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>moved down to GA from New England
>there are only fat, tattooed horse and dog women here
I didn’t know how good I had it up there
>He fell for the Southern girl meme

they're all fat out of shape trash down South
I moved to the midwest from california and I know exactly how you feel. At least Im like an 8 here when I was a 5 in LA
I really did fall for it
Kek. What made you move? For me it was a cheap house and how bad could it be?
Moved from the end of the NYC inner ring suburbs to Exurban CLE and got the same exact thing. Also I wasn’t short in NY but am short here
Be honest with me, Ameribros, which state has the best chicks? I'd imagine Alaska, since there's fuckall civilization and fast food isn't very accessible
Lmao what? Anywhere outside of the Bay area/Denver/Los Angeles area(s) or NYC/New England/Long Island/Upstate NY you should assume, and you would be mostly correct, that 100% of the people you see will be out of shape unless they clearly workout recreationally. 80% of Americans are less educated Whites and shitskins that ABHOR being skinny. Even when I was bulkmaxxing at 180/77 kilos people here in the MID-worst thought I was “lean”.
Montana hands down
Definitely NOT the arctic (if Alaska is anything like northern canada). No one wants to live in the arctic except to work for fat paychecks, as a result there is one girl for every 10 dudes. The few half-decent attractive girls literally have multiple boyfriends who all aware of each other, they literally share one girl and it's all out in the open like it's a normal thing.
I lasted 1.5 years before returning to normal civilization, as bad as it is, the arctic is 100x worse.
Alaskans are all fucking wierdos, with all the good and bad that implies. It's about cities, women that are competitive in the dating marketplace either move to the cities or get snapped up at home, leaivng rural areas full of people that are either alreaday wifed up and the leftovers. Every girl from my home town (very rural NC) that stayed is a fat moron, every interesting/ hot girl moved on to something else.
Reminds me of that substack that was going around of some alt-right dude that moved out to the midwest to be around working class, white salt of the earth people and realized he prefered more dynamic diverse life in the cities, all the good dating prospects were already married and wanted more classically masculine men, and they coudn't stand a terminally online wierdo from Miami
alt right dude from Miami? So a Modern Orthodox Jew that is 5”6 and whose parents are lawyers?
oh and if he had the inclinations to write all this down he was never getting bitches anyway
>some faggot new yorker moves to atlanta
>pisses and moans in his faggy NOO-YOAHK accent about how Georgia isn't anything like his state
>refuses to go back

Just fuck off already. The god damn katrina refugees are bad enough. I don't need anymore of you yankee fucks down here shitting up my state
accurate desu
Go hang near a college campus you'll find good looking white women
>New Yorker moves to Atlanta
>average IQ of the city increases by double digits
Colorado Utah
Non Americans don't get that the culture differences between states hasn't been a big deal in decades. Texas is full of liberal soi fags in places like Austin and upstate New York has hillbilly maga retards. The biggest cultural differences in America are rural vs suburban vs urban.
just go to anywhere with upper middle class whites
Statistically Colorado has the least amount of obese people. The south, including Texas and the Midwest are particularly obese. Certain Cities like LA and Miami have a good amount of young fit people because they have a big beach culture and social media/influencer scene.

It’s funny that OP says he moved from New England to the south and it’s even worse in the south. I live in New England and there are fat people everywhere, I can’t imagine how bad it is down there for him to notice a difference.
I hear the northeast has short obese soprano looking italians with big fruity lips
I also the hear the south has obese inbred anglo rednecks riding walmart scooters
I also hear the south has obese inbred anglo bong rednecks riding walmart scooters
The south has obese black women with big fruity lips
What state? I was in Massachusetts near Boston
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Here's a handy guide
anywhere down south near the border, florida, arizona, cali, NM if you like spanish cut booties
California has to be higher on the obesity charts
All i see are fat mexican people in socal
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>gommunism makes you thin

Well I never!
In my experience California and Colorado.
Can someone fucking wack this guy.
Its not the South, its anywhere that isn't a major urban center. I live in rural Pennsylvania, all of the women graduate high school and immediately become 250 pounds and get shitty bicep and thigh tattoos of flowers
I hate fat people more than I hate communists. It isn't even particularly close.
There are fat mxicans everywhere now
The state with the best women is probably Texas.
>2nd largest population
>largest continental state
>lots of economic growth
My 2nd guess would be Arizona because there's a ton of rich fucks there. In my personal experience I live closer to Philadelphia, PA and there's good looking women in and around Philly, in NYC and most of NJ has good looking women but they are like the Fiends from New Vegas

hot chicks don't live in places where there is no nightlife and only average paying jobs.
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Are all the pretty ones taken and the women left over are as you described?
I feel bad for le feeesh. Why don't they just fucking kill it, put it out of its misery? Sick cunts.

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