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/fit/ - Fitness

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>unweighted squats and cycling hitting diminishing returns
>start going to gym
>keep getting distracted by the way men smell
How the FUCK are you supposed to deal with this? I can't -not- breathe.
Is this an aroused or disgusted look? I can’t tell
OP is definitely a weirdo effeminate fag.
Does it really matter?

Not exactly.
Put in nose plugs. Tell people it's reverse mouth tape. Be a trend setter.
You absolutely are.
your solution is to stay at home and perform neckhangs until failure
I don't want to stand out.

Yeah yeah.
Being gay isn’t a choice, but acting like an effeminate flamer absolutely is. Knock it off.
I don't act like that.
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> trying to do squats
> gym twink sniffs your armpit
Hate you faggots
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>Go to take a shower
>Local twink stole your socks

That's why i can't shower at the gym
1/10 bait
>Trolling outside of /b/
Yes you do. Stop using anime pictures in your posts as well.
>troon bait
Socks are gross.

I'm not trolling. My nose is very sensitive.

They're just reaction images, relax.
You are not an effeminate twink anime character. Knock that shit off.
>I'm not trolling
then why aren't you posting on >>>/lgbt/ where this shitty thread belongs?
People kill fags for putting themselves where they don't belong. Kys groomer.
>t. Pablo Fernandez de la Cruz
He's right OP. Weirdos will never be accepted, just be gay and be done with it.
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fuck off summer tourist
reddit is that way
It's been summer for about 9 years
You're the summer tourist, nigger. Moot wanted to be the little girl. Fuck off to your third-world hovel
Refer to >>74611908
>the website was ruined in 2024 when the rona tourists left and traffic died and also
>the website was ruined in 2021 when rona brought tourists and also
>the website was ruined in 2019 when the discord raids started and also
>the website was ruined in 2018 when they split it into 4channel and also
>the website was ruined in 2018 when the discord raids started and also
>the website was ruined in 2016 when the US election brought /pol/fag tourists and also
>the website was ruined in 2015 when moot sold it and also
>the website was ruined in 2012 when they added 4chan pass and also
>the website was ruined in 2011 when they added /pol/ to begin with and also
>the website was ruined in 2010 when they added the captcha and also
the website was never good
What actually ruined the site was mobile posting and the influx of foreigners.
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post body twink, you won't, because you're not serious.
What the fuck did I just read?
Why there is a strange influx of transgenders in this board?
Thats it, if I catch you sniffing on me I will turn you into my housewife
OP isn’t trans, he’s a skinnyfat homo that wishes he was an anime character. Many such cases.
Hrt hit the internet like crack hit the blacks in the 80s.
Never said I was an anime character?


I was hypersensitive to the way men smelled before HRT THOUGH
fuck back off to >>>/int/
He wasn't talking about your taste in men, he was confirming my appointment of the current large quantity of transgenders in this board.

This place used to be for bodybuilders
oh you are a disgusting blight on society
Might go queerbashing downtown later this week just because you posted this
Too bad I will protect this cute anonette
He's not gonna fuck you whiteknight
Protect will, duo in bashing fags
>Used to be bodybuilders
Nobody tell anon these are the same people now lmao
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this board is still used by natties
>My nose is very sensitive.
are you a woman?
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Jesus, faggots are so licentious. Can't you guys at least pretend to be normal? How can you expect to be accepted while broadcasting your degeneracy?
you know the drill
also you should pheromonemaxx. the male smellz may help push you further in the gym., you smellslut
>distracted by smell
keep going to the gym. do nothing else. you'll acclimate to it.
pheromones only affect bugs, you're a retard
A cis woman?
How many women do you know who will post about "boismell" on 4channel?
>Why there is
There is an influx of browns, of which you are one. Anons who want to be anime girls were here before you. Eat shit and die, Ranjeet.
there is no 4channel what are you talking about
check your url
I noticed after 28 my sweat started to smell much more pungent and my facial regrows quicker.
It's the fucking DHT man
This is not true and there's extensive scientific literature on putative human pheromones.
>and that's why I didn't post a single one
ok troon, trust the soience I'm sure?
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I don't think men smell that good. I've been clearing some woodlands and the trees sap smells amazing. Think if I met another bro with this smell I'd suck him off that moment. Deodorants and fragrances are obnoxious in comparison. The natty body odor men have is hit or miss cause of pheromones; sometimes it just clicks for you.
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>not the 2011ish removal of r9k and subsequent influx of robots onto all boards, which began the height and dick threads, which was the progenitor to lookism and incel bullshit.
>not 2009 with marblecake.
this but unironically
had to get a 24/7 membership
You won't gaslight me nigger
Refer to >>74611908
>ok troon, trust the soience I'm sure?
you get it, the list goes on all fucking day
>women found men more attractive based on this number marker we made up to measure this study
I just lost the game.
Download tinder and get a fit guy to fuck you before you go to the gym, it will help calm you.
Promiscuity is gross, but it's not even strictly an arousal thing, it's like a hypersensitivity thing. Even if I wasn't horny from it (which I would be), I'd still be sharply aware of it.
I need a gf like you, where should I search?
It’s obviously a man.
She told us she is a woman, why would she lie?
> I was hypersensitive to the way men smelled before HRT THOUGH
Told us the opposite
Maybe its a woman with hormonal problem
Am actual biological female and there is no 'boismell'

It's a meme by gays/trannies. Yes, some men just naturally smell heavenly in an arousing manner, most smell pretty gross. It's pure biological compatability and each man smells differently than another, there is NO generic man smell if you are an actual female. Each guy has their own scent (underneath all the deodorants) which can be good or bad
Why they do this joke anyways?
>There is no boismell
>Describes boysmell
What did you mean by this?
build a home gym or something Idfk do you need to be such a helpless fucking queer?

men are horny imbeciles and yes that means you too
Well shit that means I probably smell like shit myself
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I'm a hobbyist perfumer, I can guarantee my sense of smell is better than yours. The only time I smell BO in the gym is if they're indian. Otherwise it's just the occasional cloud of sauvage trailing zoomers/middle easterners. The free weights and machines are always too spaced apart for anything more. Change rooms smell too heavily of soap/deodorant to pick anything else up.
You might be gay if you're sensing men's hormonal musk, or theres too many shitskins at your gym. I only smell girls in heat.
>currycels smelling up the gym with bo
>arabcels with an entire bottle of knockoff creed royal oud
>gym bunnies wearing chanel

Can people go to the gym to workout without raping my olfactory senses?
You're not a bio woman, so it's psychological.
You can fight and win against it.
It's just a smell that you've associated with big, virile guys abusing you and your holes.
This wasn't even a graphic description but it should evoke disgust in your mind. If it doesn't, it's going to be a long road, and you're better off talking with a professional (psychologist, wrestler, or whore, depending on how you want it to go - again this joke should evoke some disgust in you).
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Its thrown around like a generic scent any man would have by default, like how all chocolate smells of chocolate
This site was ruined in 2005 when the first newfaggots arrived. Who gives a fuck
Obviously the 'neutral smell' of a man varies from person to person, but 'sweaty man' is a little more homogenous and it is that I am referring to.
the newfags started coming in in 2003 newfag
the website was never good
Maybe Im a freak but mostly generic sweaty dude BO is disgusting by default, but for some specific guys particularly if youre approaching ovulation its addictive and arousing
No, that's probably normal. Most people aren't as neurotic as I. I think 'sweaty man' in general is probably the pinnacle of eroticism, it causes me problems. At the gym was just one example, when movers came by it was extremely uncomfortable then, too. Part of the reason I can't have a roommate (I'm not dating) is because most men are totally oblivious, so they'd leave open their door, then the whole wing of the house would smell like it...awful, but for probably the opposite reason as you.
Eh, I get your point, but also they're not wrong about poltards
Yea this makes sense, faggotry is mental illness not actually based in some kind of functional biological partner selection

Is this why homos are also so ridiculously promiscuous? Someone being male is the whole fetish?
I'm not promiscuous though.

I don't think what I described is any different from men seeing tits or ass and thinking they're erotic.

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