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Found out I have kidney cancer.

36 year old male from Australia.

Have lost approx 17kg since end of January on purpose with a caloric deficit.

Had a bit of constipation a month ago, likely just due to the deficit but then went to emergency, was sent for ultrasound which found a mass on my left kidney.

Then a CT scan with the contrast, then a kidney biopsy (biopsy was fuckin shithousr) which found some sort of cancer.

Apparently chromophobe is one of the least aggressive cancers, if you could choose a cancer to get on your kidney it would be this.

Also complicated by the fact I have a tiny right kidney, so if there is complications and they need to pull the whole left kidney I may be fucked.

Had a renal nuclear scan 2 days ago, they injected me with a radioactive solution, then put me under a gamma camera 4 hours later to see how much of the solution each kidney had absorbed, to determine how much each kidney is doing, to see if id be able to get by with just one.

This seems to be an incidental find, I could have gone another 10 years without symptoms and without finding it.

Anyway, thanks for reading my blog.

If you have any health concerns you've been putting off getting checked out for a long time I recommend getting it checked out if at all possible.
Vaxx status?
very good question, my fellow schizo. Its well know that nobody ever got cancer before the vaxx.
You stupid fucking piece of shit idiot asshole retard.
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On the plus side the surgeon said I had a lot of muscle mass in my abdomen.

On the negative side he said that means there is fuck all room in there and hopefully he doesn't nick my spleen and have to take that out too.

Also won't be able to train for 12 weeks afterwards.

Wish me luck and if I die press F.
funny how they never state vaxx status, lmao!

start eating more mustard and chili foods as well as fermented foods like sauerkraut or kimchi if you like it.
>Its well know that nobody ever got cancer before the vaxx.
I know you're emotional for obvious reasons but he's clearly implying you're more likely to get cancer if you get jabbed.
Yeah unfortunately I had the 1st Pfizer then a booster.

But this cancer grows approx 5mm a year, and is currently 35-40mm, meaning I've likely had it for around 6 years.
>+muscle mass

wow, making it. congrats, bro. Godspeed on your small surgery and swift recovery
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Classic vaxx shedding rage
yup, you got it from the vaxx. take the vaxx face the axe!
Fasting Omad or just plain carnivore are the cancer obliteraters but you probably won’t believe that. But also it was likely the vax, sorry to say but it’s true.
>or just plain carnivore
What a bad joke.
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This always cracks me up, thank you.
Sucks to hear, Anon. My old man also had problems with chromophobe, but got away with only the cryosurgery, since his tumor was very small (under 2cm). With a 4 cm tumor, I think they'll remove at least a part of the kidney, but I hope it won't be necessary.
Best of luck, Anon.
Take your meds.
Good luck anon. That’s tough news.
Not quite OMAD but I have already been eating in a 4-6 hour window for the past 6 months.
I did carnivore for 3 months about a year ago.
How does a carnivore diet benefit having cancer?
Got ya.
Thank you, and no shit ay, glad to hear that for him.
I'd never heard of cryo for tumours.
He said if I was 70+ they would look at something like that so as to avoid cutting someone that age open and all the trauma involved, but with this I'm better off just getting it out.

I'm basically waiting for the results of the kidney function test now, will feel a lot better if I know that the small right one is at least picking up some of the work, so I'm gonna have renal failure should they fuck up and have to remove the whole left one.
im assuming not natty? if so was it worth it? KEK
>How does a carnivore diet benefit having cancer?
Well, it causes you to die of malnutrition, so it kills 100% of cancer cells.
Why would you assume that? Because of said weight loss?

100% natty.

Was 93kg at the start of January and decided I was sick of being a fattish fuck and have got down to 76kg.
Carnivore mimics fasting, fasting causes your body to go into a state called autophagy where your body has the ability to break down cancer cells because your insulin is so low. Lots of people on carnivore report their skin tags, moles, scars, etc fading away because of this same process. The other retard thinks it will make you starve to death but there are many long term carnivores. The snake diet guy who promotes fasting had a girl with a brain tumor and he put her on carnivore omad, the tumour went away and he had the mri scans to prove it.

But if you want you can kill yourself with chemo instead. Chemo and radiation destroy your health while MAYBE killing the cancer cells in the process.

That de wormer method seems promising too that the other anon linked to on twitter.
i'm not angry, just disappointed.
OP take Vermox. I think you can get it in Aussie. Take it 3 x 100mg per day for several weeks or few months then update us with another thread.
Also look into Chlorine Dioxide.
Chromophobe cancer is different, so not sure if the two above will help greatly or just a bit.
I have heard conflicting report of whether the autophagy coming from fasting works for cancer cells or not.

Either way, no chemo or radiation will be required for this cancer. Apparently it is highly unlikely to metastisize and just needs to be cut out and should hopefully be all good.

Main things to worry about are the nicking of the spleen when they remove it, or if they have to pull the whole kidney out due to bleeding or whatever, as I've got the tiny right one and then may have renal failure and need dialysis and/or a transplant.

Either way, thanks for the advice, it something I will look into.
Fasting, no sugar, and prayer. That radiation shit will kill you faster than the cancer.
Yeah the conflicting part comes from the kiked pharma industry who would much rather have people pay for the service of being carved into or chemically obliterated than have you do it yourself with a diet or cheap dog medicine. Autophagy absolutely does kill cancer cells. But again yours is likely vax related at the end of the day and your body took a beating by the millions of spike proteins your body will make forever so these things might not help you.
To add tho, the guy in that interview that the other anon linked to on twitter was triple vaxxed and the antiparisite dog meds cured his stage 4 colorectal cancer.
This nigger scared of colour lmao
This grows approx half a cm per year and is currently 3.5-4cm, so has likely been growing since before I was vaxxed

Thought you were talking about the black and white text at first.

Thanks for the laugh my bro. I'm gonna be stealing that joke and telling it as if I thought of it myself from now on.
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oi cunt can i have ur shit?
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I've only got a 2060 my bro. All the other shit in there's pretty decent, but vidya card needs an upgrade.
I've got a ps5 you can have.
I also have a power rack if somebody wants to claim that.
cry more little bitches. you're big mad about anyone asking that question because you're scared they really ARE relevant or what? even if it's 100% unrelated to op's specific development of cancer (or 0%), there's nothing wrong with asking for another dose of anonymous unconfirmable internet anecdote.

i wouldn't take generalizations about such things as fact. they are telling your their best guess that is reasonably safe to put forth in regards to the legality as well as from the perspective of insurance policies.


according to this, it seems like coffee may be good for you since kahweol acetate is present in unfiltered.

"Brewing releases oil droplets containing the two compounds from the ground coffee beans
(Ratnayake et al., 1993; cited by Urgert et al., 1995b). The highest concentration of these
constituents occurs in Scandinavian-style (cafestol: 7.2 mg/cup [cup = 150 mL]; kahweol: 7.2
mg/cup) and Turkish-style (cafestol: 5.3 mg/cup; kahweol: 5.4 mg/cup) boiled coffee, while
instant, drip-filtered, and percolated coffee brews contain negligible amounts. French press
coffee has an average cafestol content of 3.5 mg/cup and kahweol content of 4.4 mg/cup, while
espresso coffee has 1 mg/cup of each diterpene (Gross et al., 1997; Urgert et al., 1995b).
Regular and decaffeinated coffees also have similar diterpene contents."

two more weeks!
Good luck bro, sounds like it was caught before it progressed so ygmi
Shit, your path sounds similar to me.
Did you go get an ultrasound because of the constipation, or what?
> Random schizochart you don’t understand and couldn’t explain if asked
Oh no, it was… Le Vaxx!
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Thank god I didn't cuck to the depopulation jab.
I personally don't have any advice or information but I wish you the best anon.
Yeah mate. Felt like I hadn't taken a proper shit for 2 weeks, but in hindsight I think it was just due to aggressive deficit.

They originally suspected it was gallbladder related, so sent me for ultrasound.

While getting the ultrasound I joked to the technician that it must suck when they see something fucked but can't tell the patient and just have to refer it to a doctor.

Then 3 days later the hospital called and said we've found a mass in your kidney, you need this referral to the specialist clinic and to go get this CT scan.

What's your situation?
Thanks bro. You can have my ps5 if I die.
no chemo needed? then you're quite lucky.
Good luck OP. I think ygmi but you'll be in my thoughts & prayers regardless. Good job on the musclemass observation from the surgeon also.
Kill your surgeon if they damage your spleen
you'll be right OP
Just wondering op since I'm paranoid about cancer
did you not drink water? Did you drink a lot of alcohol? Where do you live (I'm an ausfag too)
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You got this bro
My old man died of renal cancer 3 years ago. Don't fuck around with cancer lad
stay shizo my friend please dont take your meds
based vaxx status inquisitor
>R kidney V small
Renallets btfo

Dibs on the power rack.

I work at Peter Mac, bring it with you on the day of the op and I'll have one of the nurses give you a handy in recovery [spoiler] probably Brad, that little homo [/spoiler].
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ey b0ss, i habe canser
>kidney cancer
Check out AHCC

Proven immune system modulator.
It has shown great benefit in directly modulating blood flow to the liver, which in turn influences all immune system processes.
It has been shown to "cure" cancer in a handful of patients who otherwise would have died in the 5 year window. Otherwise described as remission putting them into the 10-15 year window.
Liver+kidneys also have great synergy and benefitting one often times benefits the other.

>AHCC was used to treat immune resistant warts that did not go away in the usual 5 year period.
>More than remission, it modulated the immune system so much that it caused liver to greatly increase killer T cells
>completely eradicated the warts virus, not remission, eradication
>killer T cells are 100% necessary to fight cancer
>hints benefits with cancer treatment

I'm not shilling you something, it's going to cost. a fortune as one bottle of this shit is like 100+ dollars and you'll need to take mega dosages of like 4-6 pills.
However I highly suggest you actually look into this and seriously discuss the results with your doctor.

Once again this has been proven to raise Killer T cell activation, it's effectively caffeine for the liver, it puts it into overdrive.
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What a retarded deboonking. What you're saying is akin to
>There was transportation before the explosion engine therefore the explosion engine doesn't allow for enhanced transportation

Jabbie are you okay?
Damn you must really love memes
Imagine being so stupid and illiterate you base your worldview on memes
>surgeon said I had a lot of muscle mass
you're mired anon
Ironic since the only reason you're obsessed with the 2021 vaxx is that /pol/tards and qboomers told you that you're BASED for not getting vaxxed...
Hope you will prevail, anon.
do hardcore fasting, those cancer cells gonna die from it
chemo will destroy your body and greatly reduce lifespan
max dose moringa oleifera, research about it
goodluck anon
are you quoting normal cancer growth rates? the vax may or may not cause cancer, but it certainly massively accelerates its growth. inflammation and poor immune system are great for cancer growth
SVT with an ablation? Bro your heart is fucked. Vax tax
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Cancer is one of the greatest medical scams in human history.

The cancer scam works like this:
>get diagnosed with cancer
>physicians use that diagnostic to terrorize you into obeying them no matter what, under the threat of death
>following their terrorist medical advice, you are extorted into undertaking chemo-poisoning, and radio-poisoning, as well as crippling surgeries
>the chemo-poisoning (which they call a "therapy") slowly kills you, with a very low chance of survival.
>once you die by medical poisoning, your death is claimed to have been caused by the cancer
>if you survive a mere 4 years after the start of the treatment, you are counted as a "success" even though survival rates sharply drop at year 5.

Most people are too low IQ, and they have deference to authority as their default heuristic, so they just obey and get slaughtered by the millions with this scam. Like lambs to the slaughter.
All in all, most of these diseases that they keep scratching their heads and pretending not to know how to cure are a big business. Without them, trillions of dollars in revenue and GDP would be lost.

Cancer is not even a disease. It's a natural mechanism of the body to get rid of extremely toxic dead cells that can't be removed by the other conventional ways.
Cancer cells are actually working really hard trying to save your life, by collecting these toxic dead cells in tumors, where they may later try to dissolve them, if the conditions are right.
Cancer is caused by toxicity killing millions of cells, and lack of raw animal fat to deal with it.

Aajonus Vonderplanitz already proved decades ago that most diseases, including "incurable" and "chronic" diseases, are ridiculously easy to cure and prevent. That's why he suffered multiple assassination attempts.
If you really want the truth about cancer, just read about it in his books. There are many other doctors that agree with him, some of which have been excommunicated from the medical profession.
I don't care if you believe me, or if you think this is the most retarded thing you've ever read.

You have been warned. Whatever happens to you it's your fault.
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Why did you get vaxxed OP?
>Lots of people on carnivore report their skin tags, moles, scars, etc fading away because of this same process
How long does it take to notice this? Willing to try if it's less than a month.

I have never seen many "welp... turns out i gave cancer" threads across 4chan and I've been here since 2007.

Vaxxies are you okay?
OP flush yourself with high antioxidant teas daily
and electrolyte drinks as sugarless as possible (I'm thinking bone broth with added electrolyte concentrate solution from Iherb called 40000 Volts).

Flush your kidneys with EGCG matcha green teas, rich dark high antioxidant coffee, pure cocoa powder and herbal teas like rosemary, thyme and dandelion teas, upwards of 2.5L a day, then replenish between each 500ml drink with electrolytes in a cup of bone broth 200ml.

You might be able to help locally reduce the free radicals and spread with those antioxidant flushes. don't forget to get your vitamins in too.
>The snake diet guy who promotes fasting had a girl with a brain tumor and he put her on carnivore omad, the tumour went away and he had the mri scans to prove it.
Saw that story on his Instagram. Here's the screencap.
I don't know anyone with a vaccine injury or mysterious illness, but I know several who have had long term effects from COVID, beginning before there was a vaccine. One guy has the lungs of an old man because of it. Another never regained their sense of taste.
Antioxidants are antioxidants for cancer cells as well.
They might help prevent cancer if they prevent DNA damage, but if you already have cancer then they help the cancer to survive and grow.
This won't cure cancer but it supports the body in a gentle and highly nourishing way that's often missing in western diets. The formula is called Si Wu Tang, and it's usually made as a soup. American and asian ginseng will help too. The idea is to support your immune system so it starts working properly again.
Maxxed confirmed.
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Almost no one between the ages of like 10 and 60 got cancer when I was younger unless they were massive smokers, drinkers, or bathing in radiation. It would have been considered a news worthy tragedy if someone got cancer in their teens, 20s, 30s, etc. and lived a healthy lifestyle. Now everyone and you know it's everyone because it's celebrities as well, just toppling over from cancer in their like 40s and shit and presumably with reasonable lifestyles.

Humphrey Bogart comes to mind as a guy who drank and smoked like a chimney and he died from cancer at 57. When someone lives that sort of lifestyle, it's not entirely unexpected, but even then still pretty rare. Now? You get people that are training for marathons getting lung cancer in their 40s. And the propaganda machine is churning like nothing I've seen before.

It reminds me of the propaganda you see for Joe Biden.
>Oh he's fine...He's cognitively as healthy as an 18 year old chess player! I saw him doing cart wheels...The videos are edited...
Only in this case it's
>Wellllll actually cancer rates skyrocketing is a good thing because it means people are living longer than ever and our detection methods are better than ever, everything is better than ever! haha!

But that neglects the fact it's not people in their 90s getting cancer, life expectancy is declining, and better detection methods are meaningless since insurance generally doesn't cover them and therefore everyone is still getting either a finger up the ass, a mammogram, or waiting for the cancer to become symptomatic. There's something extremely fucking evil going on in the U.S. Maybe it's the vaxx. Maybe the vaxx is cover for something even worse.
Fuark I'm sorry to hear that bro
>If you have any health concerns you've been putting off getting checked out for a long time I recommend getting it checked out if at all possible.
How exactly do you screen for all these things?
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>Carnivore mimics fasting,
No it doesnt. Its far too high in protein.
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lol no kidding
>w cpnstipation
>all Nornal
Is this who we entrust our lives to?
Elaborate on the radiation.
Always been a bit worried about that.
What about chemo/immuno?
Get well soon brah lucky you found out fast enough
Do you live in US or Canada?
In spic land they immediately share the results to the patient when they’re ready, and often the specialist narrates what they are doing and you know right then and there if there’s anything suspicious
>What a bad joke.
you are a worthless retard.
>How does a carnivore diet benefit having cancer?
do yourself the favour and look up the works of this researcher. Dr. Thomas Seyfried. In short cancerous cells share one common property and that is they ferment to generate energy which is a very inefficient way to process glucose(discovered by Otta Warburg a good 100 years ago). without glucose and in a low insulin environment cancer cells will not survive and cannot use ketones either. Seyfried determined a ratio of ketones to glucose at which cancer cells begin to die off. what it boils down to is keeping blood glucose at very low levels and carnivore/keto/fasting etc do exactly that. Since you are fit and not insulin resistant (hopefully) you should have an easier time dealing with your tumor as well. put in some time and at least read the research. there are other studies suggesting the same effect for fasting as well. There are a few presentations done by Seyfried you can find online if you are not willing to go through the papers.
good thing you found it now, godspeed Anon.
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Godspeed anon, you will make it. Everything will be alright.
Good luck, hoping you a swift recovery.
Hopefully you get your procedure scheduled ASAP and don't die waiting like you would here in canada, because Pajeet imported his illegal grandparents on tourist visas who get to skip the line because they are brown and bog down the entire system that we whites have paid a lifetime of taxes for.
>muscle mass
>not much room
You made it
Nah, he's Australian. We have the exact same problem with chinks and jeets as you guys but for now thehealthcare system still works.
My neighbour went from presenting to his GP with some diarrhoea to getting operated on in about a week.

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