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/fit/ - Fitness

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Whats the point of lifting if you are going to piss your pants and embarrass yourself the moment someone wants to fight you?
Pic related walks around confidently, knowing full well that he could easily kill anyone around him in 500 different ways
How the fuck are you going to kill me when I kick a chair at your leg and start throwing shopping carts at you?
Youre not. You’re going to look on in disbelief as I batter you down and you do that retarded turtle jiujitsu stance on the floor with a bloody busted up shopping cart on your frame.

Unless you have a gun or 15 friends. You are fighting as children on a playground do.
>I just see red bro
I've been in over several fights in middle in high school plus my dad got me into karate very early, I've also memorized a variety of striking, wrestling, throwing and clinching moves from then except I'm alot taller and stronger now.
I respect your fighting spirit but I can just read this and know you have never been in a fight.
What's the point of fighting someone outside the gym when I can do it in an air conditioned place with padded mats where I know my partner is going to take care of me and not try to rip my dick off? I get much more technical rounds focusing on the part of the fight game I want to practice. If I wanted an intense match, I'd go into a competition, not waste all my hard earned skill and fitness on some rando who wants to gloat about his street record.
Easiest way to spot a person that knows fuck all at training is when they make a baseless claim that they would be able to use their environment to their advantage perfectly with no prior training. Go get a friend, tell them to stand a little bit away from you and then start walking towards you when they feel like it. Then kick a chair at them to stop them. What's your plan then you absolute fuckwit? Are you just going to pull an infinite amount of household items out of your ass and throw it at them? Stop watching spy movies and go to any legitimate martial arts gym and you will quickly realise just how fucked you are when you have no training and somebody that wants to hurt you decides to attack you. Or alternatively just be honest and say that you have no intention of ever getting into a violent altercation and if it happened a lot of factors would have had to go wrong to put you there. It's okay to have movie star fantasies where you are the hero, just be clear that it is a fantasy.
You retards. I got into many fights in highschool and the chair throw is the ultimate move.
I have also seen a homeless man escape two cops with a shopping cart and a rock.
Any maneuver of tactic you deploy will be off by hitting you with something bulky.

Trainingcels will cope because a basic everyday items render years of their lives completely useless.
I don’t need to win. I just need to outfox you for long enough to escape so I can assassinate you later and get 25 for premeditated.
But you know what, the day I’m out in banging your old lady over your grave.

It’s over. Training is a cool pastime. But as I said before.
If you don’t have a gun or 15 friends. Youre not fighting. You’re just doing higher stakes schoolyard clash.

In fact whoever instructs you in whatever you train in, ask them how easily a chair could be used to disrupt someone.

>I just see red bro
Trainingcels have this mentality when they believe they are going to charge through a chair. Take a chair leg to the temple and see how ready you are to fight. When your body actually takes some damage your will to fight evaporates.
You don’t get damage from martial arts. Not like getting struck with metal.

Metal >>> martial arts
You especially are retarded because anyone who lives in a remotely dangerous area has some kind of weapon on them.
I kick a trash can at you then draw a bead on you. You lost.
Extremely cringe
I'm a martial arts instructor and I've been doing martial arts for 31 years. I'm ex-Navy and Army, and went through their CQF courses. I also served in the special forces briefly. I've got master ranking in 9 schools, but I've trained in / been exposed to almost all other martial arts on the planet.

> What are the best martial arts for a woman to learn for self defense purposes? If she's going to have any chance against a male attacker, what kind of fighting gives her the best shot?
All the martial arts you will find around the world are focused on the male physique and capabilities, with very few exceptions. The only martial arts I've been exposed to with a female focus are traditional Japanese martial arts, especially Ninjutsu and Kunoichi focused styles. The issue is, you won't find these styles taught commercially because they also include heavy focus in poisons, assassination and seduction. I've been taught some of the techniques and they involve mostly using feminine wiles to drop the attackers guard and then use a force multiplier to stop / kill them.

The next best thing is possibly Judo (for balance), swimming (for endurance) and either wrestling / BJJ for submission, but there is a caveat. Judo is heavily standardised across the world. You can rarely go wrong with Judo if they are affiliated with their respective Olympic body. Swimming is just swimming. But BJJ / Wrestling can vary in quality. There are excellent BJJ clubs and then there are dogshit ones, and you as a novice can't really tell the difference. Amateur wrestling is a little bit better, but a lot of coaches range heavily in quality.

My ultimate advice is the best self-defence is to get functionally strong. Judo, swimming and kettlebells will put you above 99% of the population in terms of physical strength and endurance. I find my martial arts skills are overkill for real life self defence situations, so you don't need them either.
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Ex-military, probably a glownigger now. How many brown people did you kill for Israel?
It is true thoever. Martial tarts are beneath honor and deserve to lose unceremoniously.
>I'm ex-Navy and Army

Stopped reading there. I hope the ghosts of all the children you raped and killed haunt you until you take your own life
What in the fuck are you talking about now schizo
I could best anyone of any training level who is comparable to me in size and strength with only a chair, a shopping cart, and a rock.
nigga is obsessed with chairs holy shit
Let me kick a chair into your leg and we will see how combative you are afterword.
The math is easy:
>women you've fucked + houses you own + children you have + 1
So one confirmed kill.
I challenge you to a duel with a bar stool (the superior sitting/fighting furniture).
what happens when you run out of chairs? Or I can throw chairs at you faster and long enough to get near you?
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A force of nature, the chair. Four pillars of beat down.
I have more friends and we all have chairs. Now what?
>he moment someone wants to fight you?
this will never happen in my entire life because I am not a retard who goes out and gets into fights
Your friends will scatter like rats when they see a bar stool in motion. I'll take the lot of you yellow legged poofters on.
You gays are too precious. Muh brownoids muh chairs. Kek
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low self esteem cuck detected
i lift so i’m not a fat cunt. i dont care about fighting. if i have a problem with someone i’ll sleep with their crush/wife
>Whats the point of lifting
proper maintenance of my body with the least risk of injury, which is a priority for me given my history
I haven't started yet (physio first, and stabilizing at the new job zeroth)
It’s obvious you have never actually fought anyone outside of a gym.
IQ > training
It hurts to hear this.
It’s a joust then.
>went back to judo yesterday after ~15 years away
>throw up 5 mins into gripping drills
>throw up again on way home
>ladies pushing prams stop to ask if I'm alright
They were mirin my vomit volume
Used to do martial arts as a kid & teen but at a certain point, if you're not retarded, you realize that without a certain level of athleticism, your technique don't mean shit. Truly, weight classes exist for a reason, and you can produce a significantly greater threat by just being better conditioned. At another point, if you're not retarded, you realize most martial arts schools are rackets and even if they're good, the amount they charge is bullshit for what you get out of it. If you're not competeing, it simply isn't worth it. This doesn't mean martial arts is pointless to hobbyists & those interested in self-defense/martialism. However, there is a middle way.
>Martial Fitness
Drill what you can solo, maybe occasionally spar with family and friends if they're into it. Do conditioning for martial arts, like hojo undo or something similar. Study manuals extensively. There is so much you can learn by yourself. By far the greatest value of any martial arts school is having a business that does all the networking for sparring partners. I'm sorry but that's not worth paying hundreds of dollars a month for. If you're not a total fucking retard its easy enough to figure out martial arts from manuals and just practice with your own people.
>tl;dr: not worth paying for if not competeing/better value from lifting that serves same purpose/middle way is best
>How many brown people did you kill for Israel?
Since you're posting on here: Not enough.
T. Has never been hit with anything

Pretty funny to accuse others of having movie brain when you think youre going to kung fu your way out of danger
That's exactly why it will happen.
I enjoy training martial arts way more but I'm 6'1 175 and would like to bulk up to at least 185 shredded, but it's hard to find time/recovery when I already train so much. Weight is a huge multiplier no matter what martial arts fags say.
>ranged strength vs melee dex build

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