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Every roider is compensating for something. Prove me wrong

>Protip:You cant.
Every roider is compensating for lack of strength and muscle. It's so sad.
Stop chasing girls and start chasing men
I agree but it's not necessarily bad to compensate for things. If you had a genetic shortcoming why wouldn't you try to increase your sexual capital by compensating in other ways?
Outdated concept. Low self-esteem is largely not related to external factors, you have the low self-esteem within you and then it chooses traits to latch onto.
dude got molested by a 40 year old polish truck driver at a club, so he became a 40 year old polish truck driver himself.
Yeah I compensated my no gainz into gainz. And the thing is even after one cycle I was able to maintain my weight (170-210lbs). I never gained weight prior to that.

Only thing I miss is the pump. Roid pump just is a 10/10 feeling.
Some men just have bigorexia, get over it OP.
And some men have gender dysmorphia. Get over it bigot.
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Not chasing anyone. It´s degrading.
Based. Fuck females
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They're called roidtrannies for a reason
Shut up, faggot
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This guy gives off serious sperg vibes. The fringe over the eyes in the before pic makes me think he wants to be some sort of anime villain or some shit
Gordon isn't really compensating for anything.
He uses PED's in a untested sport and is paid very well based upon his performances.
It's a justifiable use of PED's when its high paid athletes- it's not like some random insecure gym bro just shooting shit to be big and not monetize it in anyway
Correct. There is something wrong with you (mentally) if you cannot be happy with the best you can be naturally.
Why do you care?
>doable natural
Why start sub3pl8 bench you're gonna destroy your tendons.
A girl I'm dating told me that another guy I used to know who is now a roider confessed to her that he had a micropenis
From twink to Space Marine.
Usual case
You can say that about anyone who does anything to improve themselves. You’re not wrong but it’s not exactly a mindblowing argument.
Anything a human does could be considered an act of compensation or cope if you think about it.
>oh look he’s eating a sandwich, compensating for that lack of nutrition and coping with hunger Kek

everyone else is a sandwichcel except me
>taking steroids is the same as eating a sandwich
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In regards to the thread topic, yes
Maybe the sandwich is laced with steroids.
Are you that fat powerlifter?
He was also extremely psychotic in high school and now that he's a roidtranny with a microdick he's probably very dangerous to be around lol
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>Every roider is compensating for something
Yeah. First one to the grave
nattycucks exposed for blatant faggotry
There's another video of this guy circulating around with a few more before pictures and what I've taken away from it is that he was starting to go bald (as evident with the bangs) and decided to cope by going all in with being bald and jacked.
Twinkdeath IS real. Jesus fucking christ this is actually so sad. An angel lost their wings.

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