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i legit discovered a life hack

i started adding red onions to my diet, like i legit just fry one red onion along with my morning pancakes and i have never felt better, stronger, more energy, and my skin looks better

try this, i swear to god
>this nigga thinks he discovered eating your fucking vegetables
did none of you listen to your parents?
Onion bro did his blood test study years ago, showing the test boost of onions
>red onion pancakes
Is it only red or any color onion?
This. I tried blending a large raw onion and drinking it and i felt like a literal god after. The feeling is indescribable and one ive never felt in my entire life. Try it at least once anons.
>zoomers rediscover the wheel
Is the s_o_y to onion word filter gone?
Lmao I tried this before it was a meme. I came across the research myself and decided to juice an onion every day. It didn’t do anything sadly
Yes, saying ꜱoy is now allowed.
No one calls it "one large ꜱoy", you stupid ꜱoyjack
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keep eating onions, unbalance your bodies hormone levels, ever stop eating onions, watch yourself get fat, tired and saggy waist...

Whatever makes you happy OP
>healthy foods are healthy
are red onions good for women too?
Not according to Americans. Pizza is a vegetable, after all
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We eat it every day in my country bro
>wow guys could it be... vegetables are... good for you???
Now try raw garlic and beets for a week.
dietary guidelines basics really are helping me feel better
>200+g veg a day
>200+g fruit a day
>do with regular meals
>feel a lot less shit due to less shitfood eaten
also enough protons ofc, I aim for at least 50g animal ones, and whole grain carbs as much as possible (and evoo and non-peanut nuts for fats)
Eat it raw, cuck
Fucking this.

Especially so for Americans, most people's diets are actually trash and yet they can't figure out why they look and feel like crap. You put shit in your body, you get shit results out
When you bake chicken in the oven put an onion in with it
Green onion pancakes are where it's at but beef + onion + peppers is the best meal
How do I make that?
You cook them.
The europoors really are obsessed. It's sad.
But how? Do you make the pancake with flour, salt and water, then throw the green onions into it as it's setting?
>The Rule of Mutt: say one bad thing about mutts and two crybabies will throw a hissy fit like spergs
>the more you make fun of them, the more they cry
You don't even have to make an effort, they just love to cry
Ok little guy. It's just funny and sad how much European "culture" now is about not being American. They actually think America is a monolith because they watch gay Hollywood movie. It's basically fifty different countries lol. No one is crying. You just look retarded.
> make a basic dough (ask google for the recipe but it's probably flour+water+oil)
> roll it out, put cut up green onion all over, roll it back up
> cut into however many pieces, roll each piece into a pancake shape and fry that.

It's not pancake batter, it's more like a flakey/pastry dough

Captcha: KKKJ
>waaaah you look retarded
>keeps implying I'm yuropoorian
Must be all the lead, lime and estrogen in your water lol
You type like every other retarded European. Ironically a more homogeneous culture than the US.
>being this retarded
Why am I not surprised? Should I write it up to education or being fed basedmilk as a burgelring?
fpbp kek
Wait til you discover drinking water
You mean you don't inhale it? What's this "drinking"?
What the fuck are you even talking about. More retarded europoor babble.
Not my problem your reading comprehension is stuck at kindergarten level. Or should I try writing in ebonics since you probably know how to read that flawlessly because of worshipping your ethnic overlords?
Every time someone posts an onions thread, there's always a pair of cunts arguing back and forth, endlessly, about the most inane, retarded shit.

Last time it was about the correct way to dice one.
Again what the fuck are you even talking about. It's just all retarded eurocuck memes with no basis in reality. Real life isn't the same as TV shows or /pol/ memes. Lol.
>noooo none of that is true even though it's all based on our own bullshit that we never stopped spreading since the advent of our own shitty reactionary media, on and off the internet
Dude, I know you fucks are delusional since you adopted muh pronouns and american footbal politics, but gaslighting yourself is on a whole other level. No wonder even I can't take you seriously
Seriously what the fuck are you even talking about.
It's called E-n-g-l-i-s-h. The thing that's coming out of your mouth and out of your fingertits. And the best thing you could do with it to differentiate yourselves from your former buttlords is to remove the "u"-s and replace the "s" with "z". Not that anyone would expect anything better than that cuz of your limited brainpower
its to derail the thread.
its not the goal of these people to make you talk about healthy stuff, so it needs to be derailed.
big nosed guys know how they keep their customers.
You need to go outside, big guy. What some international megacorp based in L.A. does has nothing to do with me. It's not my media. I'm not spreading anything other than your mom's ass cheeks. I've never heard anyone talk about pronouns or whatever schizo shit in real life.
It worked for me but I smelled like an Indian
You sound really upset. You should go outside and enjoy the evening
And "y'all" should stop crying so much when the big bad anon-man starts making fun of you. It'll do good for your skin. Thiccen it
You're the one who has been seething this entire time. I just started this by saying it's amusing how obsessed retards are with an idea of America that doesn't even exist.
Phytoandrogens are the "safe" way to fraud. It wont mess with your hormones and destroy your nuts/penis and shrink your muscles when you go off of it. Juicing onions is a weaker version of taking turkesterone
This, honestly we sorely need a US-only Internet at this point. I am absolutely sick and tired of being forced to interact with subhuman foreigners and to read their stupid subhuman foreign opinions. Someone ought to cut the cables--maybe the CIA can do what they always do and fund terrorists, except this time, instead of attacking US citizens, they'll actually be helping by ensuring we don't have to see another Indian on linkedin or ever have to hear the stupid vacuous ESL opinions of a slav monkey ever again.
>making fun of a bunch of online losers of the freedom variety = seething
Burger-tier logic
Agreed. The world would be a better place the eternal American soapbox of delusions could isolate itself from the rest of us. Speaking of which, your elections are coming up. Do kindly isolate your drivel about it
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>This, honestly we sorely need a US-only Internet at this point. I am absolutely sick and tired of being forced to interact with subhuman foreigners and to read their stupid subhuman foreign opinions. Someone ought to cut the cables--maybe the CIA can do what they always do and fund terrorists, except this time, instead of attacking US citizens, they'll actually be helping by ensuring we don't have to see another Indian on linkedin or ever have to hear the stupid vacuous ESL opinions of a slav monkey ever again.
When you obsessively reply to everything and go on tangental rants, yeah ut really does look like seething. Sort yourself out
So should I do skull crushers then guys?
>I'm not mad because you started making fun of me and I keep replying like a sperg and an idiot, you are
Honestly, best burger idiocy I've read in a while
Sure, if they work for you
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Oh, I'm sure it would be better for you as well. Europoors would genuinely be better off if, when they wanted to go check out shitter or whatever, they had their own version and didn't have to interact with the pozzed trash that my country puts out online anyway. Intranets limited to a country complete with their own message boards and stuff would be nice, except they'd probably be run by some bad actors anyway so I guess it's a moot point.
>posting zoom-zoom memes
The comedy writes itself at this point
Das fair and a fair point too. Credit where credit is due
specifically red ones has the most benefit. also eating it Raw is the best. i have been doing this for years, ever since the times of onionbro
I never thought I'd live to see the end of the onions filter
Yep, didn't go anywhere
Why eat onions when garlic is superior?
1 clove a day is all you need.

Just smash it; wait 15 minutes, then down it with some olive oil.
Garlic becomes toxic after you reach a certain level of consumption
Notice how they don't want you to eat garlic... it's "toxic", you'll get "garlic breath", don't use too much it's "overpowering". the invested effort to dissuade the population on a massive scale really makes you wonder
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one smart motherfucker
superior on what metric? onion had the best source of quercetin and provoked a stronger Testosterone response when consumed raw.
on the garlic, why wait 15 mins?
The fact Italians exist suggests this is bs
That's a whole lot of words to say you hate onions

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