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Let's say you successfully restrain some crook in your house with marital arts. How the fuck are you going to call the police? Is the common strategy to just juke them out right before they die, and then rush to you phone to call 911? Is there a time limit for how long you should choke someone out, or are there signs that you've been doing it too much?

My specific scenario is a scammer that comes into your house to fix something up, but actually a bubba job or breaks it further without telling you about it, and has the audacity to chare you several hundreds of dollars for it. I've read my state's law, TN, and I am allowed to detain the person in my house until police arrive. I just don't want to kill him or cause any serious bodily harm that wouldn't be considered acceptable in court.

Also, I plan on buying an oxygen tank with a proper face mask (an oxygen concentrator) to prevent anemia so the fucker doesn't die while restraining him. Hopefully, I've given him quite the beating, and he won't scam anyone again. Having a second person in the household would greatly help. I fucking hate tradesmen, contractors, and especially landlords. Even Adam Smith despised landlords. However, since the law allows it, if I ever save enough money to buy multiple properties, I might just become a landlord myself, but only because it's so profitable with minimal effort.
>calling the police
If I just called someone to fix my HVAC system, and they didn't do shit and fucked it up further, and I live in an apartment complex, I can't just fucking kill the guy. There's also phone records and all sorts of other shit.

This is why I fucking hate trades men, contractors, and landlords. Those are some of slimiest motherfuckers on this planet. They're the reason I try to DIY everything, even when I fuck up and have to pay hundreds of dollars to fix the shit up.
Also, I can fix and uninstall and reinstall all sorts of shit, but this is an apartment, so I don't get that luxury of freedom. Maybe a bit less than a decade now when I can actually afford a household.
>Let's say you successfully restrain some crook in your house with marital arts.
i double-dare you to call my wife a crook again, you punk
My keyboard has gotten really fucked up. It was a little fucked up, but I'm a bit poor, so I put up with it for a year to a year and a half, but it's gotten really fucked up now, so I ordered a new one yesterday: a K100 with Cherry MX Speed switches.
>Also, I plan on buying an oxygen tank with a proper face mask (an oxygen concentrator) to prevent anemia so the fucker doesn't die while restraining him.

It’s gonna look so much worse when the cops come and you’ve got this guy duct taped to a chair with an oxygen mask on like the jigsaw killer. Why not throw a gimp mask on him while you’re at it?

The real answer is to beat him unconscious and claim he assaulted/misgendered you
Just shoot him for the benefit of society. Simple as.
>It’s gonna look so much worse when the cops come and you’ve got this guy duct taped to a chair with an oxygen mask on like the jigsaw killer.
No the won't. It could also save a stupid teenager's life. If I have a second person, then one person could keep the none-rebreather mask on while I hold him upright to the best of my ability until police come. The police would announce their presence, I may tell them to yell that they're they're there to let the crook know that the police are RIGHT THERE, and then I would rush to the door to get them inside. With an oxygen tank and none-rebreather tank, there really shouldn't be an issue, and he should gain back full consciousness pretty quickly. The treatment wouldn't really need to last very long, and we would be holding him down, it it's jus be, I would be doing jiu-jitsu bullshit until he gave up. From now on. I am going to maintain a habit of locking doors from the inside to make it more difficult for crooks to escape. I regularly do HIIT, so I'd slam as fast as I could the motherfucker against the wall and pin him to the ground.

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