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/fit/ - Fitness

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Can anyone make me a meal plan to guarantee I get down from 220lb to 170lb? I keep going over my limit when I pick my own meals.
One Apple, one can of tuna fish, a pot of black coffee. Cigarettes and the occasional whiskey to help with cravings and pain.
Commit suicide. You are subhuman for allowing yourself to be fat. It does not matter if your parents fed you bullshit. You should’ve used your position as a child to get proper nutritious food, by going with them to the store.
Just eat less of what you’re already eating fatass
mon: nothing
tue: whatever
wed: nothing
thu: whatever
fri: nothing
sat: whatever
sun: nothing
We have these threads daily. If you can't stay under your calories, you won't lose much. Stay under your calories, go walk a few times a day.

Let me guess, you need someone else to do it for you? You're gonna blather about how impossible it is because food tastes good? That's a you problem, not a diet or routine problem.
You can do that in a year very easily if you just stick to your plan, its just losing 1 pound a week. We can't give you discipline.
Meal replacement shakes totaling about 1600 cal/day, spaced evenly over time. If you haven't lost weight in two weeks, have one less per day so it's like 1400 cals, and so on.

>giving a glutton an unlimited option like "occasional"
just buy a meal plan from some influencer
yes all the information is free, but you obviously can't handle that, so just pay up to get it spoonfed to you
I'm sure you'll find someone where you send in your goal and current weight and get a plan in return
>yes all the information is free, but you obviously can't handle that
Well only the first reply suggested anything and even that seems like trolling
Eat one meal a day. Not 5 hours of piggy binging, but one meal. That's all. No snacks, no sodas, nothing else. One meal, no fast food.
breakfast: coffee with some butter in it
lunch: omelet with some cheese and leftover meats from dinner the day before
dinner: meat/chicken/fish with a side of veggies

if I need snacks I use carrots and dip
Replace all liquid calories with water or other non-caloric stuff.
Cut back on the high calorie foods and find lower calories alternatives.
There, not really that difficult?
Elliot's got you covered
Breakfast- nothing
Lunch - nothing
Dinner- whatever.

Drink only water throughout the day. Unlikely that you will eat your TDEE in one meal, so it makes it easier not having to track every calorie.
If you cant figure out a satiated 1600 calorie meal, you're a lost cause anyway.

Throw in a 36hr fast once a week. You'll hit 170lbs in under 6 months.
Lmfao just fast if dieting is hard for you
Are you actually incapable of just not stuffing your face? Do you need to be told exactly what to eat? And how many steps to take? And how to breathe?
eat nothing for 96 hours. 100 if you want to make it a nice round number. refeed with some bacon and eggs.
then do a 48 hour fast, refeed with 1200 calories or less of fats and protein, repeat until you stop being fat.
>Do you need to be told exactly what to eat? And how many steps to take? And how to breathe?
Yes. I've been reading /fit/ since 2021 and still haven't lost weight. My way isn't working.
It's really hard to count calories, I think most of the food labels are lying and I don't have a scale.
Fasting sounds really extreme, I don't want my hair to fall out or to get ED
IF or OMAD, I did OMAD and it took me from 260 to 150. Buy a food scale and weigh your shit, eat 500-1000 below tdee depending on how fast you want to lose. Be warned if you don't strength train at some point you will probably still hate your body by the time you're at your goal and be skinny fat
Then just start lifting consistently.
You will lose 20lbs and the rest will slim down since it is muscle.
not reading all that
if you're fat eat less and move more
read the fucking sticky newfag
These guys know. Switch to one meal a day. It isn't as hard as it sounds. It is the absolute cheat code. For your one meal, eat a traditional meal that would have been served by a mom in 1965. A meat, some vegetables, and a starch (rice, potatoes). If you eat like that, your portions can be huge and still be under 1500 calories. Drink only water, black coffee or tea. Absolutely no sugar drinks (that includes juice) or diet drinks. If you do this, you will win.
Oh shit, I forgot...

>you don't strength train at some point you will probably still hate your body

This guy is absolutely right. Your body will happily eat your own muscle as well as the fat. You have to keep lifting
Thanks but why no diet drinks?
Beef, eggs.
1 cup oats
1 heaping Tbsp PB

6 eggs
1 tbsp butter

literally any amount fibrous veg, e.g broc
8-12oz chicken breast
1-2 tbsp olive oil

Drink nothing but water, tea, coffee. No milk. Fast one day a week. Please do not forget to season your food. If you can skip a meal because you aren't particularly hungry, do so.
>guarantee I get down from 220lb to 170lb?
21 day snake juice fasting
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Why didn't you respond to the post about meal replacement shakes which solves both counting calories and fasting? Are you just a shithead blackpiller pretending weight loss is impossible?
Are you angry because that was your post and you feel ignored?
No, but cherry picking other posts to rebut when that solves all the problems is pretty fucking suspicious.
How about have some self discipline. I'd call you a loser but you can't even do that.
>what can I EAT to lose weight
Cyanide. You're a lost cause.
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Start eating salads bro.

Also walking. I'm burning 900 calories a day from my walks (450 if I only go on one walk).

Salads are healthy for you, I just had a salad for dinner today. (With a yummy mango smoothie)
For some reason it keeps you fat. I think the theory is that your body reacts to the sweet stimulus and releases insulin. Whatever the mechanism, your body releases insulin. Second reason, and maybe more important, you keep your taste trained to want super sweet foods. At some point, you'll just end up going back to sugar.
Assuming you are already using a deficit calculator I would suggest 1600 cals or less. If you want extreme mode eat egg whites with a multivitamin & mineral. 16oz would be 250cals with 50grams of protein and can easily be a meal replacement leaving you enough calories to fit a big mac meal with a large diet coke and large fries while still losing weight.
>I don't want my hair to fall out or to get ED
thankfully neither of those are actually products of fasting.
whats the glass on the left
>Food label are lying

That's your excuse not to count calories? Lol. Good b8 thread.
Based and Machinist pilled

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