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/fit/ - Fitness

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>bro just keeps losing weight
Yeah, so you can look like a malnourished 50-year-old man at age 20.
Problem is he's not lifting. Other than that, he definitely looks better than the left. Cope harder, Fatty McFatterson.
Those are all the same pic retard and you can't gain muscle on a deficit maybe strength. At least give him some good advice, surgery or roids. Pick one or both.
If you are as weak as that guy, you absolutely can gain muscle on a deficit, you moron. Just fucking eat a shitload of protein and lift heavy. Have you faggots tried that? You people are full of excuses, my god.
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>you can't gain muscle on a deficit
Why is this blatant lie so often promoted here?
you can eat a shitload of protein and lift while on a deficit though
>this shit again

Dude is over 20% BF. He actually needs to keep losing weight and he'll look fine after he's at 14% and starts lifting.
Eating less food and doing no exercise. Great idea.
I imagine you meant to say you *can't*. My nigga, my TDEE is about 2900 just from metabolism + exercising. I can easily get 150g+ of protein out of 2000 calories (500 grams of ground beef + 2 eggs + milk), and I'm being generous with the calories here. I can get all the other nutrients I need from veggies + multivitamin for a irrelevant amount of calories. It's absolutely possible to eat a high protein diet and lift heavy while still on a caloric deficit. If you are feeling out of energy during your workouts, try doing a slow cut or drink some caffeine.
Yup that's what I looked like after going from 260 > 150. If you don't put on any muscle you'll look like shit and the loose skin will be really noticeable. Started lifting and gaining weight again for the past year though and now you can hardly tell
You realize you fatties can lift while losing weight right?
what you former fat fuck? did you thought you would get scott free? no punishment for ur fucking gluttony?

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