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I'll probably get banned for saying this, but these people really piss me off. They take off their shirts and sweat everywhere without wiping anything down or racking their weights. They lift light weights with bad form, scream, grunt, and slam them down with full force. They give you mean looks, which is why I flinched at a guy tonight and later flipped him off. They leave dirty rags everywhere, usually smell bad, and make the whole gym stink. They blast music on their phones or through Bluetooth speakers. It's incredibly annoying, and I hate going there because of it. They just really annoy me.

Am I gonna get banned from the gym for getting pissed at these individuals? The gym I go too is pro homosexual I noticed and has trans and gay flags up and ads for drag queen events.

But it is the only 24/7 spot in town and I work late in the evenings.

I know if I complain they will see the footage and accuse me of being against these types of people and I am yes but these reasons are part of that.

I dont care that some hairy guy can crush a pineapple with his bicep and wrestle.

Theres a few of em on roids who are acne ridden and ego lift but I am still handsomer and stronger.
You seem to be confusing Sikhs (bros) with jeets (disgusting)
let me guess u live in Canada? yeah theres a bunch. their population is going to keep going up but the rate is already slowing down.
Heres one example they used all these dumbbells and piled them all over the goddamn floor and didnt rerack them. Just take a gander and see the 95 lbs squats? Yea they did quarter reps. The other bench was used for their coats.
>Sikhs (bros) with jeets (disgusting)
They both go there and do the same shit this time it was Sikhs. Nobody who isnt straight, white and a biological man is my bro. Deal with it. Only honorary bro status I extend is on a rare individual basis. But I can respect some Muslim cultures and Asian cultures. The Vedic civilization was not the same as modern India.
Subtle India hate thread
And in general here no one is my fucking bro because most people are ZOGbot NPCs.
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Yeah, I hate canadians too.
they sound like turks and arabs in Europe
It's natural to dislike different races.
Even animals do it, only humans are too stupid to accept it.
shut up jeet, they're both smelly, rude fuckers and I know you're not Canadian or Australian because you have this opinion.
Yeah sorry I still dont want you in my country
Good one. I kek'd.
I think (((Canadians))) make the perfect golem thats why there are swarms of them in Canada.
I know but I also dislike most people, rainbow people, women, handsome tall guys and rich guys. Black people think I am cool though so I am on good terms with them. Usually we like the same stuff I find ie fat asses, weed, rap music, working out etc
>The gym I go too is pro homosexual
Gay bros are cool with me
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Ok but what do you think about... jews?
Gay men have a history of trying to groom me sexually. And backstabbing me to cockblock me with women. I do not really care too much what they do but women always wanna promote homosexuality and this gym is female owned. It is like the black guys say, women always talking about they cant find a man but they out there promoting gays and hanging out with gay men. Most black guys aint with that gay shit. So why should white men be the gayest race now?
I do not consider myself a Nazi or racist or white supremacist. My only belief is in getting rich, getting jacked and getting laid. These types of people have been doing this regularly for a year now I noticed at this gym. And no Jewish guy is coming in and not re racking his weights.
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>model your behavior after animals
Retard take
I’m Indian but you wouldn’t guess
I don’t live in Canada
I don’t eat ethnic foods
I talk normal
When will it be enough for you all to leave me alone?
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I'm from Canada and they both literally smell the exact same. Absolutely disgusting BO smell and I can't tell if they legit can't smell it themselves or they are just so inconsiderate that they don't care that they stink.
Nobody is picking on you, but I am sorry I made you feel that way. It is very annoying when people do not follow good gym equiette. And again they tend to be from your part of the world. I know you do not pick your country, genetics, family etc so I cannot hate someone based on that alone. People tend to stereotype and it is very frustrating to other people on both ends when good manners in public are not observed. I understand if you take offense to this. There is gym policies to have good hygiene and respect for the equipment and others there. And mostly only assholes go in general as they dont seem to enforce anything.
>without wiping anything down
What gym in Canada are you going to where this is a thing? I go to Lifetime which is considered an "upscale" location and nobody wipes shit down regardless of race/gender.
This is unironically the nicest way someone’s reacted to me being Indian in my 5 years on this site anon
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Sikhs are the most pathetic of jeets because they think they're different to the extent that they want a different country.
You are quite pathetic for not walking up to them and telling them to clean it up instead of taking a photo and seething on 4chan. Any “man” not man enough to confront jeets is almost at their level of genetic dead end-ry.
>I know but I also dislike most people, rainbow people, women, handsome tall guys and rich guys. Black people think I am cool though so I am on good terms with them. Usually we like the same stuff I find ie fat asses, weed, rap music, working out etc
You sound nonwhite

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