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/fit/ - Fitness

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fitness speaking
Making it is when you don't care about making it anymore
>Running faster than 50% of the people in your age bracket.
>Lifting heavier than 50% of the people in your age bracket

It's a pretty low bar for me.
It's when you attain lasting fulfillment and are content with what you've got.
This. I'm big and strong enough that I hardly think about the weights I use because I don't feel any need to impress people anymore. For me, that looks like 2pl8 bench and +45 lb pull ups both for 10.
I mean "low bar" is a soft way to put it. I think you greatly overestimate the average person.
Your concept of "making it" is basically "don't be obese and maybe spend one or two months in a gym".

If you actually lift, aspire to be in the top 10-20% of the population at least. Still not a high bar, but at least then you're elevating your aspirations above the complete dregs of society.
I mean age bracket of other runners and other lifters.
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this, 1/2/3/4 isn't a qualifier for making it, it's just a decent benchmark for when you can expect to have made it. If you're obsessed with it still by then, it's over.
I want to qualify and run the big 6 World Marathon Majors.

I want to run a sub 2:00 half marathon with my mom before she gets too old.
You clearly care
Get into a street fight with a guy taller/heavier than me and killing him in righteous self defense
I mean I care in the sense that I'm proud of my lifts and I'll tell my other gym buddies about them. Obviously making progress is still meaningful to me. What I meant when I say I don't care is that I no longer get self-conscious about looking like I belong or know what I'm doing. I don't think I look weak because I'm not curling "enough," I don't worry that people are judging me for having "incorrect" form that I know works for me, and I don't think I'm above using machines. I know I'm strong and I know I look good so I just don't think about that stuff anymore.
I’m in my 40’s now. I lift regularly and visit /fit/ daily. Making it was never an option.
when people ask for your help moving or picking up heavy things.
And by this metric I've already made it, gained about 10 lbs of muscle in my first year (I think this is a terrible rate from what I've heard here)
though I pretty much trained for 6 months and then significantly fell out of rhythm (going to the gym once a week instead of 5 times like before)
I'm more fit and attractive than nearly all other men my age, which is a low bar (late millennial).
Not coming to this place anymore
If you truly made it, then you wouldn't need or want to come here.
Post self
For me "making it," fitness-wise, is just being fit enough that you look big in clothes and look decently fit in a swimsuit. Looking super lean without a shirt on will usually mean you look like a twink in clothes, or you have to be autistic about your diet which is no fun. Looking huge in clothes means you'll probably look at least a bit fat without a shirt, or again you'll have to be autistic about your diet.

Looking like picrel is the goal honestly. He is clearly enjoying a healthy (but slightly fun) diet and exercising. Probably has a few beers and a cheeseburger meal or two throughout the week. Being autistic about diet and exercise is usually pretty cringe unless you are an actual bodybuilder or strength athlete.

Most people find a "thing" or two that they enjoy doing and become associated with, and unless you're a bodybuilder surrounded by other bodybuilders and/or athletes, having your "thing" be the gym will make you that "kinda big weirdo that won't eat fun stuff with your friend group" and you will most likely get made fun of behind your back.
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oops, picrel
For me I stopped lifting and made more money.
I am never going to make it. Once my goals are met, I will simply find something else to work on and repeat the process until I die.
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I get military discounts at the airport even though I'm not in the military.
Been avin a bit of a think an I've decided what I'd be appy wiv.

I wanna roon 5k in unda 20
I wanna do 20 pull-ups in one set
I wanna do 10 reps of db bench @ 45 kg (100 lb) each db
I wanna do 10 reps of Bulgarian Splits with 100 kg (220lb) total load

Then I think I will finally be completely content.
Being fit enough that wife lusts over me. Just once I want to know what it's like to be sexually desired.
2/3/4.5/6 for reps at 200lbs
Work 3-4 days a week in a job that makes okay money and a positive impact on the community.
Loving wife and son.
Brain tumour at 65. Climb a mountain and kill self at the top in the snow. I love snow.

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