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>you should only shampoo once in 2-3 days
what do i wash hair with the rest of the days, soap?
water, you fucking retard.
captcha: MP0X
just water
I shampoo every day. Why shouldn't I?
Just go bald and never look back, it's gonna save you time and money.
I get dandruff easily, even after doing a course of anti fungal shampoo

Makes scalp dry, which makes it overcompensate and produce excess sebum, which blocks roots and causes excess hairfall
mine is mid back length and I haven't used shampoo in 6 mo. condition every 5 to 7 days. age 40 ish and 75% still intact
I have a full head of hair at 35 though and no dandruff. I've been doing this forever.
showering with cold water only won't dry out your skin and help reduce dandruff.
Even when you're dripping with sweat?
I think my mind is broken from having women make sexual advances on me as a child.
according to classic indian ayurvedic medicine, cow dung.
your scalp only produces excess sebum if you don't condition properly. I saw a study that said washing every day reduced hair loss and I've been doing it ever since out of fear of the Norwood reaper
SolBrah washes his hair with olive oil
why did she rub his smol cheek?
Literally genetics.
You're lucky, but still : doing everyday has proven to do what the other anon said, dry scalp etc. So might as well not do it too much
Shampoo is a Jewish invention to sell soap at a higher price. Just use a soap bar. Also good luck getting out the days worth of air pollution and car exhaust out of your hair with wAtEr OnLy. Ps conditioner is for faggots
Because she thought he is cute, and she is a woman, so she doesn't have to worry about it being creepy or too weird.
Greasy mfer
>I get dandruff easily
turn down the water temperature
That's pretty cute and heckin wholesome
its a mega meme that poors say. just use shampoo and conditioner daily least ye look homeless.
I only wash my hair once a week wtf
Barsoap is harsher on your hair than shampoo retard. I bet you have some frizzy fucked up jewfro.
Washed my hair with hair soap once, it was fucked for months.
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>showering more than every 2-3 days
Absolute state of wagies
I use cold water
I only shampoo twice a month. I shower everyday after I poop though and I take 1 or 2 hot bubble baths a week.
>uses product that cause the problem
>iTs geNeTiC!
Wet = clean
You guys are filthy retards.

Let me guess, you don't wash your hands or anything else with soap/chemicals?
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Lots of mammals have nice hair without wetting it frequently.
You can wash it whenever it looks/feels greasy, 2-3 or even 3-4 days is just a broad recommendation for people using salon grade shampoo (it's fucking strong). You might have to wash more often if you use a mild shampoo and yes, this does cause more damage, hairfall and so on but it's not really a big deal if you have short hair. -Don't- wash it if it's not greasy, just wear a waterproof hair cap while you're in the shower.
T. no immune system

Wash with water unless you have something on your hands that actually requires a more powerful solvent.
Shampoo every 3rd day
Washing face (behind ears and back of the neck too) with soap every day
It's literally that simple anon
washing your hair all the time means you've falllen for Jewish scams unironically. I wash/condition maybe once a week and my hair isn't oily what so ever. Washing all the time actually destroys the natural cleaning ability of your hair and if you stopped washing so much you'd notice it's actually less greasy. I have thick fast growing hair btw
>t. brainwashed idiot
I know 2 actual doctors who don't even wash their hands unless they're dirty (but they do at work of course). Humans immune system kept us going for good while now without the use of external chemicals
just wash it daily but use 1/3 of the shampoo you would use
i haven't shampooed in a few years and guys say my hair and skin smell nice

tho i use hot water occasionally to get the grease off, and that has different drawbacks than shampoo but still probably better
That’s what daily use conditioner is for.
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Find a shampoo and conditioner that also is good for your scalp
I have the same issues as you, I get dandruff so I need to wash frequently.
But get dry scalp if I wash everyday.

Nioxin really works for me.
It's advertised for hair loss, but I'm not losing my hair and I still use it.
Its just really good at combating dandruff and keep my scalp moisturized despise shampooing daily.
It's designed to keep your scalp healthy

I can wash with it everyday and not get a dry scalp
And washing everyday keeps the dandruff in check.
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Homeless people have the best hair.
literally just depends on how quickly your hair gets greasy or dirty. my hair starts to get greasy after 2 days of not washing so i shampoo about every other day. if im constantly outside sweating getting dirty i'll shampoo daily
daily is over doing it. You should wash your hair 2-4 times a month depending on your life style
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>stealth /ss/ thread
how come there are so many dr.disrespects on /fit/ lately?
My scalp is oily af and I get dandruff bad if I wet my hair and don't wash it. So what I started doing is wearing a shower cap on days where I don't wash my hair. If my scalp becomes unbearably itchy with this method after a couple of days, I'll lather my hair with coconut oil and then shampoo it with sulfate-free shampoo and then use sulfate-free conditioner. It helps mitigate the dryness. Sometimes it works just to use conditioner without shampoo.

t. 7" hair.
Just fucking kill me Jesus CHRIST
>never use soap on your hair
>rinse hair a couple times a week
>smush some aloe in there a few times a week
it's not hard
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Reddit post, please post less cringe next time you fucking faggot
>calls others reddit while using a reddit gif and use reddit terminology(cringe)
I see so many people falling for this “hurr I don’t wash my hair anymore cause it strips muh oils” meme. I’m a barber, and I’m telling you, wash your hair. Yes, your body naturally produces oils to send to your hair and scalp. But oil attracts dirt, and over time that will collect and will clog your pores and hair follicles, resulting in dandruff, overly greasy hair, and will smell bad. Water alone cannot clean your scalp and hair, because oil and water do not mix. You need something that will emulsify, that’s where shampoo comes in. You NEED to strip those oils from your hair every now and then. Twice a week is perfectly fine for most people.

I understand that OVER washing your hair is bad, yes it’s not necessary. But that doesn’t mean never washing it is better. As I said, 2 maybe 3 times a week is plenty.

>our ancestors don’t wash their hair and they were fine
Shampoo is not some new invention, people have been washing their hair for centuries. If you’re that paranoid about the chemicals that companies use, try an organic shampoo. There’s plenty of them out there.
>oh of course the barber wants more people to wash their hair, he gets paid for it
I don’t wash hair, not my thing. I only did it one time over 5 years on homeless person, which I did for free. He also never washes his hair, and surprise suprise his scalp looked like shit.
Fucking hairlet, I hope you get out of the genepool soon
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No but seriously, what causes this?
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wrong pic
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At this point why not just let bro die, why bother saving him to live that kind of life?

I think this is exactly what people are advocating.... Follow your own natural needs, just don't be scammed into thinking you have to have it every day.

For myself, I have drier hair and can easily never use shampoo. I use it almost never and just conditioner once a week bc it smells nice and is soft.
I use shampoo maybe once every 4 or 5 months now.
The first month was horrible, just disgusting by day 5. And then over the course of 2 or 3 months it started to hit a very normal look. After a 2 years, it looks and feels completely normal all the time. Maybe a bad hair day every few weeks.
I massage my scalp with warm water every morning, occasionally ice cold showers.Hair drapes my shoulders and looks really fucking good.
Zero dandruff since dropping shampoo.

protip: your diet absolutely affects how much oil your scalp produces.

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