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How can I become more disciplined?
Start by skipping breakfast and making your bed every day
How about we skip breakfast and I make your day
Join the army
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I would Grundy her Alley if you know what I mean...
100% this is the girl who will fuck all your friends and (possibly) threaten to kill herself of you decide to break up after.
I would work hard in clearance if you catch my drift...
She's constantly picking up men in bars—a real alley cat
I think this girl is cute, I hope she has a meaningful relationship with someone who cares about her.
>How can I become more disciplined?

1. Get Organised (GTD by David Allen I recommend)
2. Split tasks into their smallest parts
3. Delegate whenever possible
4. Plan Ahead
5. Habit stacking. (I never worry about getting cardio in because I cycle to work)
Just tried to make the bed but my mom said she has to wash the sheets. Went to wash them but she said leave it I’ll do it. How else can I get discipline?
She doesn't want you to grow. She fears you will leave her.
Temptation bundling is also very powerful, even moreso in combination with habit stacking. E.g.,
>I never miss a workout because I get to stop for coffee on the way to the gym
Yeah no doubt my parents are the biggest life-gains goblins. Good thing they are moving out again in a few months
Don't focus on discipline too much.
All I have in my life is discipline. I never drank alcohol, never smoked, zero drugs or pills of any kind ever, don't eat sugar or fast food, don't have any social media, eat extremely clean, workout religiously constant never missing a single workout and have American Psycho tier cleaning routines for both myself and my apartment, not a single speck of dirt on any pore of my body or in my apartment ever. Sleep 8 hours straight every single night in the same exact timeframe in the same exact bed for years now.

All of this is a major reason why I'm a near 30 year old kissless virgin
No, you have inflexibility in your routines and have let them rule your life.

Discipline is a tool, not a rule. It should be used dynamically to help you achieve your goals. If you make your life rigid and remove all agency from yourself by blindly following rules you've missed the point entirely.

Discipline isn't being a shut-in so you never do or try anything dangerous.
By definition you have to be "inflexible" in your routines in one way or another if you want to be disciplined in anything.

But in general you are completely right though, I am aware that I became a slave of my routines long ago
Something no one seems to understand is that discipline is a trainable trait. Even people who seem to naturally have it trained it, they trained it starting from a younger age they didn’t wake up one day able to accomplish a bunch and have immense self control with certain shit. They trained it over their life. You can train it too.
Start here:
>Make lists
Every night before bed lost off what you want/need to accomplish the next day. Then in the morning make the first thing you do be to rewrite that list. Pen and paper only. Scratch off each thing when you complete them. Not just a checkmark actually put lines through it to denote that it’s done and you accomplished it.
Make the very first thing on these lists something you will do even if it’s not written down, such as taking a morning piss and shit. This is your free space to get the ball rolling. Scratch this off as soon as it’s done. It should give some dopamine so you get more shit done after.
Don’t make your lists too many things at once at first, spread shit over the week. Start with 2-3 things per day and build up.
Go on a walk in the morning, this makes it easier to get shit done especially if you don’t wanna do it. 10 minutes is all it takes for this. Do it outside.
Take a cold shower, same thing. No one wants to take a cold shower and doing it first thing in the AM makes it easier to stay on top of laundry and focus with studies it will be the hardest thing you do each day.
Time yourself on basic mundane tasks, you’ll realize laundry took you all of 5-10 minutes to put in the washer/dryer and then fold and put away.
You have 16 hours in a day, that’s a lot of time to get shit done.
Apply progressive overload. Add more things to do per day, harder things. This builds discipline.
by making it habit
you don't need motivation to brush your teeth because it's habit
the rest of your life is the same way
you might just be autistic
Practice being bored. This is huge. I’ve been doing this for a while but an anon suggested it to me last night and explained the logic. Just focus on doing nothing at some point each day. No screens no books no nothing. Add time each day. I started at 2 minutes. This also trains focus which is a quality of discipline. Apps like tiktok IG have ruined attention spans. This has in turn destroyed one’s ability to be as disciplined, they what their constant instant gratification dopamine fix. This is fixable by doing the above.

Consider the army or navy or Air Force. AF will be the cushiest, should provide skills for career after, maybe let you travel too. Army will be harder but provide the same. Navy will be harder too and provide the same but it will be the shittiest, they’re huge on basic discipline shit like folding your bed properly arranging your outfits just right etc. I only suggest this if you’re lost in life going no where fast. Do not join marines, maybe consider CG but understand that basic training is gonna be a bitch but will give a better QOL than most branches while actually doing cool shit once you get past it. Again, military is not necessary here if you do everything else I’ve suggested.

Get a proper wake/sleep schedule going, use melatonin for 2 weeks to achieve that if need be.
Get more sunlight. Just trust me bro.
Stop jacking off so much if you do it a lot, and stop watching porn entirely. Get a fleshlight use imagination don’t think of porn think of bitches you’ve met and never fucked or past sexual experiences you enjoyed. Again, trust me.
Keep in mind why you made this thread, write it all down. All your desires and goals and wants and what you hate about not being disciplined and why. Keep that paper with you.
25:5 method. Write the 25 things you want goals too. Can be a tangible thing like a car and a hot bitch and/or personal accomplishments you want. Pick the top 5 to start on.
I forget what it’s called but there is a part of our Brian responsible for will power. It can be trained and it hypertrophys when you do. Andrew huberman spoke on it. It’s called the anterior midcingulate cortex and it’s specifically responsible for doing shit we do not want to do. How do you train it? Start doing shit you don’t wanna do. A cold shower is the easiest way to do this. Other than waking you up (and helping you sleep better) a cold showers only function is this. It’s the easiest way to train this part of your brain. A cold shower sucks no one wants to take one. It’s uncomfortable and you know that before you’re even near the shower. Apply this to everything, the more you don’t wanna do something, such as a basic mundane chore like laundry or vacuuming, the more you should do it because it will train this part of the brain and you will find yourself being more likely to start on shit without feet dragging. The tasks will seem to suck less and less. You will even begin enjoying some tasks you previously put off as long as possible. The other two posts I wrote especially part 1 also helps you accomplish this.
t. Joe Biden
Let me guess, you screenshotted and saved this random ass picture of a random mid-ho because you are such a faggot that any girl that is mildly attractive and looks like a teenager is gonna be your latest waifu obsession?
Join the army unironically.
Discipline requires complete reprogramming.

If you are undisciplined odds are you don't have the will power to do it yourself.
nothing wrong with that, all people need help in specific aspects of life.
I’ll rephrase, how do I get more disciplined without setting aside several years of my life?
First you must stop caring and let go of material things. Then you must dwell upon the Prussian Virtues. Then order your life like Frederick would have wanted.
This is what I did and it worked.
>Hoooeewwwww caniiibekkoomoooaarrrr dissiiipli-uh -innnnt?
every time you miss a work out, you kill yourself
My bed is just a pillow and sleeping bag of a mattress with a fitted sheet.
And will that work overtime?
Born on a Monday...
forced to Sunday, I have no fucking idea what that is supposed to mean
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>didn't even get a holiday off
They clearly did this to expose her poor work ethic. She needs to be more like Quarteze.
Do Walmart employees seriously not get new year off? I get the 2/3 of December off paid leave kek
>holiday off

Bitch if it's Christmas I'm spending the day with my family, fire me for all I care.
nog should have chose New Year's Day so he can drink the night before instead of going to work hungover
>Yeah no doubt my parents are the biggest life-gains goblins. Good thing they are moving out again in a few months
You think that's bad? My in-laws have been here for FUCKING MONTHS. Only solace is my wife's sister is hot as fuck and we get along well.
It’s a children’s nursery rhyme that the comic character is named after

>Solomon Grundy

>born on a Monday

>Christened on Tuesday

>Married on Wednesday

>Took ill on Thursday

>Got worse on Friday

>Died on Saturday

>Buried on Sunday

>That was the end

>of Solomon Grundy
Went to Snap City on Tuesday...
Why are women never into anything uniquely theirs? It's like women can only enjoy things if others are already

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