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/fit/ - Fitness

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Are adjustable dumbbells (up to 100lbs each) and a bench enough to build a good physique?
why not?
If you'll also do pull-ups, dips, leg raises, decline push-ups, crunches/sit-ups, the answer is yes
If you mean you wanna use that and only that, the answer is also yes
Someone on reddit said that you need barbell movements to grow
There are some examples like RDLs where barbells can be more advantageous, since you can move more weight and target the muscle better, but it really doesn't fucking matter, weights like that would be fine. I will say, you probably want to get an extra set of handles because swapping weights mid set is annoying
>barbell movements to grow
That's retarded, you can grow with just a heavy enough rock. Dumbells are not gonna cut it for lower body movements though because of the weight, but a good physique does not require good legs
Progressive overload + adequate recovery (eating/sleeping enough) is all there is to building muscle
Add to that list: A pull up bar (door mounted or portable), a pair of gymnastic rings, a backpack that can handle the weight of at least 1 of those Dumbbells, a quick "DIY monkey feet" look up on YouTube, and maybe 2 chairs for dipping and you're good
>a good physique does not require good legs
all strength and athleticism comes from the legs
DB are great for all the upper movements. The problem is you can't deadlift and squat them.
Yeah I guess you can do 200lb deadlifts but who fucking cares? And 100lb goblet squat is basically cardio. You miss a lot of development skipping legs
Bulgarian split squats and lunges can take you far though, right?
>Dumbells are not gonna cut it for lower body movements though because of the weigh

Imagine not doing Bulgarian split squats or one-legged hip thrusts
And one-leg/split-stance RDLs. And sissy squats or hatfield pistol squats with a backpack. And good mornings with a backpack. And belt squats with a dip belt and 2 chairs. And isolations with DIY monkey feet.
Ain't much but they can get you VERY far before you need something heavier or switch to explosive work.
100lbs is plenty for dumbbells, the weight works differently from a barbell if you know what I mean. Like 200lbs total on dumbbell bench is a lot more impressive than 200lbs on barbell bench

You do realistically need more equipment though, what were you planning on doing for your back? Or legs, if you care about them. There's really only so much you can get done with dumbbells, and I guarantee you'll get bored of always doing the same shit
Barbells just make you big bloated and bulky, dumbbells are better for getting lean and toned up. Dumbbells will get you a body like Sylvester Stallone or Jean Claude Van Damme while barbells will make you look like Brian Shaw or Eddie hall
You can always ramp up the intensity to 11 with you DB’s if you wanna do leg work. The best way to overload them is to figure out how to use only one leg. Bars are easier because you can quickly overload the legs with weight. I usually go for a crazy pump by doing reps of 2/3’s a movement with a deep stretch and then back to the full movement. That would be on rep, the pump from your leg muscles is insane.
But if I want weight, I have a getto pipe from home depot with a thick chain and a “plate carrier” to put bags of hardened quick-crete on. Each bag is ~60lbs
Whatever you do, you aren't overloading your torso musculature like you would with a barbell squat.
And it's annoying to have to do unilateral shit all of the time.
>Goalpost moved to torso all of a sudden
Lemme guess, you're one of those people who believe that you're gonna get a 6-packs from bracing
at least 2 of those are bilateral. Try again.
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Don't do dumbbell presses on a bench. Having your arms go behind the plane of your back is the fastest way to get a shoulder injury, and it's even easier to get one with dumbbells compared to a bar because they're even less stable.
Ditch the bench and do exercises lying on the floor.

Scooby has a bunch of videos on home workouts you can do at home with only some adjustable dumbbells, a pull-up bar and an EZ curl bar.
Do Scooby's beginner full-body workout three times a week until you can easily do 10 pullups and 20 pushups for three sets each with good form. If you're a DYEL or overweight this will likely take you a few months.
All you need for this is a set of adjustable dumbbells ($50-100, for the goblet squats), a pull-up bar (get a cheap $20 doorframe mounted one if you don't want to drill holes in your wall), and perhaps some pushups grips ($15) to make the pushups easier on your wrists.

Once you're strong enough to easily do the beginner workout with good form, move on to the intermediate program (push, pull, legs)

Also go vegan and free Palestine
if you get yourself to a place where you can ohp 100lb dumb bells you will 100% have a good physique.
what if youre obese though
obese people use barbells
le roid sodomite with plastic pecs gave advice

it is worth nothing, obviously
walk until u r human weight imbecile
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>dumbbell bench press
>lateral raises
>dumbbell OHP
>reverse flys
>single arm rows
>calf raises
>goblet squats
>bulgarian split squats
>hammer curls
>french press
So according to reddit all of these lifts are useless and won't make you grow at all. Interesting.
Those are cement weights right? How are they compared to rubber coated weights
I'm stuck with horrible triceps. How the fuck do I get big tris with only dbs? t. Only dumbbells at home
French press cuh
>The problem is you can't deadlift and squat them
You can squat just at more limited weights, and while it's not 100% the same stiff leg deadlifts are real. It's fine for someone starting out.

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