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>be me, 32 y/o millennial at work
>tell zoomer coworker people constantly mistake me for late teens/early 20s and how annoying it is
>"oh really? you look your age to me"
Why are zoomers so fucking retarded, bros? I look way younger than my actual age. He only thought I looked my age because I already told him how old I am.
I WILL NOT perpetuate the timeless Zoomer-Millenial war
I lay down my arms fr
No cap
up with this millennial bashing i will not put
The only people that mistake me for younger are zoomers.

IDK if that's just because they're retarded or not
Sucks to be you. I've had women over the past few years whisper near me many times how they think I look younger than my age. Feels nice to be honest. Lot of 30 year old dudes don't take care of themselves enough desu. Like half of them look my dad or something. You need the whole routine like women have for your skin. Not just water on your face and out of the house.
>be old
>look old
>other old people tell you you look young
>get mad when actual young people don’t think you look young
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stupid boomer cope
>teehee people call me 20 all the time
Zoomers are so obssed with age it's gonna be fun when they become suicidal at 30. Gen X and Millennials enjoy their life unlike Zoomers.
Bro an age obsessed millennial literally made the thread you’re posting in
Nigga that’s a complement.
I’m a doctor and keep getting asked by patients and staff what year of medschool I’m in. I’m an attending. Gets pretty annoying.
>teehee I look so young
>Yep I still got it
Narrator: He never had it.
He looks 25
im 30 and don’t have these
>gets laid every few months

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>He looks 25
>those fucking skin spots
thank fuck I always avoided the sun
Bro looks at least 40
I got a super bad sunburn once and I have a permanent weird hair pattern growth and sunspots on my upper arms
He probably looked terrible at 25. Someone like that has bad genetics.
When you have a full head of hair and workout at 35, yeah, you're gonna look young for the age considering how many dudes gone full dad mode by then.
Retards on this website thing just having hair makes them look like a teenager
I look like this. How do i fix it?
…skin spots? What? You mean some freckles? I feel like people on this board do not go outside at all. They watch cartoons and anime so much that when they see someone with any texture on their skin they panic.
Sounds about right mate. People often lack self awareness today. I ocassionaly ask liquor shop staff to guess my age if they're chatty and looking bored. Usually get 25- 30 which is close to correct. Lazy people who I know IRL are just like UH I dunno brah 20 UH 40.

Don't bother talking to morons op its never worth it.
I always ask people to guess. The only person who ever pinned my age to the year was a prostitute. I was impressed.
People usually give me 5 years less.
>I feel like people on this board do not go outside at all. They watch cartoons and anime so much that when they see someone with any texture on their skin they panic.
This is correct. Also most users here are thirdies.
The oldest zoomer is 33
It's considered polite to compliment someone in their youthful looks. It's literally a stock standard normie response after asking someone's age to say "wow you look so much younger!".
It's no different to your grandmother saying how much handsome you are every Christmas.
This but autistic people on this board will never understand
Shhhh, Anon is the kind of guy who answers for 5 minutes the question: "How you doing?"
This. Looking young means younger people think you look their age, not 80 year olds calling your mid 40 year ass 'young man'
Stfu oldhead retard Zoomer superiority millennials are the gayest epoch of all time I'd rather talk to a boomer than some butter millennial
Haircut, lose weight, and ditch the bc glasses.
it's a small minority of millennials who are obsessed with looking young, you usually see them on forums for introverted neurotic men like 4chan (it's also because this sort of youthful phenotype is associated with personality traits that make you end up on loser websites)

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