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/fit/ - Fitness

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Previous thread >>74597122
With XXXL love from Kazakhstan
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I cannot wrap my mind about how big these people are and how they are able to move around. This woman is 450 pounds. 350 pounds heavier than she should be. How does someone like that walk? It's like carrying 7 45lb plates everywhere you go. Sometimes when I carry two 45lbs in each arm it's hard for me to imagine walking around like all the time.
Is basic just cope?
>oh, thing is good so it’s popular?
>you like popular thing?
>you are bad for liking popular thing
I only ever hear people call someone they should be jealous of basic. Like it’s always rich pretty white girls who are “basic”.
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I really want to know what the comments said. Someone must have told her she was a hambeast right?
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goblinx general
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>How does someone like that walk?

Soon she won't be able too, anon
It's also jealous dumb repulsive fats who claim in-shape women are "skin and bones" and that "real men want meat" when it's the healthy fit ones who actually do have muscle and the obese ones are all blubber.
I always see this pic, wtf am I looking for here ? The fact it stays the same?
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We'll never know...
You /fph/aggots never fail to nake me laugh with your “goblinx general” threads. Face it, most goblinx will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad skinnies will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it hosers.
holy fuck LMAO, reddit was a very different place 9 years ago

Pic related is a namefag femtard of mystery meat origin who kept attentionwhoring by posting her fat ass and weak lifts. I think she was also a neet who used her dad as a spotter or sth
nice find
I'm not familiar with navigating Reddit, so thank you for finding this truly scrumptious Sunday afternoon snack!
i give this kid 2 years until he starts posting here
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>single mother
>zoomer captions
>prove me wrong
Run a mile. done
Even when I got giga fat (230lbs at 6ft), I noticed how much harder it was to just move around. Getting back down to 180lbs has made life so much easier.
I also can't fathom how someone nearly a foot shorter than me can weigh 3x when I do and walk normally.
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not fat
I’m capable of doing this on my lowest point, but I’m well aware it’s binge eating. I feel bad for the kid
Why is "never improve" in quotes? I never said that. Fat people do want to improve. I just don't understand why you feel entitled to abuse them the entire time they're trying to do so.
Its not that bad. They arent fat. They had an unhealthy breakfast and dinner. They skipped lunch.
Plus Asian, so likely won't be giga fats
How do I get to use this version of Reddit? Is it a premium subscription or something?
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Dark mode?
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Wow, from fat retard to fat retard. What a studding transformation
Nice tits though
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You rub shit on the stick and wipe the stick off?
God damn, you know whar we need?
people with a bmi of 14, under or around depending on the state gets forced into rehab for free.
we might need a forced hehab for bmi 80 and up with the way obesity is rising.
the whole thing of being able to get benefits for being too fat to work needs removal more so.
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Dietitians and nutritionists are a fucking joke, imagine going through a training pipeline that is bought and paid for by the peddlers of goyslop, and thinking you’re learning about how people should eat
HAES dietician = oxymoron: an appropriate name for the clinician she describes is "greedy enabler"
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>forced rehab
You're far too generous:

Dr. Ric Gordon, who appears regularly as a medical expert on morning show Today made the program’s host visibly uncomfortable when he remarked during the live Wednesday broadcast that “There were no overweight people in the concentration camps.”

He was attempting to support his view that ultimately diet and not exercise is responsible for weight loss.

“Now, they weren’t exercising a lot, they just weren’t eating,” Gordon added.
>despite efforts to control his diet

Is he leaving the house the buying food on his own? Give him a small plate and when he throws a tantrum just let him be.
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>should I stop feeding the baby too much?
>nah, he just needs invasive, life altering surgery
Based. Whenever I gain some weight and commit to losing it, I always say I'm on the Concentration Camp Diet. If dipshits act aghast, I poohpooh their virtue signaling and challenge them to deny that it absolutely works.
Stop this looks like my mom now I’m sad
Crazy that simply not being fat will make you more attractive then half of the population in five years. And that statistic doesn't even cover the fat people who aren't obese.
Goudas Priest
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This one hurts. My fellow 'mos hold unparalleled scorn for the fat, even moreso than women.
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Haunting the Baskin Robbins ... and the Olive Garden next door
Wrong. Homos USED to be very anti fat and all about maxed personal care. Now being gay is a legitimate type two diabetes risk
k fuck off to >>>/lgbt/ faggot, you will NEVER be accepted
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GF got fat, like 50lbs from what she was when I met her 5 years ago and is not able to lose it. Swear I see this happen to every woman I know by mid 20s with few exceptions it's depressing
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Sumo airsuit mode
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>Verification not required.
She literally has a second torso
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>woman pretends she knows what loneliness is
Gains goblins ruining his bulk
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So fat she's becoming a Taun Taun
Nice filename and that thing is wearing hospital-provided super-stretchy disposable underwear.
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I would definitely slice it open and crawl inside for warmth if stranded in a frozen icescape. Probably smells worse than Taun Taun though.
I ve been gone for a year, qrd on goblinx
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Why are British women so ugly?
That's quite good cos play.
Vikings stole most of the pretty ones, America stole the rest when our troops were there in ww2
Anyone know her delt routine? Looking swole af
*figuratively you illiterate fuck
based mode
I literally dont care
kek that is brutal anon, I hope that kid never goes through what I had too
if this is the same woman, she has mental illness to destroy a cute body like that
oh that answers everything kek
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It's like a scale of Taylor Swift -> Death Grips in the sense of, 'yeah everything checks off but I will be bored quickly+upon reflection because it's predictabie'
She was a fine as hell tripfag but was bullied off /fit/
What kind of clothes does this person wear? How do they shoes, socks, pants, or underwear on?
lmao the way this photo is composed this looks like the character customization screen for a game
>Haha what if I made my dude as fat as possible lmaooo
>dude that would be hilarious
Not to mention they can't lose it to save their life. I've seen men gain weight as they get older but if they took accountability they eventually lost it.

My sisters have had children and would gain 20 pounds for each child. They had children three years ago and keep gaining weight. You say anything about it and they snap at you that they gave birth.
what am i looking at, is that a condition?
>Why is "never improve" in quotes?
why do all asians do that thing where they stare at you with their soulless eyes like that, when she looked at the kid I mean, every single asian I ever seen has done that. are they having vietnam flashbacks? hiroshima?
bugs are not human
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"as a gym owner ... " and it fucking gets crazier from there

>babby's first webm
Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? Why are so many people in the US absurdly confident? Seems to be much worse for women. I think a huge part of the ‘dating crisis’ is that the majority of people have an unrealistic view of themselves.
Blonde blue eyed people seem to be far more susceptible to the mind virus. As in legitimately buying into it in an altruistic way, not in a self serving way like other groups
faggots are disgusting
Theres a search bar, or you can literally just google a section of the post in quotes. You’re either too stupid to be on the internet or you’re lying.
Natty achievable?
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They think it's alluring
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I'm fully convinced we should open camps for people like that have to be forcefully committed. They will put on a strict diet and not allowed to leave until they lose the weight. Once they hit a normal BMI they will be sent home. If they regain the weight they come back.
they do it legally with very skinny anorexics
shut up
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What kind of life is it when something so simple - getting dressed - becomes a struggle? To literally exert yourself just to force clothing onto your rotund frame? To stretch and stress fabric to the snowman-like contours of your visible, manifested lack of self-discipline?
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What's the aftermath of a plapjak? I made that mistake once and she was incredibly needy and knew I was the best she could ever do and called me for months.
Nothing changed but the make up chubby chasers are so disgusting, fat men and women look the same
>Universities invite >people like these to come talk to their students
lol, how could anyone think this thing has a valid opinion an anything?
I sure hope its doctor is okay after being btfoed that hard.
A Great unclean one
Low IQ leads to a lack of self-awareness and introspection
It's downright painful to look at people like that. Has anyone ever told them they need to lose weight now or they aren't making it the next five years? It's like looking at an alcoholic who is yellow and vomiting blood.
Despite what women claim about negative messaging from social media they are constantly getting compliments about how beautiful they are.


Think about what it would take to as a man to get compliments like this. You would have to be incredibly ripped and just mog other men in hair, jaw, etc.
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Absolutely disgusting
keked the filename
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I think it's lymphedema: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipedema

Pic related
Paradoxically, fat and ugly girls are more likely to have the super long list of criteria for men. It’s a defense mechanism against rejection. Reject them before they reject you.
Reddit comments are the lowest form of positive feedback that exists. Nobody half way intelligent would value obviously disingenuous comments like that.
This was a tragic episode. The mother had severe issues but she managed to change
>Nobody half way intelligent would value obviously disingenuous comments like that.

Right, so women would value comments like that. Hence why they are so full of themselves.
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like this
This is good for motivation
Keep the Butter Balls rollin'
Yeah it’s not a good life
As a 360lb fat black man I hate getting dressed, ESPECIALLY putting on my socks
Easiest job on earth
>how should i eat, doc?
>a new mcdonalds just opened
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christ almighty what even the fuck is that
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no nipples are shown jannies
i love asian women so much is unreal
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>dead at 48
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She is gonna fucking destroy that body. It's really quite upsetting.
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heh that doctor's medical degree might as well be used as toilet paper after this epic comeback
I know a woman just like this
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Thy has returned
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i pop in here and there
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what is this
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i love that cat
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>I’m a chicken cheese mayo avocado
They are targeted with the queer virus because they don't have to worry about racism, racial minorities are targeted with the critical race virus and the traditional pure class marxism virus when possible
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push fatties into a well. beat fatties with a spiked bat. push fatties into oncoming traffic. trip fatties into open manhole covers. stick a tube down a fattie's throat and fill them with milk until their stomach ruptures. drop an anvil from a building on a fattie's head. throw a pot of boiling water at a fatty.
What is she eating? It's not enough that it's processed sugar trash it's also huge
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why the stupid fucking novelty glasses, time and time again? Pic related
Because their personas are novelties
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it makes them feel stylish and unique because they're boring
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>incel energy
Women have high social intelligence. This bitch knows she’s unattractive, the loud proclamations to the contrary is just a cope. To actually envy her is crazy. Fat girls lead horrible lives.
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>my heath is well on it's way to failing
>oh well
This news would floor me, i would stop eating just from the shock of the news but this hog is so inculcated in it's bullshit that she's gonna keep saying HAES through the oxygen mask.
you can still find the thread if you google her user name and "reddit"
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Best I can tell it is a 2.2 oz Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats Original Big Bar: 260 calories, 48 grams of carbs, 21 grams of added sugar, 6 grams of fat, 290 mg of sodium, and 2 grams of protein.
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*boss music plays
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Here in monkeyland we pretend inflation is not real by shrinking the products so a pack of 3 of those things would weigh that amount.
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most black women are obese. Nobody cares
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It charmingly goes by the name "cunt dracula" in addition to "delilahboopity," which you cannot spell without "deli"
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Damn, the family didn't even put up an obituary. That was just posted by the funeral home.
I don't think sodomy and obesity go together...
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270 to 220 was huge for me. Hoping the difference is even more noticeable at 190. Literally all it took was counting calories. Made me stop making stupid choices.
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Fuck, somebody already got to the obituary comments
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I just wish I could stand up straight in the shower. I'm only 6ft4, I see people taller than me every day but every shower head only comes up to me shoulders.
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until next time
Just keep jews away from the food supply
Would would they even be paying them for at that point?

This looks like an AI hallucination
It looks like a HAES dieticians is just a person who gives reassurance to their awful eating habits.
Retard dyke. I could fuck her normal. Where is her gym?
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Another person with relatively skinny arms and legs and a massive fucking stomach. Is this caused by drugs or something?
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Yeah, echo chamber as affirmation. There is no fixed reality, these >people want to indulge in learned helplessness and be enabled to persist in a state of delusion well past any reasonable point of return.
Sign of heart failure. Should be careful about it
Thank you for high quality entertaining content. Yo did good job finding it
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Louisville. Also, she - of course - has an OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/laura_m_b

Pic unrelated
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Anyone feel the desire to throw a harpoon into stomachs like this? It's not a whale joke either, there's something about it like it triggers my ancestors instincts when we hunted seals or something.
Cursed physique

Reminds me of that scene from the Sopranos
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>thin privilege is when you have more mass so your clothes have more mass which means fewer clothes in the same fixed space
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based dog, encouraging hamplanets to get exercise
So not only do they take up more seats in the cabin, their luggage weighs more too.
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>all beef patties
>special sauce
>lettuce cheese…
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Damn, it's not real.
Actual picture isn't much better though.

Honest question: do these spastics actually think they have something to offer that anyone would consider worth having? The sheer audacity it takes to look like that and put yourself out there as something potentially desirable just seems mad to me. This fat faggot is an obese, ugly man who has freely divulged that he is a social retard and has delusions about being a woman. How the fuck does he think this is going to go?
>looking to date women
guys we're missing out
Is that a man or woman in the Superman skirt costume?
how can fph threads be on topic but mire threads be off topic? mods kys
It literally says hes autistic
Hang on. Is that the pink dress tranny from that famous webm?
Trump broke reddit
There's a difference between white men and white women. White women are very very stupid
>I don't allow my clients to take before and after pics
Lol, what does she do? Police their social media and give them shit for posting pics? Who would put up with that?
Also, have to laugh at how she's ostensibly a PT (ie her job is to make people fit) and she's essentially saying that she's no longer going to help people get fit. Wtf does she think she's gonna do with them in that case? Feed them pizza while rubbing her fat dyke clit?
I simply prefer the free speech that only 4chan provides. I want to call fat retarded niggerfaggots fat retarded niggerfaggots, you fat retarded niggerfaggot.
Blue board you stupid election tourist
Homegirl is bugmaxxing

Going for that beetle physique
I have heard them desribed as "problem glasses" because the creatures that wear them are stupid insufferable cunts.
Absolute Unit
The trick is to be bad in the bedroom with the ones you only plan to slam once. They wont be calling you back and you get what you wanted anyways.
>“Now, they weren’t exercising a lot, they just weren’t eating,” Gordon added.
Weren't those guys used for slave labour? I think they got plenty of exercise.
Cute twinks need to be protected from the hambeasts
Miss you. Well all do
>calling it kitten when it's clearly a tiger
You're paying them to validate your lifestyle and prescribe you some light, ineffective exercise so you can think you're getting healthier, while in reality your health is not actually improving significantly.
Their motto "any movement is better than no movement" is cancer. While it's technically true, it doesn't account for the fact that you do need to challenge yourself in your workouts, otherwise your body won't make meaningful adaptations.
>Avenged Sevenfolds
She counts POVs about as well as she counts calories
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Psuedoscience incoming:
Considering that Humans are a species who have not only developed but thrived through complex social groups, I think there must be some sort of inherent mechanism that causes hostilities to fat people. Why? Because fat people are clearly consuming too many resources and that suggests they do not work towards the advancement or success of their immediate group, but instead are a net loss through over consumption. Wouldn't that make us hate sick people too? No because sick people are often victims of circumstance and can be through care returned to the group as functioning members who will contribute at a later date (future planning) but also be appreciative for the care and protection they got (bonding), meanwhile fatness precludes any future planning, and generates mistrust breaking down bonds in a group. My opinion is that this is a potential reason as to why fat people recieve so much hate and judgement universally; I believe it goes beyond simple disbelief or disdain for a perceived lack of self control and extends into a deep seated mechanism which we as a species have developed as a means to detect and root out behaviours and members of any group that might act against its long term interests.
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>it’s not congestive heart failure (yet)
>has young children (still can’t believe anyone fucked it)
Wake up call?
Fuck no, give me them cheetos.
Jesus, blacks can’t even spell anesthesia
I misspelt 'pseudoscience' which is unfortunate
>every body is beautiful
>I’m going to make a post showing off my fat shitty horid body
>still covered up in a xxxxxxxxxL shirt
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>forced rehab
Too nice. Into the pit they go
This needs a tuba soundtrack
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>I have a apartment that I know take care of
>a apartment
Damn, this womynx is almost ideal. Pretty much marriage material. However, I’m a grammar nazi, so it would never work out between us.
Even under the threat of death, do you honestly expect jews to do manual labor?
Same here bro. I have to end it because of that. It’ll only get worse.

3 years wasted because she can’t put the fork down.
This is worth every bit of seven minutes and nine seconds:
They're going to get confused in there and shit in the pond.
I've always wondered, if you are really fat can you even get any joy out of eating some simple fruit ? I'm assuming you have to eat a lot of sugary shit to get that big, so a piece of pineaple would feel like eating nothing. For me it's always a treat eating a peach, an apple, some cherries whatever.
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You need a salt lick or minerals in the pool otherwise they'll still die.
I have a theory:
This fat gay retard is fucking loaded, he had rich parents and is set up for life with a trust fund. There is a fag who looks like a total chad who married him for his money, but doesn’t want to fuck him for self-evident reasons. So the chadfag convinces him that they should open their marriage for some lefty gender nonsense reason. Chadfag is fucking around the city and partying every day with this fat gay retard’s money, while the spaz just sits at home making unpopular mods for popular videogames and moderating four dozen subreddits.

It’s the only way that this thing being in a gay marriage and thinking that he’s hot shit who should have extramarital affairs makes sense.
Fuck you. Kill yourself painfully. Always stealing 1 image from the limit.
I don’t understand, like sororities are a private club, right? If you don’t want someone to join you just don’t give them a bid. Maybe his mom was a member so he’s a legacy who automatically gets in?
>delilah boo pity
yeah. I haven’t ever seen a pity OnlyFans before.
Cut off your testicles and make a soup with them, name fag.
>t. has to stand up gay in the shower
Someone in that Reddit thread pointed out that 6 foot plus, good career, and well built is already probably less than 5% of the population of men (likely far less). Add the very specific shit she wants on top of that and you're a miniscule number of men, or zero even. None of whom, if they exist, would be choosing that disaster of a female. Worth noting that that post is from 9 years ago. That woman is 40 now. Would be interesting to see how much fatter she has gotten and whether she's still alone kek
Frank Atshamer is so fucking based
Native britons vs Germanic or Gauls
>giving up on life and wearing your pajamas outside is empowering
Why would anyone take advice from a fat personal trainer in the first place?
Damn mabye I can get a picture from my friend, my buddy lived with this thing who was fat and lazy, 1 side of his mattress would have a huge gross long stain that goes head to feet he never washed, had about 10+ febreze on his computer desk and he would clean out his litter box with a shopvac that he would never empty just sat in the corner of his room
Lovely tits sweetheart are you in Manchester??
Arent we already there?
I saw an article from 2023 that said we were
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Why do women do this?
>HAES dietitian
>all foods are equal
>my entire job is telling you which foods to eat
>all of the foods that are equal
>the exact same thing
>but I tell you which ones to eat
>some foods are equaler than others
double plus bad >:(
>If you want your Prince Charming, make sure you're Cinderella and not her stepsister.
Fucking brutal
>Anon, I saw that you posted a before and after pic on X yesterday
>and adding “#fitnessjourney” really?
>you know the rules
>here is a 2L of cola, a half dozen donuts, and a large Hawaiian pizza
>if you don’t finish these in a half hour you know what I’ll do
>it would be a shame if you had to tell your son that his sister is never coming home again
This fucks with me hard cause I have a sis. We both were skinny, but now she's on Wegovy.
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Here's some absolute fat black cope. Source: https://wordinblack.com/2024/05/ozempic-black-voices-black-bodies-weight-stigma/
I'm doing research to find out why every single black woman in 600lb life fails to lose any weight.
>can fit only one pairs of jeans in a carry-on bag
Jesus Christ, just how large is this beast?
>Superma’am and Lara Kraft, Fridge Raider
Maybe in Sweden or something. In the US White people are the only demographic that votes majority Republican.
I have this physique
If I stay above 25 BMI for any amount of time I start having issues associated with being much much fatter
That poor thing
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>if you say niggerfaggot you’re an election tourist
>you’ll get le banned for saying nigger, faggot, and niggerfaggot
>stop shitting into the ocean of piss that is 4chins, i’m going to get the heckin’ jannies
>oh no, please don’t say I’d have to reset my router or put my phone into and out of airplane mode!
fuck off, you stupid fucking retard
Remodel your shower? Or just get two 90° fittings and two pipe nipples to raise that thing however high you want.
I remember following he/her/it on twitter, just the most repulsive and idiotic opinions you could imagine. Also he was in his 20s, holy shit
nigga that's a mega skirt
American women ugly too, though.
Kelly is reprehensible
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>Margarine Simpson
>her leg is noclipping through his back
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>HAES Dietitian
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this: >>74614719
Makes me wonder what made hubby leave her. Banging body. Either she is a bitch or dude did not want kids
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Who is he?
it's distasteful to make fun about the mentally ill
Basic means boring. I think of the girls on dating apps whose profile boils down to "I like laughing, dogs, TV, and spending time with my friends".
They didn't have a picture of him before contracting the mind virus?
They are cute :3
How does someone not look at themselves and see what an embarrassment they are?
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Me right now watching this thread
if she actually had a stomach like her
I would watch her
>being with a 500lb person s not as great as everyone thinks it is
What planet are these people on
Yes it is definitely a lizard brain thing.
Where did you find this picture of me
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She looks like a feminine version of Doug Demuro.
fist line in bio is
>will definitely spend all your money at trader joes
(a grocery store)
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Damn, I miss time when reddit wasn't made for narcissistic assholes and powerjannies.

Boss: Can you move to the US to head up the sales division after X left?
Me: Never in a fucking million years.

however most americans coming to my country as tourists look pretty decent, have seen the occasional land whale but they probably get a nervous breakdown at the hotel because they stick out as an AIDS nigger at a KKK rally
The US is a dystopia for any citizen from a developed nation
her name is luna :3
Testosterone injections AND obesity? This thing is guaranteed to die of a stroke.
The fatter they are the poorer they are and the more physically and financially difficult it is to travel. True beasts need industrial heavy machinery just to move around the airport.
They are already fat. Why the shoop to make them fatter?
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i thought that sign said "burgers" for a sec
They're a tripfag, newfag.
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god she's got terrible posture, fucking fix that shit bitch goddamn quasimodomaxxing
I have 10% body fat and my GF still cheated on me with a fatass like like him.
Must suck
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Fatty can't walk 5 minutes without crying
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one of the most pathetic fatties i have ever seen
>but i look good for my weight!
i doubt it
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We called them faggots back then too. When Reddit first started it was mostly populated by all the Ron Paul Libertarians and fedora-wearing internet atheists that migrated from /b/.
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Alright/pol/ post body

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