've been posting here since before you were born. Anons have been saying this to me since before you were born.

But say it again. I'm sure I'll change with another reminder, anon.
Can I drink these everyday? I know I can still lose weight with these but would there still be negative side effects?
Only negative would be Sucralose as a sweetener, some people are against it
How much karma does your reddit account have,

More than yours, broccoli head.
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Started doing cardio about a week ago, usually I eat anywhere from 2000 to 1600 calories a day and do a decent job at trying to get 150g protein a day, my worry is that I'm losing weight too fast or I'm overtraining, I'll do max effort stair stepper machine for an hour and follow that up with 30 minutes of jogging or rowing depending on the day, is my metabolism gonna crash? Do I rope? Also noticed that when I stopped eating processed sugar or sugar in general I'd have day long headaches, I think that's from insulin but I just take advil to fix that
made another diet/habit tracking spreadsheet for the hundredth time, maybe I’ll stick to this one
CICO always works, anon. Remember, real CICO has never been tried
I don't understand this one, why does she have so many towels on her head? who put them there? and why does this seem to upset her fellow nuns and the duck?
They are without towels
>new spreadsheet
Its how I always try to kickstart a new weightloss effort. What sort of habbits are you trying to implement this time?
she is the towel queen lording over every person in her visage. her towel bounty is plentiful and the determination in her eyes shows that she will conquer all of the towels in the world. your towel. my towel. the president of the united states' towel. all are hers, all are hers, all are hers.
Can intermittent fasting get me to 12% bodyfat?
the short answer is "yes" because bodyfat percentage is just a matter of being lean (regardless of size), but why 12% specifically?
I hared it's the highest level where you have visible abs.
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>Jiri will wi-ACK
I just panicked and didn't press it until my shorts were almost at my knees.
It's good that some clothes is starting to be loose, but I never thought they'd drop like that.
Logging one meal a day is not "better than nothing". It's absolutely pointless because it gives you no valuable information about your general caloric intake. Also why do you talk like a massive faggot?
Shit, well, the local dominoes pizza near me closed 2 hours ago
Do I:
>make ramen (the 20 cent shit)
>make a sandwich (turkey and ham and so many condiments that it becomes an ordeal)
>nachos (self explanatory)
Fatty Contest

God, give me the strength to stick to my calories
You're fine as long as you don’t 'push through the pain'. If you have a slight ache, see if it gets worse with exercise and if it does take a rest day or two. If you're out of shape it will take time to improve.
>”oldfag” gets offended by out-of-date trolling
yeah yeah wherever you say election grandpa
Fatty Contest
Great example of all or nothing thinking, anon.

Something is always better than nothing.


Timestamp 01:43:43 "micro sucks".

Building habits has many benefits. One of them, forcing yourself to do what you don't want to do changes the plasticity of your brain. The Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex (aMCC) is the seat of your self-control and tenacity. As you force yourself to overcome the mental resistence in your brain, your aMCC grows. When you give in to your whims it shrinks. Focusing on two or three daily habits is doing aMCC reps, increasing your self-control and tenacity.

Logging at least one meal per day is better than nothing. It will lead over time to consistently logging information about your diet. Allowing you to identify problems in your nutrition. Some information is better than no information.

For example, in my first week logging at least one meal per day (most days I logged everything), I noticed I was eating less than half my protein requirements. With that information I corrected my diet by increasing protein and fiber intake. Logging forced me to become more mindful of what I ate. I also knew which days I over ate, and niticed that junk food caused me to miss my calorie goals. Which motivated me to cut out junk food and pay attention to the calories of each meal. For example, I had a habit of eating two or three high protein calorie dense foods. The logging habit helped me to reduce my consumption to one of those high protein calorie dense foods. It also taught me to value lean protein like chicken.

This one daily habit became leverage to change half a dozen other habits. Something that was rather powerful given the minimal effort required.
You need a certain size of abdominal muscles for them to be visible at 12%. Are you muscular? If not, at 12% you'll just look Auschwitz mode rather than lean and attractive.
This. Build new habits and change life styles. It's not a temporary diet you are creating permanent differences.
All or nothing thinking sets many people up for failure because you might have achieved your goal weight by doing some radical ausschwitz diet but that not gonna keep you healthy and thin long them.

Why do you act like a wannabe thread janny?

You use lots of meats I for example use quite often chicken or turkey. It's should just be very lean as far can turn rancid with time and/or just leak liquid. >>74608048
Small steps even a small success is better than a ambitious failure.
Do you have veggies? If so pimp your ramen and a egg, some kale or spinach leafs some slice of tomato carrot etc
Make it more than just carbs.
You are posting motivational speaker sloppa.
Imagine believing in habits.

And when the habits fail:
>you just didn't habit hard enough
>just try different habits bro
Read this post, watch the full video.
I read your post and watched the video months ago, it didn't contain any useful information.

More than that, I don't think prescribing huberslop to fat people works.
Why do you say that, anon?
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>locked in my previous fasting weight
>closer to 20 BF% than 25
Feels good. Almost free from /fat/ and my strict diet.
on huberman, its two hours wasted, you'd be better off doing something else
On habits, nobody has yet figured out what do with failing with habits.

here is how things will go for most people:
>follow your habit
>do it again
>some n times later
>you don't follow the habit
>you don't follow the habit
>you don't follow the habit
>some n times later
>now you are fucked
>no amount of huberman podcast prepared you for this
You're right that developing habits is generally doomed to failure because human beings are cyclical.
But you can develop discipline, and more importantly, change your environment to make certain behaviour more likely.
>develop discipline, and more importantly, change your environment to make certain behaviour more likely

This doesn't happen in practice though and it's not because they didn't read enough power of habit motivational books or didn't listen enough huber. As people age, their environment becomes worse, their discipline weakens and they become more fat and unhealthy over time, keep banging their head on the same problem without making progress.
There are some people that make it but they are rare and you can't attribute it to some habit trick. Maybe those were just higher iq, higher time preference who were for some reason unlucky in their earlier life.
have you guys found more success on dating apps with weight loss?
Fatty Contest
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Locking in tomorrow morning lads, last meal of the day completed today. Stoked to be waking up tomorrow and getting it done. Plan is pretty much track everything that goes into my mouth, gym 3 days a week, cardio 3 days a week. Starting at 2000cals and ill adjust again next week depending on results. Just feeling things out week 1. Ill weigh in tomorrow morning.
Welp I hit my 10kg goal, faster than expected actually. Will eat closer to maintenance now and if I get leaner, cool, if I stay where I am, I'm satisfied.

Kind of regular diet just no refined carbs and more vegetables.
All or nothing thinking. If it isn't something that will give you perfect results, best not to even try right anon?

Failure is part of the process. Perfectionism is a trap. The right habits are life changing. But you might miss a day or something so there's no hope and it's best to never try anything.

You're very quick to dismiss a Professor from the Stanford School of Medicine. I suppose your credentials and knowledge are superior to his. Let's see you post them.

I hope no one reads your doomer garbage and takes it seriously. I hope someday you try again. Because it really is easy to stop being an all or nothing guy. It realky is easy to build habits and change your life. It takes time and focus.

Another useful productivity tool is setting goals. Research shows that people who write down a goal are 90% more successful at achieving their goals than those who don't.

Many guys will benefit from setting realistic goals. All you have to do is figure out what your next step is and do it.
Oh and 1904kcal per day. Made sure to eat that every day, never went way below just because.
Here's a negative response that avoids personal attacks:

Look, I appreciate the motivational quotes, but it's not that simple for everyone. There's a big difference between "missing a day" and chronically struggling. Maybe "Stanford Professor" doesn't get the daily demotivation some people face. Building habits is great in theory, but what if you're already burnt out? Not everyone responds to the same one-size-fits-all advice.
And it took 6 months.
That's fair. Do what works best for you.
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I'm in day two fasting currently, was on 65kg, got back from work and went to sleep, woke up and saw that I lost three kilos, this is a red flag right? As much as I want to lose weight isn't losing 3kgs suddenly like that seems dangerous?
It can happen. Probably dehydrated. Worry if you're losing fluids other than piss and sweat.
It's not all or nothing thinking, I'm not saying you should not try. I'm saying the that the motivational habit slop peddled by huberman gives zero "tools" to deal with failures.
The failure happened months maybe even years ago, it's so long ago you don't even remember it, there is no way to gain any useful learnings about it. Whatever was "built up" is gone.
id say so though I was never super fat at 188cm 105 that just below Adiposity level 1. And i only dropped like 12 KG so far.
But the little muscle i had or build looks a bit better, people notice and tell me they see a difference.
The biggest impact i guess was i made more pictures doing cool sports and trips like hiking (I'm the hiking anon that blog posts sometimes) BUT there are other factors too new job in a prestigious sector and cleaning up my profile

well, true that it won't work for every one. But goals and stretch goals are like the foundations of success... economic, personal,design. Iterative and incremental approaches are used and work
for example, next to nobody just starts running marathons till failure until they finish one. They do some couch to 5k thing, run a half-marathon etc. before. one step/level/iteration at a time.

>but what if you're already burnt out
that's the whole point... why you take small steps and build habits. You might want to get fit and be active but the mountain of lard in front of you is large and you don't have the willpower/mental state to climb that all at once and suffer for a year.
so what do you do ? small habits just the sweet soda get used to it. next month cut the chips and switch to healthier stuff like roasted nuts, frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. Park the car at the far side of the parking lot. you dont try to run on day 1 and suffer cramps for a week and burn out. You go with slow sustainable pace. honestly its in the name "burnout" you burn yourself to fast so guess what you can to counter to going to fast and to hard?

Going all in is more a thing for addictions, not habits

day to day weight fluctuations are random and irrelevant, try to at least average a few days. chug a bottle of water and "gain" a kg or you can take a dump and "lose" a kg in minutes. 1kg of body fat has about 7000 calories. 3kg of bodyfat has 21000 calories, most likely you didnt burn that much
Fatty Contest
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No one cares.
Be quiet you fat nigger
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>Be quiet you fat nigger
Current weight?
I only consumed 870 calories today
You don't consume calories.
Then what did I do?
So I guess it's okay to continue fasting then, thanks, aiming for four days of possible
Fatty contest
78.4 kgs
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I don't think the body fat calculator is correct, so try guessing my BF% before I tell the correct one according to the calculator
oh my god why did my dad make these when im finally doing well at fasting (_) i binged on 3 last night and puked but so still stayed the same weight as yesterday morning.
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oooopoossssss 4got 2 add
Fatty Contest
Is your dad a professional chef the way he handled a knife was legit
no but omg he might as well be! @_@ he cooks soooo good i wanna be him
You lied on the internet
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Answer is 14%. Maybe I should really buy one of those calipers after all
lmao you wish
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I don't find internet points valuable enough to lie for it
You obviously care enough to post pictures of yourself faggot
What sort of slice is this?
looks like Caramel Shortbread/Millionaires shortbread
its usually incredibly moreish or incredibly sickly, often both. also crazy high in calories
I tried cottage cheese with strawberry today. Admittedly the first bite was underwhelming, but after I got a spoonful with a good heap of berry it in it is rather nice. Need to figure out the ideal ratio. In comparison to honey, the sweetness isn't as overbearing which I like
Update: I just tried topping it over a thin rice cake and it amazing. This is the perfect balance of sweet, slightly salty, and savory
Because I'm asking you unironic retard. Which part of I'm not sure if the calculator is correct and maybe I need to get a caliper you don't get
Dude wtf even if you puke it out your fast is done for, just enjoy it and fast again next day
Fatty Contest
25+ easily
what's the cheapest and easiest meals i could lose weight on, like how long could i survive on potatoes and fruits
my kitchen is tiny and i refuse to cook 15 different meals and my dopamine is so fucked i don't even enjoy the taste of food anymore its all the same, except for seafood i can't stand it
Airfried chicken and salads
Airfreight frozen veggies
I see none of you can ignore an underage basket case still. Well, just catch me up on lore later when someone dumps her nudes or address. How’s the cabin boy? Still in shame and exile?
Lord Humungus as your training partner
Chicken taco and tortilla is super easy
Fatty Contest

Finally went on the trip that I have been using as a motivation to get in shape. Helped a lot to be a bit stronger and a lot lighter. Sadly, it stunted my progress a bit, but I'm committed to getting back on track.
Idk who either of those are, but I did not lose any weight this week. Thankfully I did not gain any either.
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>I drank alcohol all day yesterday

Diet and going to the gym is easy. It's when you get to the weekend and you're wife wants to go out for lunches and dinners and your friends want to go drinking all night. Do I cut off all my friends and family for the sake of gains
millionaire shortbread!! shortbread, caramel, and chocolate. so so delicious so so fat
i broke my fast -_- im so fat ugh
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Obese, physical activity level of a sloth, shitty diet made up of carryout, no smoking or alcohol at least.

I once lost 55lbs just by eating smaller portions and cutting out the sweets but then covid happened, my college career fell through, and I've been depressed and practically bedridden for the last several years and only started making significant recovery these last 6 months. I've regained ~35lbs and kept the net calories at a slight decline since then. Over the last couple of years I've noticed a slight tightening sensation around my chest and neck about once a month or so. I asked my doctor about my blood pressure and he says it's perfect. I was curious about it so we did some blood work and got the results. I didn't bring up the tightening sensation, because I didn't think much of it, but seeing the results now it's making me concerned. I'm only 25, I shouldn't be experiencing heart problems at this age. Even if my current lifestyle is shit, there's no way it was bad enough to get my heart acting up this early. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but the blood work report is real and I have a very real risk of developing heart disease later in life. I guess this is my wake up call to get back to losing weight, fixing my diet, and getting fit.
Fatty Contest

I just keep moving forward
Whats his curse, that he cant put the fork down?
Fatty Contest
265.5 lbs

began heavy lifting this week. expected higher water retention so not freaking out!
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Welcome to onederland bitches, lighter than I've been since like the fifth grade
>Do I cut off all my friends and family for the sake of gains
Actually have this problem
Ofc I don't have a gf or a wife but I haven't even dined with work niggers, haven't had a real interaction in weeks and I feel my social skills wearing off.
Just OMAD on days you're going out with people. If you want to take it further, take the "healthier" (because let's face it, there isn't really healthy options at most restaurants) option too
Congrats, king.
One simple trick to eat healthier at restaurants that only offer bad options is to decide you'll only eat half your plate, even before they bring it out.
Boom. Half the sodium, half the trans fat, half the saturated fat. Brilliant.
>guys just eat less!!!
wow youre a genius
Even better, I just realized this also HALVES your CALORIES.
Sometimes, I amaze myself.
My meal's macros aligned perfectly today.
Too perfect, I thought I had enough room for ice cream tonight
the impressive thing is that he keeps checking in. my data is always super detailed when i'm losing weight and then months of no data when i'm slacking off
5'10 height for reference
Just weighed in at 193 today June 30th
I weighed 213 on June 10th
and 245 on May 8th
I'm losing about a pound a day since I started my weight loss journey almost 2 months ago
Are you water fasting?
He probably has a humiliation kink or something to so diligently record his failure.
Im hungwy :(((
I've done a 9 day fast and 3 6 day fasts in that period of time with a couple smaller 24-48 hour fasts thrown in here and there
when I eat it's usually low carb but it's always at a deficit of at least 500 calories but mostly 1000 calorie deficits
also casual walks every other day but that probably doesn't burn too many calories
Hi Hungwy, I'm anon.
Have you been eating your veg?
No fast food ever and no sugary snacks ever
I stopped craving junk, and I also don't get anywhere near as hungry as I used to
I stick to salads or pickles if I want high volume but low calories
For some reason, I have this idea in my head that the more chatty anons have a BMI of 27.5 and lower whereas the anons over are quieter and just check in the Fatty Contest. Can you guys confirm or deny
I don't know, I don't really expect your personality would change with your BMI. I was chatty at 30, and I'm still chatty at 26.5.
I'm 31 BMI and have a lot of conversations about dieting with the anons around here
Maybe I just checked in for the first time in month to say I reached my goal weight.
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Fatty Contest
I think I am, But that's also part of the reason I want to get down to 12%, I'm not sure.
I'm heckin' ashamed. No. I have no idea how to make veg with chicken and I'm too lazy to try, or cook them at separate times. I'll look up a recipe tomorrow maybe
Over 30 BMI here and I don't shut up.
Love mangos
So do I but spent the entire summer without an ounce of mango :(((
> how to make veg
I'm a lazy bastard, so I buy steamfresh bags of veggies I pop in the microwave. Then when they're done, I throw them in a pan with whatever meat juices I have and some seasoning until they brown out a bit.
They are probably classier ways to do this, but this is just the right level of effort for me.
over 30 and i post a lot. it helps keep my head focused on the task at hand and keeps me motivated. but my starting bmi was over 50, so i've at least made some great progress and am not just shitposting.
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mangos are so good.

desu i lurked for so long before taking serious action towards getting less fat. Still, i have many months to go before reaching a normal weight again.
I'll try this, just throwing them in the pot after the meat is done.
mix brussel sprouts or broccoli with some olive oil and a pinch of salt. roast in oven at 425.

broccoli takes 15 minutes. brussels take a little longer.

lots of people in these threads seem to love frozen vegetables. i find them soggy and disgusting. nothing compares to roasting
I post more when I am actually committing to my diet. When I am a bad boy who eats too much, I feel like I am not worthy of posting.
so tru im bmi 17 and never stfu
broccoli goes hard steamed and with a bit of butter melted in it
i'll give you that. if i'm making something saucy, i'll just steam fresh broccoli in the microwave for 3 mins. like, i recently made chicken breasts with a bit of a garlic/wine pan sauce and had steamed broccoli as a side.

if i'm eating something without sauce like a steak, i'll roast broccoli as a side.

but frozen broccoli is nasty and soggy. idk why anyone would buy it when it takes 30 seconds to cut up and wash broccoli and takes 3 minutes to steam it in the microwave
i am once again confused as to how im supposed to get a decent amount of fiber without eating beans every day
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forgot pic
>idk why anyone would buy it
conservation. I prefer fresh vegs any day of the week but you can't really keep them around forever. I agree broccoli is prolly one of the worst vegs to freeze or can tho
You're probably fine.
Add some carrots or something to the salad if you want more. It's hard to stay up on fiber when you're heavily cutting.
Depends on the kind of fiber you want. insoluble fibers can be obtained from bread. if you're controlling your carbs, keto breads are absolutely loaded with insoluble fibers.
Soluble fibers, the superior kind, are a bit trickier to grab. I get a baseline with 2 teaspoons of psyllium husk powder that I shake vigorously in 8oz of water, which gets me 9g of soluble fiber I drink with meals that have a good chunk of saturated fat.
Beyond that, I rely on eating asparagus, brussel sprouts and avocados regularly, but that's my low-carb bias showing. Plenty of veggies and legumes have soluble fiber out there.
Oh my god, no one cares.
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Here's my day so far for example.
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watch my fruit vid guys diet advice
you haven't killed yourself yet? why?
The cold truth is that I will make it and many of you won't. I wish we could all make it but... no, nevermind. Some of you should never make it.
obviously busy making fruity potions
You need better lighting. Also, disable the auto-exposure setting on your camera so that when your arm briefly covers the bright background behind you, it won't try to brighten the entire image to compensate.
But yes. You need a light behind your camera. Shifted the side(s) if you prefer. If you've got the budget for it, a ring light can help a lot.
It will greatly improve your manic pixie routine, trust me on this.
>disable the auto-exposure setting on your camera
ohhhh is that why its so weird lol
does nobody else understand the bad lighting vibe.. :(
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> the bad lighting vibe.. :(
Sorry, I'm literally old. If the grungy production level was intentional, please ignore.
Fatty contest

I fucked up...
can you stop putting your face in the videos?
you are a bit ugly and your stuff was better before you showed your face
not xer videos
I ate okay at the start of the week but then got a coupon through the door for McDicks on Wednesday and it's been downhill (or up) ever since. Ate fried chicken, nugs, tendies, burger, all sorts of garbage ad in vast quantities.

At least the fridge is empty of left-overs now and I can start over. The only unhealthy thing in there at the moment is some prosciutto.

New week, new start. I can't believe I'm basically back to my starting weight FUCK
ok ill stop
hurt my feelings.
Fatty contest
>step on scale
Fist time below 100kg since I was a teenager.
great, thank you <3
I have next week off. Nothing to do so I'm going to walk. What do you think is a good daily mileage target?
Is the reason you keep fixing your hair on your sides and pulling them infront because you want to hide your fat face/cheeks?
It's still noticeable
10miles a day
yes that is why. i know its still noticeable but id rather a tiny bit hidden rather than putting them on display also my hair kept going into my face so i kept trying to fix that too but yeah its bc fat well done
I can do it, I'm just thinking about the hunger it could create.
Thats why you have to become strong mind
>lose 10kg in a week
>over the next 2 weeks gain 6 of it back
I know most of that loss was fake and probably due to coming off a sickness, but regressing still feels bad
>22lbs in a week
you dont have to do it anymore since it doesnt hide much :)
ur killing meeeee
just trying to help
no point in trying to hide things when they are that obvious
why try and hide your fat body if you dont do a good job at it? no reason to waste energy on it, just accept it
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My iodine water tastes funny
4pm and I'm weighing in at the same amount I did when I first woke up.

I'm already excited about tomorrow's weigh in
Lmao. Former fatty here. I used to do that, too. I liked observing the fluctuations and logging the data. I used to be able to tell how much I'd weigh the next morning by seeing how heavy I was before going to sleep. But, it's really easy to lose sight of what's reasonable and start obsessing over it. Which at least in my situation, led to disappointment whenever the scale would not end up moving the way it was supposed to.
BMI 22 here and constant shitposter, I was very chatty 30 kg ago already though. All I browse on fit is just /fat/ and /fph/. I'm on /g/ mainly
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>Answer is 14%
Thats why you develop a pure fetish simply for logging new datapoints.
Up, down, the same, doesn't matter. NEW DATA POINT = NEURON ACTIVATION

The app I use even lets you log the time of the weighing but I haven't gone so far off the deep end that I'm tracking my weight throughout the day.

You'd probably feel better if you stopped weighing yourself altogether. Watching your waist slim down without stressing about logging data is a good way to focus on staying on the diet instead of chasing numbers, even if you accept that there are fluctuations.
You're def right. I've been there before. Amd disappointment leads me to losing motivation. I usually don't weigh myself midday, I only did today because i felt a little bloated during my morning weigh in today and I've been going to the bathroom more than normal today. Definite "woosh" day incoming
I actually still weigh mysf throughout the day but only on running days (before and after run). I have months of data now. I lose ca. 1.2 litres of water every 10 km running. It's useless information, but still
Fatty contest
Nah I'm doing well. Losing 10-15lbs a month and while its not easy its perfectly doable. Its working for me.
I'm just exaggerating because I'm on 4chan. I weigh myself once a day and just observe the overall trend. Plateaus and gains don't bother me because I log all my calories and I know I'm doing the right things.
I've weighed myself for fun to see how much water I lose but I've never logged it since its as you say, its useless info since its all sweat and respiration.
whoever codes the fatty contest
let me see people I've overtaken by losing weight faster than them
also fix ur shit (pls)
>my waist goes down another inch
>no longer obese
>my neck goes down half an inch
>back to obese

How accurate is US navy method really?
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Fatty Contest
Fatty contest
Bloat Prince
297.4 lbs
You could cut off an arm and achieve faster weight loss. Also, you'll never make it lardass
>His weight begins with 2
Lmfao you're pathetic. Put the fork down
hey i hunger for protein. my qhey protein mfd 11/21 expired 11/23 can i still use it? its lid was closed in my cabinet. smells super strong of vanilla but nothing bad. some powder clumps that shake out.
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Sept 10th
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Jan 20th
If I can do this in a few months you fatties can stop taking years
It's just consistency
What is that, like 10 lbs? Congratulations on losing water weight, tubby
Oh, no ozempic semaglutide or any of that shit, this was before I began my cycle to bulk which was the start of March. I was working two jobs, and still managing to get in the gym every day, consumed alot of protein and less than 1.7k cals a day.
Picrel is a peak bulk pic mid may
I want to binge so bad goddamn
Discipline will prevail
Imagine being this willfully retarded and on copium
Lol. Lmao
Lost 30lbs in just a few months
Something your bent buttmad fat ass can only dream of doing
GOML ya mirin nigger
Birthing hips and a double chin. I'd keep your vanity to /cbt/ if I were you
Wow, anyone at your starting weight could achieve the same on a couple of weeks of fasting. Your results are not impressive and your "goal" is legitimately not even 5/10 in terms of aesthetics.
Keep fucking coping Lmao
Post bodies because I can guarantee without a doubt I shoulder mog both of you into the ground.
... why are your hips so slutty?
I haven't cut yet silly, got some midsection fat still.
The funny thing is though, I shoulder mog you into oblivion. You know this which is why you cope post. Once I'm cut you have nothing but tears and 1000 more copes.
I'm down 75 lbs in 4 months
Stop being autistic though bro go talk to some bitches at the gym if you need an ego boost doing it here is just sad
FWIW, your body shape seems close to mine (reasonably lean, visible love handles, 6'1, 201lbs) and my scale claims I'm at 20.5% body fat, which already strikes me as somewhat optimistic.
yeah i can smell the bottom energy slut.
someone answer this im litterally shaking anons.
It doesn't smell rancid. You'll be fine
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Do any of you guys do intermittent fasting? How do you do it? I've done 8hrs on 16hrs off before, is that good?
good enough for me.
What is the verdict on zero calorie artificial sweeteners like stevia?
If I use some in a black coffee so I don't break a fast is that going cause any issues?
How many grams of fat should one consume when losing weight? My daily caloric goal is 1,292. My protien intake is 157g. So how much fat should i consume to maintain healthy hormone levels?
Science says it's just a calorie and therefore is good for you albeit
well keto youtubers like dr. berg and dr. fung seem to prefer natural sweeteners to artificial ones like sucralose (or even worse splenda which has maltodextrin)
so it should be fine but of course water and black coffee are the most recommended for fasting or keto
forgot to clarify in my last message stevia/monk fruit and a couple others are natural sweeteners
Stevia and Monk Fruit are better for you

Most "experts" will say skip Sucralose and Aspartame but some say it's alright in moderation (a few times a week)
30lbs in 4 months is actually pretty standard considering you can lose 2lbs per week safely at a 1,000 calorie deficit
Also your last pic is clearly in a gym with a pump plus you still have hella fat to lose
Can I lose 1 kg of fat in 12 days?
Fatty Contest
202.5 lbs

Down another 1.5lbs! WAGMI
Fatty Contest

Ate at maintenance last week so I gained some water weight from carb loading..
This week I'm going to try to punch through my plateau.
I WILL make it to double digits this month.
>Can I lose 1 kg of fat in 12 days?
That is entirely doable.
Each kilo of fat is about 7777 kcal.
So a ~700 kcal daily deficit would get that done.
Claiming it's standard for the majority of these people on this board, is absurdly laughable. Also closer to 40lbs with the 7lbs of lean mass I added in that time same frame. Probably added another 10lbs since then.
How do not drink 50 cans of beer a week?
can't believe I was living life on hard mode for all those years . . .
Fatty Contest
First day of my weightloss journey lads. I am currently at 83kg, I need to lose like 10 or maybe a bit more (I'm a manlet). Going for 1500kcal, the hardest part is probably going to be quitting beer and having enough discipline not to buy shitty food when coming late from work and having no energy to prepare something proper.
Thanks, fren
You're gonna make it!
Make a shopping list beforehand. Like the previous day.
hello guys
ive started dieting seven days ago and i somehow lost 2kg already, but it is very weird because there's no way I had a ~15k kcal deficit that week
what gives?
>Lose some weight
>Feel good
>Something slightly bad happens
>Destructively eat
>Feel shitty and put on weight
>Lash out out of frustration
>Feel more shitty
>Eat more
>Weight more than I did at the start
Ahh jeez
The human body does not burn calories, nor is it capable of eating calories.
i'm not sure i understand what you're trying to say i'm sorry
The body acts weird sometimes. You will go from losing 3 pounds in two days and then stop losing weight for a week. Just keep your deficit and don't expect your body to keep that pace or even gain a pound of it back for some reason. The overall trend from week to week should make sense after a while
You've said this before, what do you even mean schizo?
You pissed a quart of water out due to lowered insulin secretion.
It's exactly as I have said, midwit. If you don't understand the laws of thermodynamics enough to realize it, that's a yoy problem
You are so stupid lmao
I’ve only consumed 1,300 calories today
I wish your kind had fathers stick around to beat the criminal retard out of you, but instead your mother force-fed you goyslop until you've become a feloniously ignorant balloon. Shame on your mother
I've only consumed 0 calories today and walked for 4 hours.
Careful with that sun exposure, you might consume more than that if you spend more than a few seconds bathed in sunlight
I've only eaten 6200cals today
It's water weight. If you eat more carbs or salt your body holds onto more water weight. If you stop eating that much carbs and salt then your body holds onto less water weight.
You should ignore this guy. He's intentionally being obtuse to elicit a reaction.
Can you please stop posting in here? It's causing me to relapse my binge eating and i just ate 10,000 calories. Probably ur fault.
I drink so much fucking soda bros
As long as you choose the zero calorie options you're not a failure yet. Just work on drinking less day-by-day. I used to drink an easy 2L a day. Few weeks later I strictly drink water. Best decision ever.
I'll try that bro, thanks
I feel disgust when I look at myself
Fatty Contest
no progress this week, I was working and physically can't diet during that but the weight didnt budge. Also had a pizza party planned on friday so I ate a lot then but no change in weight so it's not all bad.
Bought a fuckton of vegs so I'm gonna be eating mostly vegs and meat this coming week.
>Reee ignore him for telling the truth!!!
the keto schizo still lurks
I can smell that faggot in this thread
I'm curious, why can't you diet while working?
>6'1 201 libs
I'm 5'6 137 lbs...
What do you guys eat for lunch

I weight 90.5 kg, i want to loose 10kg
I work demolitions. I tried doing OMAD while working but I got really lightheaded on the second day.
I'm pretty sure I'm still at a slight caloric deficit but keeping up at work is much more important than loosing weight (especially since it was just for 4 days of work anyway).
I had plenty of other jobs where I could do OMAD without trouble but this aint one of them
Why don't you just do less of a calorie deficit during the week brianlet. Try TWOmad
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Just added 600 cals worth of exercise every 2nd day to my 400 cal deficit diet and went up 4 lbs, what the FUCK
Post your daily eating. Don't lie
that's literally what I was doing retard
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Looking good, good job.
Your post says OMAD you nigger brained chimp
You're eating more than this
Today a sort of "kålpudding" or beef and cabbage stew. With some chickpeas and rice, gud.
>it’s monday so that means another 5 day cycle of black coffee and cigarettes to avoid binge eating
It’s all so tiresome
>I tried doing OMAD at work and got lightheaded and couldnt continue
so yes I already said I stopped doing that because I couldnt keep it up you fucking illeterate bitch
I know that you stupid nigger brained chimp, that's why I recommended TWOmad and getting more calories you fucking illiterate ape.
600 cals worth of exercise doesn't necessarily result 600 cal more expended. What really happens is after your exercise you will feel slightly tired and your energy expenditure is lowered.

400 cal deficit diet doesn't necessarily result 400 cal being pulled from your fat. Being in calorie deficit reduces energy output, your body is colder, you do less involuntary movements.
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Why do I come in here and everyone is always arguing? Is it the same cancerous person in here starting fights again?


I fucked up and went wayy over on calories Saturday at a party. So, yesterday I fasted all day. Should I continue my fasting today and make it an extended fast or should I go back to my normal meal plan?
Go and ask /fast/ for advice on fasting duh
I really miss pooing lads.
Used to be once a day, maybe two. Always huge. Now I barely go once every two days and they're disappointingly sized. I dream that one day I'm going to do a massive shit and drop 2lbs in one go.
37lbs down in 7 weeks through fasting.
This happens with me too and it's also a good core workout trying to push it out. It smells really bad, and because of the lack of cellulose, goes right to the bottom instead of floating like before.
At least I don't have to worry about shitting, on long bus rides.
When I do extended fasts I can do nothing but piss water out my ass. How are you not shitting constantly?

Also how often are you fasting? Impressive loses, interested in your routine.
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Routine is starting at 240lb, being retarded and not eating for days until I can't mentally take it any more after which I'll have a day of about 1800 calories. Average calorie intake probably about 600/day over that time period and I try to get in a 5 mile walk each day.
I think it's probably ok because of my yuge start weight and bf% but I think I will need to be less retarded once I'm a bit less fat
Sick, looks good. I started at 250 and have been on a 1500 calorie a day on average diet. I don't have the will power that you do for super long fasting so just doing a deep cut
Lmao, down 2.5 lbs from yesterday. A woosh indeed. 5.8 lbs lower than last monday
I meal prep 500 cal meals and eat them for both lunches and dinners
I've been eating 2% fat whipped cottage cheese. Decent macros, the Kroger one has 14 grams of protein and 80 calories per serving. When you don't really eat sugar it tastes sweet, even the plain unflavored one.
which is, again, what I said I was doing.
Fucking learn to read, Christ.
Lost exactly 20 lbs last month, 352.4 down to 332.4, let's go

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