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What has been the highest ROI on your self improvement journey?
The real answer is; leaving 4chan
I enjoy life more because I'm confident when I go out and it lets me talk to people who are mostly out of shape/shorter than me. No fears.
healthier food, healthier sleep schedule, meditation, zim wiki with the journal plugin, getting away from my shit environment or having my housemates gone for 2 weeks to kickstart the series of tasks that culminated in me getting a job (including volunteering and my ex offering me to join her on a meetup)
I'm just getting started
Deleting all my social medias. No more spending hours looking at people who I don't give a fuck about and they don't give a fuck about me either.
social life
The highest ROI in the self improvement journey has been overcoming shyness or general not caring (introversion) and practicing socialization in every situation I possibly can.

Success with people is the key to happiness.

Working out is important.
Health is important.
Diet is important
Sleep is important.
Looks are important.

They all pale in comparison to successful social relationships and the confidence to navigate any situation.
Better sleep quality; improved sleep routine; disregarding women; and generally being content with my shit.
she does porn now , it's kino

Mia Sand
Penis pump.
I went from starving skeleton to DYEL to Greek statue Adonis God of Eros to fat oblong oversized construction worker. Thanks, Mark Rippetoe.
Couldnt find her
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I cannot afford to live like Gigachad anymore. The diet is too high maintenance. My face went from sculpted perfection to bloated blobfish.
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Then how are (You) still posting?
no videos tho. only shitty "artistic" photos
3-5 day water fasts
Biggest vagina I’ve ever seen
A couple of the big ones:
>Buying cheap kettlebells and adjustable dumbbells
I'm busy and have a chaotic schedule so sometimes don't have the time to go to my gym and get a regular workout. These plus calisthenics make fitting workouts into my schedule much easier.
>Stop drinking regular soda
Dropped 35 lbs without trying, ezpz. If you really need soda, force yourself to drink diet for a month. By the end you'll prefer it to regular.
>Homemade frozen burritos
Perfect for portioning, can make a wide variety, cheap, and easy to make in bulk.
Eating less food.
buying a full body mirror and putting it somewhere where I'd see it all the time.
If I could go back 20 years and give myself only a single piece of advice, it'd be to always having a full-body mirror around.
Bathroom mirrors are only good for women doing makeup.
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>shorter than me
death to biggers
making friends with girls and not trying to fuck them
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the less respect I have for women and the more respect I have for men the more I want to get shredded so that I can change this gay hell into something better
How much did your willy grow
Realizing I'm happier alone and women aren't worth the time, effort, or money to date. Hookups or short flings are easy enough, but I don't want to meet some cunts family or friends.

On that note, also realizing I had undiagnosed autism my entire life. You cannot out lift or out-look autism. 10 face, but most of the time I feel like fucking shit around people regardless of my extensive sexual history and getting mires and direct compliments from random women. I'm legitimately happier on days I don't see or hear other people.
Getting a girlfriend, planning a life with her
doing the opposite of what you retards say
Don't kiss me
Studying my natal birth chart
>Being a manipulative liberal white woman
ACTUALLY pushing myself. I noticed i was starting to just spin my wheels and not really improving shit or at least super slowly. This year I've really started pushing to get to a few milestones for myself and it's been a game changer. Older 'heavy,' weight that use to be mediocre in weight now feels light which throws me off still.
Be careful lad

Don't rely too much on her
Why does this british lady look like Sydney Sweeney
Community college science classes and studying hard and getting a's
This. I was shy growing up and rejected so many girls and opportunities just out of habit. I was the definition of a volcel, training at the gym since age 16, tall, decent looks, smart yet socially inept and not capitalising on opportunities (and girls who were clearly interested in hindsight). Moving away from home and to a big city to study changed my personality to the core, because I realized that my life was slipping away and I had to change. I met my wife after a few months there, and I feel like I can talk to anyone now. It's a shame I wasn't this confident growing up but I guess everything happens for a reason
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Realistically, it's over. Nothing I do or say will impact my life, I lost the moment my growth plates fused and made me 5'6. l have an unremarkable face and a manlet so I am basically on par with child rapists on the social totem. Before I've even opened my mouth people already hate me just for existing, I'm expected to become some incredibly interesting, charismatic, funny, unique person because being this height is so bad it rids me of any sexual attraction from women and any respect from men. I could cure cancer and no one would give a shit because I'm 5'6. In the end of the day, my only option is to commit suicide or live a miserable life of humiliation and isolation, but I'm not allowed to get bitter about it. No, nobody deserves anything that's entitlement.
5'6" is tiny, but have you ever thought of being a bottom for some guy who's much taller?
I’m not gay and being a bottom would absolutely ruin any level of social standing I may ever have in this life. There is no reason to bottom, I gain nothing
the average white female height in the US is 5'5. Note, "average": about half are shorter than that. Your height doesn't restrict your marriage pool appreciably when compared to the slow civilization-ending crisis coming down around us.
Your social standing would improve with me
All women are chadsexual and want 6ft+ Chad only
Nothing helps.
yes, women's sexual liberation is one of those slow crises, but if you were taller all you'd get is easier access to worthless pussy. If you just want a coom, then suicidal depression is already an appropriate state for you. If you want the kind of wives and families that your ancestors could look forward to, your height is immaterial.
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>Hair transplant
>Avoiding buccinatory hypertrophy
>Not aging myself with gym
Move to an Asian country already
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this and writing/journaling, id say writing has probably had the biggest ROI out of anything, id write down what i started, for example a diet and if a failed that diet after lets say a week id write down why i thought it failed and what i can do to improve it or if its just not the right diet for me and i should switch to something else, its literal self reflection but writing it down has worked wonders for me
How the fuck do you guys get women to accept that? I deleted my socials about 5 or 6 years ago and when women find out I don't have any they look at me like I said I'm a serial cannibal.
find better women.
That's not how a semicolon is used
well funny thing is my gf likes the fact i dont have any socials, neither does she, so it works but i know what you mean, when i was talking to a girl i gave her my number and texted via whatsapp she asked me several times why i dont have socials even after explaining and she thought it/i was weird so i blocked her so pretty much what this anon said >>74615215
>How the fuck do you guys get women to accept that?
This is cope. First of all, who even cares what women think about it? If there's other things they like about you (and there should be if you're doing it right) they won't care.
Secondly, in the last few years I've met quite a few girls (all zoomettes before you answer "boomer cope", all hot) who didn't use social media. Two of them don't have it at all, one of them has an empty profile and doesn't actually use it for anything. If anything they were the ones asking me why I bothered using it.

TL;DR version: meet better women then.
Deleting social media is a cope. It's like the easiest way to present you have your shit together.
where am i supposed to go on the internet? nowhere else is good anymore.
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I posted this in the last thread with this image, but the single biggest thing was joining the rugby club in college. I had no idea if I was big enough but turns out I was, there's a position for every body type/speed/strength. Really liking beer/having a good time was more important.

Joining instantly gave me a fun ass sport, a giant social network, access to parties/keggers and with it a ton more interactions with women, finally growing some balls to ask them out/make out/fuck 'em. My mind became battle hardened from tough games. I started lifting and running with team.

My confidence in my sports skills, women, and ultimately myself absolutely skyrocketed from playing this sport. I directly attribute this to me having an awesome life now at age 40. I gradually grew no fear to ask out the girl, to take the stretch job I might get fired from, to take on huge projects like renovating a house or run a marathon or enroll in grad school. Those tasks are hard, but I've done harder or seen similar ones before.

Even if you suck and just ride the bench, you'll get better with time and hopefully earn a starting spot as people graduate out. It's still fun either way.

There are mens clubs that you'll gain some of the benefits but they aren't quite the same as college where nobody is married/has jobs/responsibilities/dozens college cuties want to come to your house to party and know every Saturday night in the season there's a party.

I played football and basketball in high school, neither good enough to play in college, but most schools have a team, especially large public ones. Those sports seemed to translate well into rugby. But we had plenty from others like soccer or whatever. Or no sports.

Pic related, me in the back left of scrum at 8-man.
Those are not women you want to be with. Those are NPCs. Their opinions should matter no more to you than any random character in a video game.
I'm going to; poop cum
regularly microdosing LSD, because it gave me a genuine desire to do lots of other things that have meaningfully improved my life
more conventionally, fixing my diet and caring about cardio at all have been great
6.3 in to 8.4 in.
back to rebbit
I stopped listening to anyone who wasn't a working professional in the field of fitness and started paying a coach for a programs and dietary guides. Frankly I learned that if the advice is free, it's probably dogshit. Yes, that includes all of your advice, yes (You), the person reading this. Your advice is dogshit and you should stop poisoning the world with it.
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Doing boxing when I was a teenager. Used to be generally scared of people and socially anxious. Used to not talk because I didn't want to be judged and made a laughing stock for whatever my opinions were or something stupid I might say. Very socially isolated.

A friend of my sister's lived up the road and did fight stuff all the time. She put in a good word for me and I started showing up. Only did boxing, nothing else. Got really good at it. Like, really really good. Would regularly do backyard matches with adults who were supposed to be tough guys. Talked big game. Did one with an NFL athlete once. One dude was like 7'0" tall and super obese. Never lost. Felt really good.

Confidence spilled over into everything else. Became kind of arrogant and annoying, but being extraverted and confident is better than intentionally isolating yourself, socially speaking. Started to talk to people and put myself out there in general. Got my highschool gf shortly after that. The confidence has never left me, knowing that in a stand up fist fight I can beat up pretty much anyone in society assuming that they haven't trained, even if they are much taller, heavier, or fitter than me.

More wary and cautious these days as a grown adult because people may or may not have trained and you can't tell from just looking, but still feel generally very safe all the time still. Carry weapons for more surety. Very respectful of everyone. Not a good target for someone to engage.

Chick was a psycho bitch, but got sexual experience from it and now I'm generally confident with women, but don't date because all of my experiences with women have sucked ass for one reason or another. Still magnetically attractive to women if they talk to me for longer than 10 seconds and get to know me. Ugly as sin, but they still dig it. Males haven't really messed with me since then. They can sense the confidence and assume I know something that they don't. Fighting is the best thing you can do
>Even if you suck and just ride the bench, you'll get better with time and hopefully earn a starting spot as people graduate out. It's still fun either way.
When I tried to get into team sports at the high school level, the bench riders were treated with abject disdain bordering on outright hostility. I had not been involved in athletics prior to that so I was coming from behind, and although I got better and totally transformed my body I never quite caught up to my peers. I was never accepted socially by the team and neither were the other bench riders. I wish I had known there were less toxic sports environments out there, because I avoided sports in college on the assumption it would be more of the same.
see you tomorrow faggot

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