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Humans are carnivorous apex predators.
>buys meat from the grocery store
humans are scavengers
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Post body and prove it
you've never killed anything that you've eaten
Because modern humans are domesticated livestock
I predate upon homegrown tomatoes.
b-but not me
Omnivores, not Carnivores.
still apex predators by choice.
now name the damned piece of meat you posted.
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here's a pork chop I had today.
>very apex of you anon
I know
Where's your vegetables?
Vegetables are unhealthy
if you eat meat you're a cannibal. i eat meat myself but accept this.
That makes no sense I'm not a cow. Got something to tell us anon?
i made a carrot ginger soup with lentils (not pictured)
Sure thing anon

It only makes sense that humans would have eaten whatever food was most accessible primarily, as our population has always expanded to meet the food supply available, and unlike other animals we can acquire and survive on a wide range of foods.

Because of this however root vegetables and fruits and then later grains have generally been the most available foods. This is probably why humans make so much starch amalayse relative to other animals and why it's not believable that our diet was primarily meat.
sperm is immune to OP's stomach acid?
>Because of this however root vegetables and fruits and then later grains have generally been the most available foods
Demonstrably untrue until very recently for humans
Omnivores are not apex predators. I'm willing to admit that you're likely a new species dependent on soi to survive, but you are not an apex predator or a man.
Fruit and root vegetables have always existed, chimps still primarily eat fruit so it can't be argued it needed to be cultivated before it was a viable source of food
We evolved a very different digestive system from chimps as we became human. Most fruits chimps eat would be inedible to humans. Researcher have tried. Too fibrous like an unripe banana
those useless things that were only ever put there to dress up the plate to make it seem like you had more?
it only makes sense that humans have always strived for better and will take only the best they can get which is meat.
that's why they're still chimps
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Factually wrong.
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Grains have only been present for the last 10,000 of our 200,000 years as humans, and 6-7 million years of hominid evolution. If you understand anything about anthropology, it's impossible to come to the conclusion that we're adapted to digesting grains.
>minecraft is about mining
>gets iron from iron golem farm
Nothing personnel
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You would do well to join my team
Humans only cultivated grains to make alcohol
>grew up on a farm, went hunting often
Try again, schlomo
>continuous evidence of hunting spears, throwing/propelling devices, clear evidence of following herds and hunting large game is all fake
>we just scavenged shit and scurried off like rats, yeah!
That only started in the neolithic.
There are genes and stomach bacteria that proves our recent adaptation to starchy foods, even dogs developed this compared to their wolf ancestors.
No. Alcohol in fruits was far more common.
>now name the damned piece of meat you posted.
I think that's a bone in ribeye
Look at the work of Weston Price. Look at Inuit tribes eating 99% meat vs their descendents who start eating grains. Look at modern hunter-gatherer tribes like the Hadza compared to "civilized" people in industrialized nations. Look at how our brains have gotten smaller and we've gotten shorter since the Agricultural Revolution. Every piece of evidence points to grains being harmful.

We literally know that phytic acid and other plant toxins prevent the absorption of nutrients and cause deficiencies. We know that oxalates accumulate in the body and rob it of calcium, and they also form oxalate crystals that either turn into kidney stones or damage other soft tissue in the body. We know that isothiocyanates like sulforophane prevent the absorption of iodine, leading to deficiency and even goiter. Plants are waging a chemical war against us, and their seeds are their babies, their next generation, the most highly defended parts of them.

And we know that humans are adapted to eating meat. Our stomach acid pH is around 2, lower than that of obligate carnivores like cats, and comparable to that of scavengers like vultures. That acidic environment is designed to kill dangerous microbes and break down meat. We do not have many large molars designed for grinding, the way ruminants do. We do not have multiple stomachs nor a large cecum, both of which house the bacteria that allow ruminants and gorillas, respectively, to digest plants. Our cecum is so small and atrophied that for many years, scientists actually thought it was a completely useless vestigial organ - we now know, of course, that the appendix houses bacteria to recolonize the gut in the event of severe digestive disturbance. We have front-facing eyes built for depth perception, an essential feature for predators to spot and chase moving prey. There are at least a dozen nutrients we can't get from plants, like creatine and choline.
No they're not, you just like this idea because it makes you feel manly kek. But it's factually wrong, stop deluding yourself
Someone's grumpy. Wanna talk about it, bud? Bad grades again? Ignored at home? Don't get so mad online.
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For sure, why would I need vitamins
We didnt evolve from chimps so
Kek you really have no rebutal. I'm not grumpy buddy, i'm just checking you because you clearly need it
>Plants are waging a chemical war against us, and their seeds are their babies, their next generation, the most highly defended parts of them.
Root and leaf vegetables don't contain any seeds, while seedbearing fruits and berries literally evolved to be eaten as a method of seed dizpersal, you lunatic.
Stop educating these faggots. More steak for me.
>Look at modern hunter-gatherer tribes like the Hadza compared to "civilized" people in industrialized nations.
Why dont any of those tribes have centenarians
oh, in that case, i would have no problem raising rabbits duck and chicken, small animal are easy to kill and easy to butcher, ducks are a pain when it comes to removing every single feathers from the skin, but since it's my favorite meat, i make an extra effort for those delicious fuckers
pigs would be dooable if others people are willing to process the carcass along, hey, did you know that pig's organs are disturbligly simular to humain organs, same size and everything, my avó used to says that '' if you wanna see ( the inside) of your body, kill a pig''
>He's never heard of organ meat
Evolution is a myth
The flesh of the fruit is designed to be tasty and nutritious while the seeds are quite literally designed to be indigestible so you'll shit them out in fresh fertilizer, you fucking retard. Roots and leaves still have plenty of defense chemicals, just less than seeds. Did you really think your comment was a gotcha?
Why don't any of those tribes have heart disease, diabetes, obesity, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, dementia, etc.? Because they eat their natural diet. Industrialized people are sickly and disabled long before they die.
>The flesh of the fruit is designed to be tasty and nutritious while the seeds are quite literally designed to be indigestible so you'll shit them out in fresh fertilizer, you fucking retard
You are agreeing with me and contradicting yourself yet insulting me. Seeds are supposed to be eaten with the fruit, yet survive digestion, as a method of seed dispersal, like I said.
Nice attempt at a reframe but it failed this time.
>Because they eat their natural diet
So we should eat grains, fruit and tubers then? Gotcha.
we evolved from a common ancestor. Everything I said still stands despite the nitpick
No natural people ever eat plant based by choice. Vegetarians are observed as generally less healthy
I was just making sure you didnt think we evolved from chimps is all
>Omnivores are not apex predators
Then why are humans apex predators?
>nooo my rule only applies when it fits my bias
Concession accepted
>No natural people ever eat plant based by choice
Irrelevant pivot
>Vegetarians are observed as generally less healthy
Odd how they live longer with less health issues and chronic diseases
>Humans are carnivorous apex predators.
Why humans produce amylase?
>Agrees that seeds aren't digested
>Somehow thinks this disproves my original claim that seeds aren't digested
You really are retarded, aren't you?
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simple as
chimps also have amylase
really good you mind if i save this anon?
That was a good video.
I can't get over how impressive right's jawline is.
Audibly kekd anon thank you
Sounds disgusting lmao
I had a lb of beef and a can of green beans
>Look at how our brains have gotten smaller and we've gotten shorter since the Agricultural Revolution
This is false.
But yes let's look at the African hunter gatherers who never developed a written language or invented a wheel.
Agricultural revolution is the reason why you're able to post these stupid gay cringe opinions on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
bone and teeth health has also been reduced since agriculture
Also false.
>inb4 that one image of aboriginals
its not. keep coping
Only people coping are the idiots who somehow believe humans were smarter before the agricultural revolution, lmfao.
Go back to speaking a click click language and dancing around a fire, you nigger worshipping faggot.
>Visits dentist because xis teeth are melting from carbs
Very ancestral!
Why do humans have a gallbladder and no elongated cecum?
To be an apex predator, as humans are, one must have the capacity to eat carnivores. An apex predator must be an obligate carnivore.
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>grain brain liar begins moving goal posts
wow i am shocked. shocked i tell you
>no answer
I haven't visited the dentist in 6 years, and the last time I went was because my wisdom tooth was coming through, and he said it was fine to leave it.
So even on a grain/carbon based diet my skull is somehow still large enough to accommodate my wisdom teeth :^)
>being tall means anything
Agriculture existed during the palaeolithic period of the way. Don't believe the godless scientists who insist civilisation did not exist earlier than 3000 years ago.
You not having good habits isnt a defense of anything
>le going to dentist is bad!
>le not going to dentist is bad!
Is this your brain on canitardism?
I'm not that guy so
If you think the truth is stupid and gay, then that's a (You) problem
I've had a few deer, and numerous fish
only reason humans could live in areas where foraging was scarce is threw animal food sources. to give you an idea a white tail deer is around 30k calories of meat, not including bone marrow or organs.
stature is generally an indicator health and proper nutrition. Now continue coping
not really. Stable isotope studies disprove this
>stature is generally an indicator health and proper nutrition
stop embarrassing yourself
meat is delicious and i can digest it without issue.
don't care, a life without meat isn't worth living.
So no source then
You believe hunter gatherer Africans are smarter than people who were able to create a written language?

>Stable isotope studies disprove this
All fake and gay. Scientists want everyone to believe humans were living in caves until 10,00 years ago.
Mediterraneans were hyper carnivore as well just a slightly different timeline
>The mechanisms linking adult height and health are examined, with a focus on the role of potential confounders. Evidence across studies indicates that short adult height (reflecting growth retardation) in low- and middle-income countries is driven by environmental conditions, especially net nutrition during early years.
jesus christ use your brain for once instead of needing everything you think dictated by "science". sad really
You think Africans dont have a written language?
Based mob grinder
Eating man dick doesn't make you a cannibal. It's makes you gay.
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>I'm an APEX PREDATOR! That's why I buy my meat at Walmart precooked and frozen! And why I wear glasses and have type 2 diabetes! Raaaarrrgghhh! I'm going to pay for this with plastic money that I'm borrowing from someone else, then put it in my Chinese car and drive to my wife's boyfriend's place! Boy I sure do love my comfy climate controlled bedroom! Time to shitpost on 4chan on my smart device while I LARP as le epic caveman!
Humans are
1. Generalist scavengers
2. Facultative carnivores
Any other terms are misleading. Omnivore included.
nobody is eating your bugs bill give it up
why facultative over obligate carnivore? Maybe I misunderstand the terms
Why would I eat bugs, you nasty fucker??
Why humans produce amylase?
I hear a fly buzzing around me. Should I kill and eat it?
You’re wrong. Meat is the most prized, and the less of it that makes up of your diet the worse off you will be. Plants are a reserve for when you can’t access meat.
>he didn't directly descend from Europe's mammoth hunters
What the fuck are you talking about? You can eat tigers, bears, sharks and whatever else the fuck you want lol
bump lol
OP btfo
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Humans being omnivores is such an obvious myth. They can't even digest raw meat without getting sick and having diarrhea.
Which is why we cook it. Take your stupid argument elsewhere.
>we naturally eat this food, we just have to do something unnatural for it to be edible
factory farmed slop will sometimes get people sick but thats not an issue with raw meat per se
>He's never heard of steak tartare, sashimi, raw oysters, carpaccio
arguing with morons is unfruitful
Raw fish is cool because japan, raw beef is gay and retarded and I'm yired of pretending it's not
I was raw vegan and started eating raw meat just fine
Yes it is. Favotry farming has nothing to do with it.
>Ash 10g
Yes nobody has ever gotten sick from eating raw meat, its unheard of, you listing dishes made with raw meat surely debunks that
>let me just debunk this strawman proving how smart i am
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>Humans being omnivores is such an obvious myth. They can't even digest raw meat without getting sick and having diarrhea.
It debunks your original claim. Cute goalpost-shifting you're doing there.
That's not me calm down
I bet a lot of people fall for the samefag trick. Sadly, I'm not one of them. People might respect (You) more if you admitted when you were wrong.
Whatever you say
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Raw fish is delicious. Raw beef is delicious. Raw oysters are delicious.
Cooking food is the most natural thing in the world for us to do. We have been doing it for millennia.
I guess we just have a different definition of natural
post fly
Hunter gatherers also, if they managed to avoid getting eaten by a Sabre tooth tiger, starve to death, freeze to death or die of the cold, they died of old age by about 30
Anthropology cannot inform on how long they lived to due to the inadequacies of dating tools within their profession. Therefore, you are making things up on the false notion that people lived to only 30, when in fact, they cannot differentiate between an aged 30 years-old or an aged 120 years-old specimen.
We can tell that shit just by how developed their bones are. What are you smoking?
Why the fuck can’t you people just eat normal food? If fruits and vegetables are good for bears and gorillas shouldn’t they be good for me too?
As long as you’re not devouring seed oils, ultra-processed carbs, preserved meats, and refined sugars, shouldn’t you be pretty much be good with a well-balanced diet that meets macro goals and maintenance cals? Why the fuck do I care if nomads or cro-mags or eskimos only eat seal meat?
I knocked out and slaughtered with a hunting knife a 200kg pig
Humans are omnivore
try carnivore for a week, you won't die from it
I already eat around 200-300g of various lean meats a day. I’m sure in the short term carnivore can have some positive effects, most restriction diets do. I just don’t see how that can be sustainable in the long run, nor do I see how it’d be any healthier than a balanced diet with a degree of plant matter mixed in. Healthier than a vegan is not an admirable bar to clear.
Is there any legit reason to cut out leafy greens from a diet? If you really want to argue I could see fruit being unnecessary, but I can’t see living without greens. Even a
jungle cat needs to eat the wildgrass sometimes.
Facultative carnivore is a more precise description
Gorilla and bear are different
Carnivore is defined as >70% of an animal's food being meat. Very arbitrary definition and it still fails, most people don't eat that much meat.
You may lose some hair though
It's quite clear that grains offer a societal advantage to a human nation in the form of cheap and plentiful calories. You can get all the necessary nutrients from 1000-500kcal of animal products a day and eat the rest of your kcals in grains.

A nation of omnivores will conquer and subjugate herbivore and carnivore societies because it is superior in land use efficiency and can field a larger and more fit army with the same food production resources.

Evolution may be playing catchup when it comes to food consumption but eugenics is an easy solution for that.
>Is there any legit reason to cut out leafy greens from a diet?
Oxalates, Sally Norton has yt videos discussing it
You know lions can't eat 3 month old meat either? If the kill is fresh you can actually eat it raw, just like a lion would. Are lions not carnivores?
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Mongolians only ate horse meat
Hence facultative not obligatory
Grain is used to farm humans like livestock. Modern humans are literally grain fed livestock on a plantation.

what happens when cattle eat grain instead of their natural food? They get chronically sick. Same with grain fed humans.
not really. we arent trees
Delusional beliefs. Nutrition is nutrition, food is food.
>t. Harvey Kellogg
Nice grill marks anon

This sounds good, hopefully the ginger providing a nice kick
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Vegan tofu steak. Yum
>food is food
Then why do all animals get sick from eating grains? Too many grains = sick.
Same for humans. Grains are grains.
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Post recipe link
They don't there are numerous animals who eat grains as their primary source of food. Stop talking about things you don't know anything about.
>We're all miserable and chronically ill because of abundant crap food
>But we will conquer everyone because of sheer numbers due to same abundant food

Beehive collectivist shithead mindset right there.
>all animals get sick from eating grains
>Too many grains = sick
Pick one
A gorilla is an omnivore. Humans aren't. If we could be completely healthy on a vegan diet then we would be omnivores. An omnivores thrives on either food source, a species that thrives on animal foods but can tolerate some degree of plant foods isn't an omnivore, most carnivores fall into that category.

Your biology is that of a carnivore. Now the lifestyle you choose to live is another matter, most people want to identify as being lower on the food chain for whatever reason and prefer to eat like they are cows or chickens under some false moral pretense. It's like pretending to be a woman by taking drugs and tucking your cock between your legs, it doesn't change biological reality.
We fucking survived an ice age.
Just past the first month anons. After that it gets easier.
>If we could be completely healthy on a vegan diet then we would be omnivores.
That's not what omnivore means
You fucking delusional retards it already happened. All human societies worldwide are omnivore because it is the SUPERIOR diet.
>sick all the time
What the fuck does that mean? I'm sick once a year and so is everyone else I know of.
Vegetables are literally poisonous and carcinogenic.
Grain industry psyop app
The opposite, actually.
>lean meats
Big problem
>Odd how they live longer with less health issues and chronic diseases
They don't, though.
They do but okay
Zero evidence of that.
>They do but okay
It's ok, you're wrong.
Except all the studies and stuff yeah
What studies? You better not mention Blue Zones.

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