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anybody else sick of hearing about "natty" this and "roids" that?

If you're gonna take em, shoot up and shut up.
If you're not, good for you, now zip it pal.

>if you inject them you get bigger durr but it's cheating

everyone knows this already
I pick hope and lifting.
Gutsanon is on gear tho
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admitting that you think your natty limit can not compete with that
oof pal
Weird way to evade the question, there’s nothing wrong with trt just be real
trt practically is entirely different than taking steroids since it boosts a hypogonadal into a natty
I mog gutsanon and I’m natty
TRT doses are very often higher than natural.
Injecting testosterone is taking gear, whether your doctor prescribed it to you or not.
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The only gear I'm on is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
You look dyel as Fuck
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I still listen to dubstep, it's better than steroids.
I wouldn't say so but at least you know how to put on a shirt
You either on gear or got elite genetics. And you also get pissed off when people remind you physical attributes like height and body composition are largely influenced by genetics. While fitness can improve one's physique, some traits are simply out of your control.

And I say this as a guy whose in shape, not incel, not blackpilled etc. You just cannot lift and solve all your problems and expect the average dude to look like you easily etc.

Sometimes people are only saying something for your own good and so others can have realistic goals and workout for reasons other than impressing people or getting laid.

I assume you are a younger guy so still learning about life. But its ok to say lifting wont fix every problem every guy has without you getting angry.
He achieved this in 2.5 years, and he’s 5’10 and not dickskin ahredded. What’s not realistic about this?
I’m genuinely asking too, if he claimed like 6 months sure but I don’t understand the doubt
I never implied anything of the sort anon. My point was that anyone can start lifting regardless of their starting point, and that anyone can achieve a decent physique and numbers. I never claimed that lifting will fix your life problems and I've deliberately avoided women or relationship "advice". As for genetics, I can't make that conversation either because genetics are such a crapshoot, especially with anonymous posters on the chan of all places. You'll just never know what you're capable of until you try, by which point you'll already be better off than when you started. Except if you fall for SS + GOMAD lel. Thanks to lifting I've had some genuinely amazing experiences, and I don't want anyone else to miss out on those experiences. And most of it is thanks to (old) /fit/, that's why I still post here. Not to fight le heckin blackpill
It's important as a preface when someone is recommending something same as knowing if they have those 3%er athlete genes and they're marketing it with their body. Because they could be doing almost anything and have it work. While the rest if the population should stick to more conventional and proven training modalities. So it's never not going come up unless people start being honest about it (they won't) but it's usually apparent to people who have done it or have achieved a lot without it. But it's not apparent to novices and idiots who take all this advice from tiktok, instagram and youtube personalities without knowing this vital piece of context. You can see in even supposedly expert people like Istrael where they've been on gear so long they've lost all context for what a natty can even realistically benefit from.
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I was posting in hope to not let someone else's physique deter you from giving it your all. He might be on trt I don't even know, never heard that he was till now. But that doesn't mean you can't strive for greatness and accept who you are in the moment. Overall I think you are jumping the gun on trying to read my character somewhat. picrel is my physique, just trying to put my childhood obesity firmly in the past at my own pace.
man fuck thinking about genetics, just keep pushing on. It's called keeping up with the Jetsons, and it obliterates your mental health. If you have improved and aren't quitting that's all that matters at the end of the day
joneses not Jetsons, my b
>He might be on trt
I'm not and never will be unless I get my balls chopped off in a helicopter freak accident. It's just /fit/s the latest cope. Your progress is visible and your mind's on the right place, keep it up boyo
“Genetics” is the biggest cope, even pearanon got decently lean at some point and he arguably had the worst genetics on here
If you haven’t lifted for at least 2+ years the. You don’t get to cry juhnetics
Guts I don’t mean this in a shade way at all but why do you continue coming here after making it years ago?
Don’t you get tired arguing with noobs accusing you of roids and blackpillers?
Just curious boyo, no h8
I'm not saying you should evaluate your own genetics it's pointless you can't change them. I'm saying that someone with uncommonly good genetics can make gains on routines that would not work for many other people and that can warp their perspective and recommendations.
but no body posted, hmm curious...
appreciate that, I only seem to get hate on this board
Honestly, no idea anon. Thread quality has significantly worsened in the last two years. The locker room feel of it is gone too. Still I try to seek out the threads with legitimate discussion or anons seeking legitimate advice. It's good that an anon screencaped the skinnyfat guide since I can't post in every single skinnyfat thread. Still, anonymity and posting shit online is nice
Don't get tunnel vision anon, the internet is real life but real life is not the internet
this but nightcore amvs
Oh I’m fat as shit, 240 at 5’8. I just wanted to bully him
based honest anon
>Post body as a natty
>"lmao dyel"
>Post body as a juicer
>"is this body achievable natty?"
You're telling me it isn't a good idea for the average lifter to go for 1rm bench, squat and deadlift 6 days a week?
nu /fit/ is retarded, more news at 11
old fit was also retarded
Yeah but at least they lifted instead of coming here to tell you why you shouldn't lift
This, 100% this. No one on fit really cared back in the day, nkw every zillenial is so jealous and envious of everyone else, and follows cults of online persinalities, they hate anyone who seemingly does something that negates or steps other their 'hardwork' and must bring them down, like some kind of competition.

They believe life is a game and you must gave 'x' career and 'x' physique to obtain 'x' partner and so on. People just used to do what they wanted and didn't care what others did. I'm a nattyfag at 5'9 and lifting 12 years with a shit physique, I have stoll had gfs and casual sex and I don't feel like I am 'cheated' out of some kind of game because someone does roids to get a better physique; in no way does it affect me and I don't give a fuck.
Looks natty enough, don't care desu tho.
So? Who said lifting was to solve all 'problems'? I used to get butthurt that I was shorter than BOTH my parents and my sister, as a male ffs, now I don't give a single shit that I am 5'9" and shorter than my own mother and sister lol
>pic related
Me at my peak after 11 years lifting
>ou just cannot lift and solve all your problems
lifting doesn't solve any problems other than being physically untrained
Depends on what your personality is and how sociable you are
>don’t care desu
Cared enough to respond apparently, shitskin
>11 years for this
I’d kill someone
You know what I’m 5’9 and I don’t think gym is gonna solve all my issues maybe genetics have some-
White pillars:
REEEE Stfuuu ! I know a 5’3 Mexican who slays! Demoralizer! Jew! Stfu troll!
It’s exhausting at this point.
Genetics >> hard work
Face/frame/height >>> gym
>trying to portray blackpillers as chill
They aren’t, (mostly) but the autistic screeching done by whitepillers in here when you even dare mention you think genetics might affect your success in lifting puts them to shame
I'm sick of the keyboard warriors on this board in general. Bunch of losers who's only defining trait is the belief system they've picked, be it veganism, doomerism, or a cult of personality like the Baltic cuck or the tranny fucking schizo
I am (70%+/-) white
Why? I have the best physique of all my friends, anyone in my workplace and girls I fucked loved it, Iook athletic and strong, what more would one want?
But there are short ugly dudes who get laid amd have wives and kids, you just go outside and the majority adult population with kids are fat guys under 6ft, whether in USA, UK, France or Mexico.
I am 50% Indian, I was projecting sorry >>74609920
Thwre are outliers for practically everything. Occasionally I see a retard solve a math equation, doesn’t mean it occurs frequently

FWIW I am not a demoralizer, I just think these threads are a bit disengenous towards people with genuine issues like being sub5 , very short like me (171cm)
Post body
The new trend is claiming roids “help you work harder” but don’t actually do anything on their own.

A guy on Anavar can expect to make gains 5x - 10x faster than that exact same guy natty. Let’s say 6x on the low side. That means his 2 months in the gym are equivalent to A YEAR IN THE GYM for a natty.

Exact same guy, height, weight, diet, training, etc.

Now do you honestly believe Person A is working 6x as hard as the SAME GUY was just a week ago in the gym? You grind it out for 5 years natty, you push your limits every session. Then you pop a pill, show up, and put in 6x the effort? You are doing the exact same routine, how could it possibly be 6x harder? It’s retarded.

It’s like if I was running, and the guy beside me was running on one of those conveyor belt walkways they have at the airport. Is that guy pushing 6x harder, or is he getting assistance? Obviously the latter.

If you’re going to failure on all your exercises the rate of perceived exertion is going to be the same, I would say since roids make working out feel better it’s slightly easier if anything.

Wouldn’t a natty doing more sessions per pound of muscle gained be working harder? Each pound was forged with more work than the roider.
It is not an outlier though, the majority of people in any country, bar a few european ones, are all under 6ft and especially in the 30+ demographic, and the majority of them still had kids, got married or got laid. The majority of USA adult male population is 5'9, especially for older demographics, and they're the ones who had more sex and more kids.
I am 5'9, I went to a festival 2 years ago and was the shortest of a 6 guy group, and I had slightly more body fat that in this pic >>74609598 - I still was the one to pull the hot chick of the girl group we hung with and got laid, and met up with her afterwards. If height or having a non-perfect physique was so important, how did I manage it? By being social and putting myself out there, learning how to talk to women and navigate social situations etc.
It doesn't scale like that, no experiment done has proven that.
Who fucking cares anyway, do you really get butthurt when you see a roider and think 'huurduur, not fair, he didn't work for his gains!!' >:( like, who gives a fuck, he probably looks retarded, is retarded and has tiny shriveled up balls from it. It's his life, if he wants to do roids then sure, go ahead, it's no skin off my nose.
I’m enhanced doe
You are right but so are they. What they really mean is that most people who go on gear will have dogshit results and only see minor improvements. But obviously gear is still amazing. It’s just an overreaction against retards who think that they could look like a fitness model if they took steroids- in which case they have to be pretty fucking retarded to not use because the sides are massively overblown
Why do you fucking retards keep posting this shit? Male height peaked in the 80s for birth year even among whites in every single developed nation. I’m 6’3 and I never felt especially tall around my friends but that doesn’t make it any less true. Why can’t you fucking retards understand that anecdotes don’t disprove epidemiological data? Gen Z has been scientifically measured as inferior in every single metric the only reason this insanity persists is because of retards having their minds obliterated by social media and the internet.
can't i be both?
Ok, so what's your excuse for not getting laid?
>I am (70%+/-) white

not really
Of course it's an indian
>this is the fat retard accusing everyone with slight muscle definition of being on roids in CBT
No dude, youre just a fucking loser. You look terrible and probably dont try that hard. You cant accept that fact so you cope by thinking people who are better than you must be cheating.
roidtrannies are the ones trying to force their extremely unhealthy practices down everyone's throats though
also this >>74608178
it was funny to pretend he was natty before, but his avatarfagging is already old and tired
it is about time to stop pretending he is natty
it's time to stop being retarded anon
roiders are trannies but I have infinitely more respect for them than someone who complains about being small.
Imagine wanting to be big af but staying natty because of some sense of superiority
untrue, literally never said someone was on roads in cbt, go find another lolcow, sure Kam is still in the thread. Also post timestamped body
Lifting won't make you taller
It's strange. Roid reasonably and you get a physique that's very impressive because it still registers as within the realm of possibility, but at the cost of roiding for this comments. Leave humanity behind and you'll look like a bloated subhuman
Coping hard he still mogs the natty lifting for 12 years kek
Why is it strange? Obviously it doesn't matter what you do this site will shit on you for it
>You just cannot lift and solve all your problems and expect the average dude to look like you easily etc.
Potential can only be assessed in retrospect. You'll never know what you're capable of until you try. So many people just don't even try. Their genetic weakness isn't their physique, their genetic weakness is their inability to muster a will to change their lives.

>But its ok to say lifting wont fix every problem every guy has without you getting angry.
It'd be retarded to think that, BUT physical pursuits like sports, martial arts, and weight training are so transformative to our character's that they provide us the tools to fix just about any problem in our lives. Busting through soul-crushing plateaus after a deep analyses of your training methods and diet really puts hair on your chest and improves your problem solving abilities. For me, getting fit was way more difficult than getting a college degree.
literally just keep doing what you're doing and in a few years you'll be a new man
he will be the same man, now just with better body
Why would you not?
>he will be the same man, now just with better body
incorrect, the process itself and the way you're treated afterwards changes the fuck out of you.
it really doesn't, that just means the problem was all in your head before and you could change that regardless of the body you're in
>that just means the problem was all in your head before and you could change that regardless of the body you're in

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