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Discuss methods and tips to combat insomnia , the ultimate gains killer.
I havent slept for 36 hours yet I'm so exhausted and wired at the same time. My heart rate is nuts
Fuck this shit
I wish I knew what I could have done to fix mine but
>abused melatonin for a couple years
>started taking less and less until I was just biting small chunks off a 5mg/mcg tablet less than 1 mg/MCG (I forget how it’s measured)
>started skipping it, was rough at first, would take it every other night
>stopped taking entirely and no longer need it, sleeping at about 930 waking at around 4 now no issues and finally feel like I slept properly again
Other than that I’ve been outside more and gotten more active walking a few miles each day cleaned diet up, but none of those had an effect on my sleep in the past. Idk if anything I mentioned could help you but this is what I had to do. I used to either not sleep at all or I would sleep for over 10 hours but feel like I didn’t sleep anyways. Melatonin was the only thing that helped and I had to try different brands and forms to get one that worked, it used to make it so I would sleep 7 hours and occasionally be able to wake up no problems, then if entirely stopped working and made me oversleep so I started to quit and now I’m here
>the witching hour 3-4 am where people with depression tend to wake up and then ruminate about their depression and feel even more lonely, depressed, and can’t get back to sleep
Yeah I know about insomnia
>Get sunlight into your eyes first thing in the morning. Ideally, watch the sunrise.
>Also watch the sunset, if possible. Your body will adjust to the cycles of the sun and you will be tired at night and alert during the day, as it should be.
>Get sunlight onto your skin and exercise during the day
>All the usual recommendations about avoiding bright lights at night, keeping your room dark, quiet, and cool, etc.
>If possible, exercise early in the morning. The cortisol spike from exercising will help you wake up. We get a natural cortisol spike from viewing bright light first thing in the morning, so this synergizes very well.
>Warm up your body just before bedtime, either by layering up or by taking a warm bath/shower. This will, counterintuitively, create a compensatory cooling effect of your core body temperature, preparing you for sleep. Your core body temperature is supposed to increase to its peak around midday and decrease to its nadir in the middle of the night. Body temperature and light are the main cues your body uses to tell what time of day it is.
>Apigenin can help you fall asleep, though I wouldn't take them every night. Better used to spur a change in sleep schedule - every drug builds up a tolerance. Magnesium can help, as well, likely because most people are magnesium deficient.
Weed. But, I'm also about to quit so this should be fun..
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Have you tried lying on your bed, closing your eyes and just relaxing?
Yes, it's torture honestly
what is usually do is put on long(at least 30min)youtube videos, either essay slop, or gameplay videos of someone detailing everything they do, but it can't be too interesting or i will be too focused on listening and wont be able to sleep or too boring because then it wont distract me from my thoughts, it has to be just vaguely interesting enough, ASMR work too.
ASMR haircut spa day
you cannot rest if there are monsters nearby
I haven't thought about it in years, but when I was a kid it would regularly take me hours (I think, I wasn't timing it) of laying in bed to fall asleep. I don't know when or why it stopped happening, but wow I'm so thankful it did, that was awful. Core memory unlocked.
Anyway I still have sleep problems out the ass but I usually fall asleep fine now, it's just getting good quality sleep is basically impossible. I'd say once every few months I wake up and think "wow I slept really well".

I find that at about 18 hours of being awake I get tired, 24 hours I feel fine, and around 32ish hours I'm passing out in my chair. Shit's weird yo

I have received this "advice" by so many people throughout my life that I don't know if this post is unironic or joking about the people who say that
>I don't know if this post is unironic or joking about the people who say that
I was quoting this scene as a joke.>>74611203
shit I'm autistic
Also I was too young to understand this show when it was airing, but that's good stuff
I genuinely don't enjoy sleeping. I've learned to get about 5-6hrs of sleep to still function and it works for me. I stay up late and get up early for work.
Pretty sure I have a 26-28hr body clock.
Fuck off Andrew
His advice is correct, whether it offends you or not, random no-name faggot.
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Just accept that you have UARS or Sleep Apnea, and get a fucking CPAP machine. Buy cheap as fuck nasal strips while you wait for machine/doctor. And then use machine while you queue for airway surgery.

That is
Unless you are drinking 1600-2500mg of coffin a day, which in point you are bricking sleep via stimulant abuse.
Most of the advice posted in this thread is going to be 100% copium, outside of maybe magnesium depletion.
Wouldnt wish this shit on my worst enemy
Wouldn't this be the case for people having low quality sleep as opposed to people who can't fall asleep?
Start going to bed when the sun goes down. 8-9pm. Stop using screens 1-2hrs before this time.
Workout in the mornings.
Thats it.
stuff I've tried:

vitamin D

Nothing fixed my insomnia. Oddly, when I started taking vitamin D, my insomnia went away for a few days, then came back. I can't figure out why that would be.

I used to take mirtazapine, but it stopped working. (btw mirtazapine withdrawal is terrible.)
>Start going to bed when the sun goes down. 8-9pm.
Like a 7yr old? No thanks
>Like a 7yr old?
No, like all of our ancestors throughout millions of years of evolution. Do you want to be "cool" or do you want to be healthy?
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I just embraced it. I started staying out late and going to the club all night. It's fun.
Its not about being "cool". I don't get tired until 11p or midnight.
white people are nocturnal
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I can't fucking sleep bros
God damn why do we have to have this thread every fucking day now.
I swear I have to copypasta this shit.

You have NREM sleep and REM sleep.
You have three stages of NREM sleep and one stage of REM sleep for every cycle.
In order
Glycine is mandatory for entering sleep, everyone shills melatonin, but the majority of sleep issues are caused by us not eating enough collagen anymore.
Glycine lowers core temperature and puts the body into a pseudo coma. This is why we go into sleep.
Glycine is also necessary to make glutathione (remember this).
NREM sleep is where your brain and body actually rest, it's absolutely mandatory for you to eat or supplement collagen. We do not make enough glycine to support joint/tendon/antioxidant/sleep health, We simply do not do it, there is a reason why sleep issues and tendon pain are the first things to develop when you're collagen deficient.
REM sleep requires melatonin, however the easiest way to fix melatonin deficiency is by fucking supplementing collagen again.
Since melatonin is an antioxidant, if you are low on antioxidants the body will utilize it for non sleep purposes. Enter Glutathione and Vitamin C.
REM sleep is where your brain temporarily wakes up to check all systems that aren't automated. It stimulates hormones that require neurological activation of various organs.
This is why brain activity and eye movement go crazy during REM stages.

Afterwords we cycle back to NREM stage 1 and the process continues.
If you do not have enough antioxidants, you cannot make melatonin and if you do not have enough collagen you cannot maintain REM or NREM sleep effectively.

Stop taking melatonin supplements, just fucking stop it. Odds are you are either not falling asleep in the first place or you are waking up during NREM sleep.
Melatonin will not help.
You have a shit diet and you need more collagen.
>Just accept that you have UARS or Sleep Apnea, and get a fucking CPAP machine. Buy cheap as fuck nasal strips while you wait for machine/doctor. And then use machine while you queue for airway surgery.


ex-lifetime insomniac. You all have UARS and narrow nasal apertures. Orthodontics is the beginning of the rabbit hole, good luck. I cured it with MARPE and double jaw surgery
How the fuck do you faggots have insomnia? Just fucking close your eyes and go to bed
When I was
a young man
my father
took me into the city
Alright anons. Insomnia has followed me my whole life but I've recently been having success against it, so I feel obliged to share how.
My situation before:
>1-4 hours to fall asleep every night
>Sometimes only manage to get 1-2 hours of sleep in a night
>No obvious reason for this
>Anxiety around not falling asleep made this a lot worse
Have patience, it took me 2 years to improve my sleep to where it is now. You probably have a set of lifelong habits or issues. So no quick hack is going to reliably fix anything. Let yourself take it easy when you're underslept.

You probably have some degree of sleep anxiety. We can start widdling this down using sleep window compression: Say you lay in bed 2 hours then manage to sleep 6 before you wake up at 8 for work or whatever. Get the amount you sleep, 6, add 30 minutes, and go to bed that amount of time before you have to wake up. So 1:30. You should get the same amount of sleep but without having to lie there building up anxiety. Once that's stable you can start expanding the time you give yourself to sleep in 30 minute increments. Don't worry if your sleep falls apart as you expand the time frame, just keep resetting and trying.

If laying in bed waiting to sleep causes sleep anxiety, just get up and do something until you feel tired. Yes, even game, I had to do that at the start. Pay attention to what else causes your sleep anxiety and work out how to prevent itt.

Cut caffeine down to little or none. It makes you have to get up to pee in the night more. Lets you ignore your tiredness and sleep issues (bad in the long run) and lets you stim yourself out of whatever mental issues you have (also bad in the long run). Same goes for alcohol and probably weed. And I'll go out on a limb and say porn probably isn't helping either you coomers.

Try to avoid any strong sleep supplements. Docylamine and melatonin both helped me fall or stay asleep but I never got a healthy sleep and always felt crap the next day. And you develop a tolerance or at least a habit. They're also letting you just mask your problems.

Sleep at the same time or at least close to the same time every day, this has a noticable difference. Gaming to 3am on weekends always fucked my sleep for days.

Make changes in your life to accomodate more sleep.
>Got new blinds put in to stop sunlight from waking me in the morning
>Try to get outside every day during the day to get some light in your eyes
>Eat a normal amount of food and don't eat like shit (I'm still testing this to see how it effects my sleep)

Now, if your sleep starts to improve, you might discover as I did, that when you're well rested and no longer high on being underslept, or caffeine/weed/alcoohol, mental issues and rumination can surface and fuck your sleep all over again. In this case keep up the habits but work on actually fixing your mental state. Probably see a good psych if you can afford one, but for me I've made some progress by:
>Long night walks without headphones that give me space to think
>Reading psychology books and watching youtube videos related to whatever issue is on hand
>I started putting on some music and journaling if I had an issue front and centre.
A deeper understanding on your mental health issues can reveal what to do about them. Better mental health leads to better sleep.

If doing all of this doesn't fix your sleep, it should at least open your mind to seeing how things are working so you can figure out what your own problems are and what the solutions might be.
Is it still insomnia if I can sleep if I want to but just don't want to? I have this underlying fear that when I sleep and wake up I'm a completely different person.
Not all of us but I'm pretty damn sure I am. I solved the problem by just working a night shift job.
Nothing cool happens during mornings anyway sleep through them
Then you're not starting your day early enough. Getting 16 hours of activity and fatigue will guarantee you sleep at any time you want.
Can I eat gelatin to get my glycine?
You can reset your sleep schedule to be anything you want. Just get up earlier and get sunlight/bright light.
Intredasting. How much collagen do you recommend supplementing? I already supplement it, but my sleep is still pretty terrible.
Does magnesium citrate work for bad sleep?
So I take collagen or glycine?
Because they are in the end one and the same anon.
You go to bed
You relax
You let go completely
Time drifts

The brain has problems with gauging your CO2 balance per breath, as left and right won't correctly cycle dominant nostril for sensory purposes. Body tries to lower pulse and breath, but it can't because then it won't inhale enough, and nostrils restrict exhale.
And because your airways are too fucking narrow, pulse won't go down correctly: Body temperature won't go down correctly, heart is beating too fast, the body is having a masked panic reaction to being unable to draw proper breaths at resting pulse... and boom insomnia.
And it keeps on going.
I'd like to know too. If collagen is 30% glycine, why take collagen? But then glycine can be turned in glucose then to ATP. I have sleep problems and tendonitis. Which one is it for me?
The between the lines answer is that you take glycine as a sleeping drug, AND vitamin C if melatonin at 1/4mg isn't kicking enough.

The more blatant answer is that with a less shit diet, you would suffer a lot less. Because there would be a source acting as a precursor.
Even if its "Common examples of foods that contain gelatin are gelatin desserts, trifles, aspic"
However, its more likely that after you added a meal of Aspic or 10% gelatin candy a week, you are back to >>74614035 >>74611660
Because you still got congested narrow airways.
Gives me the shits

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