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I have spent 281 hours out of 1056 total hours in ketosis. And I have only lost 4 lbs. wtf. What was the point.

I want to lose weight fast but I have lost barely anything.

Should I start doing pushups and eating more protein as well as staying under a calorie limit to lose weight? I am very serious. I need to lose weight fast.

Change your mindset.

You aren't a failure. You just haven't won, yet. This is a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset.

All or nothing thinking is poison. Something is better than nothing.

Your life is built by habits. You don't climb a mountain in a single step. But in order to climb you must take the next step.

Focus on two or three habits that you know will get you moving in the right direction. Like logging at least one meal every day or going for a walk.

As the days pass and you keep your habits you will notice you're moving in the right direction. This will motivate you to push harder. Aim higher.

When you reach the top you'll look back and see how easy and effortless the journey was.

All you needed to do was be patient, build good habits, and start today.
Spirit science ahh pepe
>I want to lose weight fast
then fast. no keto, no omad, fasting. consume no calories for long periods, without compensating.
>Should I start doing pushups
do cardio

track your fucking calories, eat 500-1000 less than your tdee and expect to lose 1-2lbs per week respectively, don't try to rush it anymore than that. Yes it takes time but that's the price you pay for gaining it in the first place

>t. went from 265 to 150
so 20% of the time? that's nothing
btw, OMAD/IF helped me with my hunger management and consistency a lot, might be worth a shot ymmv
>I have spent 281 hours out of 1056 total hours in ketosis. And I have only lost 4 lbs. wtf.
ketofags BTFO
I appreciate this. The 4 lbs isn't too bad after reading it. Though still it sucks that I could have just been eating. I'm going to do pushups and track calories instead of starving myself now.
90% of weight loss is having a calorie deficit.

You create a calorie deficit by tracking your calories. Logging what you eat

10% of weight loss is walking. There was a study done in South Korea using retarded men who ate as much as they wanted and walked at least 20 minutes four times a week. All of them lost weight and gained muscle without dieting.

Another study on walking showed that people who walked for 5,000 steps a day reduced their risk of all cause mortality by half. Every thousand steps beyond 5k decreased the risk by about 10%, with maximum beneft at 11,000 steps a day.

Severe Calorie Restrictions and fad dieting doesn't work long term. 99% of people who lose weight with extreme diets gain it all back eventually.

Health is a result of lifestyle. Lifestyle os the product of habits. In order to build good habits you need to change your mindset to be growth not fixed, stop all or nothing thinking and replace it with "something is better than nothing.", and focus on two or three daily habits that are fundamental to your goals.

For example, I decided to log at least one meal per day and go for a walk every day.

I didn't count every calorie, but this one meal a day logging habit was easy to follow. It allowed me to make corrections to my diet. Somedays I tracked every calories. Others I didn't. But I learned to become more mindful and the results were immediate and motivating. I noticed I wasn't eating enough protein or fiber. I began to eat healthier. I noticed the days I failed to have a calorie deficit were days I ate junk food. So I stopped eating junk food and suddenly the weight was melting off.

Same with going for a walk. That habit became tracking my steps and gradually reaching 5k steps a day.

It isn't fast anon. Even if you decided to try fasting, it will still take time.

Be patient. Focus on building habits. And your momentum will carry you to your goals.
>There was a study done in South Korea using retarded men who ate as much as they wanted and walked at least 20 minutes four times a week. All of them lost weight and gained muscle without dieting.
Telling a bunch of gluttonous mutts who binge eat their feelings away to do this is a bad idea
Keep doing keto. Start lifting weights everyday. After your done run 6 miles everyday even if you’re sore. You’re welcome.

Verification not required
I'm not suggesting they eat like retards, anon.

I'm merely pointing out an often overlooked method of consistent weight loss. Going for a walk every day will build muscle and help people lose a pound a month according to the south korean walking study.
The retards also improved in every health metric just by walking. Strength. Muscle mass. Flexibility. Weight loss. Etc.

Don't ignore the benefits of walking. Every beginner can benefit from it.
You are essentially confirming that they shouldn't calorie restrict because walking is enough. Exercise is good. You won't lose weight without caloric restriction. This is not up for debate.

The reason most people will fail to lose weight long-term is because we live in a gluttonous, toxic culture filled with overstimulating, nutritionless junk on every street corner. Unhealthy, decadent foods are cheap and low-effort, and they're everywhere. This society rewards them for being gluttons. Fatties have fatty families who will try to drag them down for improving themselves like the scum they are. Fatties will be encouraged to indulge in moments of temptation, where they are 'supposed' to be weak>cave in>crocodile tears. Repeat ad infinum.

It's simply a fundamentally broken and sick society that caters towards those people and those people alone. The only reward you get from bettering yourself is yours and yours alone, nobody will share in it nor appreciate the sacrifice it took to achieve it.
You must have a problem with reading comprehension, anon. I'm advocating caloric restriction and exercise.

But have fun arguing with your hallucinations.
An embarrassingly low-IQ cop out of a response.
Want to take an IQ test together and see who's smarter, anon?
>Severe Calorie Restrictions and fad dieting doesn't work long term. 99% of people who lose weight with extreme diets gain it all back eventually.
>I didn't count every calorie
>I'm advocating caloric restriction and exercise.
inb4 you tell me "but I said "extreme"!!"

And don't talk about IQ when you can't write a single paragraph in proper English.
>The percentage of individuals who lose weight and successfully maintain the loss has been estimated to be as small as 1 to 3 percent (Andersen et al., 1988; Wadden et al., 1989).

>Among the conclusions from the study was the confirmation that prolonged semi-starvation produces significant increases in depression, hysteria and hypochondriasis as measured using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Indeed, most of the subjects experienced periods of severe emotional distress and depression.[1]:161

The rehab phase proved to be psychologically the hardest phase for most of the men with extreme effects including self-mutilation, where one subject, Sam Legg, amputated three fingers of his hand with an axe, though the subject was unsure if he had done so intentionally or accidentally.[8] Participants exhibited a preoccupation with food, both during the starvation period and the rehabilitation phase. Sexual interest was drastically reduced, and the volunteers showed signs of social withdrawal and isolation.[1]:123–124 The participants reported a decline in concentration, comprehension and judgment capabilities, although the standardized tests administered showed no actual signs of diminished capacity. There were marked declines in physiological processes indicative of decreases in each subject's basal metabolic rate (the energy required by the body in a state of rest), reflected in reduced body temperature, respiration and heart rate. Some of the subjects exhibited edema in their extremities, presumably due to decreased levels of plasma proteins given that the body's ability to construct key proteins like albumin is based on available energy sources.

Why are you posturing, anon? Let's take an IQ test together and see who's smarter.
Guess anon isn't as confident in his IQ as he pretends to be. Oh well.
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>minnesota starvation experiment
You are a disingenous fucking retard. That experiment had men who were already skinny as subjects and forced them to lose weight into actual underweight/anorexia territory, i.e. STARVATION. Using it as an argument when discussing fatties is absolutely pants on head retarded. Dumb fuck.
Reduce calories, increase protein and water, and train without excessive exhaustion.
For ref, my current routine (that brought me from 102kg to 85 kg in 9 months):
>During the week:
>breakfast: skyr or greek joghurt with (unsweetened) whey powder and small amount of rolled grains. Strong coffee
>lunch: veggies and two eggs or some cheese
>dinner: anything protein and fat heavy. Usually chilli or noodles with minced meat sauce. Only one plate.
>training: club swings with heavy clubs (8kg for me rn, moving up to 12kg soon) to exhaustion, farmers walk (watering my fields, actually) for approx 300m
>weekends (friday evening to sunday evening):
>breakfast: skyr / greek jogurt with whey, no grains this time
>no additonal food, but coffee around noon and in the afternoon to keep metabolism up
>10-15km fast hiking / rucking on one day
>club swings with lighter clubs (4 kg for me) to near exhaustion repeatedly during the other day
>cheat weekends:
>once every 3-4 weeks, eating whatever I feel like. Last one was Pizza, the one before that cake and pancakes

Probably not a perfect routine yet, but working far better than any other I've tried.
>The percentage of individuals who lose weight and successfully maintain the loss has been estimated to be as small as 1 to 3 percent (Andersen et al., 1988; Wadden et al., 1989).
/r/todayifoundout I am the 1%
Dude litterally stop eating fucking loser
If you go over your calorie limit you will gain weight. Why don't you retards ever get that? All carbs, no carbs, it doesn't matter. Consistency in over eating leads to weight increase.
Holy shit the autism on this board is astounding. Walk and don't eat over your TDEE. That's what that anon was suggesting.

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