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/fit/ - Fitness

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What am I doing wrong ?
1 year apart.
your diet sucks and you don't try hard enough in the gym
Am I retarded? Looks like good progress
Did you try lifting progressively heavy objects?
This, it looks fine. Did you expect to go from being obese to Mr Olympia after one year?
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Maybe three months in, but not a whole year. Clean diet and consistency. I suspect >>74612101 is accurate.
framemaxxed showerpilled fatcel hairchad. thats good progress for a year just gain more muscle because you dont have much
Nothing, now it's time for a bulk and lifting much heavier for few months before u cut back down, do this for 2 year to achieve what a roidtranny can get in 6 months lmfao even
>now it's time for a bulk
Do not bulk, this anon doesn't know what he's talking about because he's a man who thinks he's a woman
You should always be bulking faggot
You look like you lost alot of weight and then gain definition, whats the issue
Nothing you used to be fuckin fatass now you bulky be happy
this is 1 month worth of progress
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why lie to him

>right (idk why i did it in reverse) about january 2022
>left november 2022

and i half-assed the fuck out of my diet (lots of mcdonalds) and training

op has chronic low T or something
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shitty lighting
You made good progress. The amount of people who think everyone who steps foot in the gym NEEDS to be progressing at max possible speed is astounding.
Gonna blow your mind here but your aesthetic transformation is largely due to getting lean and not due to gaining muscle mass. Don’t get me wrong you gained muscle but not as much as you think.
Also you’re hella anglefrauding in the after pic
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>Gonna blow your mind here but your aesthetic transformation is largely due to getting lean and not due to gaining muscle mass. Don’t get me wrong you gained muscle but not as much as you think.
>Also you’re hella anglefrauding in the after pic
I went from benching 60kg in before pic to benching 100kg in the after pic (its a few months later and I gained some bf% but I bench 112.5kg now)

here is some real anglefraud from same time period lmao. basically the point is, either get lean, or get muscle, two ways to look not disgusting like ops pic. i ate mince beef/ground beef with cheese and taco seasoning every single day for 3 months to drop about 10% bodyfat.
mass reply fags get the rope
Nothing that's good progress. Lose a little more weight if you want.
This is terrible dude. What does 1 year mean? Go 12 times once every month? Did you fall for the no cardio meme?
This is good progress,relax. You clearly lost fat while gaining some muscle especially in shoulders,arms and chest. Dont listen to body dysmorphia retards with their stupid tik tok fueled delusions
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You're not me and you have absolute shit work ethic. You don't sacrifice your late night gaming for getting 8 hours of sleep.
You don't eat enough protein.
You aren't consistent
Picrel is Sept 10th 2023
Ask yourself if you truly want change
If you do you'd do everything it truly takes to get there
There is no middle ground faggot. No one foot in one foot out
All in or nothing.
you look good youre just high body fat% your progress is reasonable and natural for a years worth of effort training naturally. I'd say you're between 17-20% bf if you wanna drop it consume the same maintenance calories but count your fat and carbohydrates and make sure you're eating .7-1 gram of protein per bodyweight and do more cardio. 10k steps daily minimum
>two ways to look not disgusting like ops pic

Dont be an asshole,theres no need. He made progress and hes trying to improve.
>makes 1 years worth of good progress after being a fat fuck
>immediately tells another anon who's trying to make it that he looks disgusting and has low test
You people are wretched
You do look better, just continue to get leaner
ok progress for a year, you're still figuring out how to train and diet, it's ok to not do everything 100% perfect. try to hone in on training with good form and most importantly high intensity. watch dorian yates blood and guts, this is the level of intensity you should be training with. your diet should be primarily based on meat (from ruminant animals) and fruit.

This place is getting worse by the day with this defeatist, grotesque way to look at life and hateful bullshit spread everywhere
Today, less than a year apart.
Work Harder OP or you won't make it.
Stop fucking lying to him. It's no ok for a year. It's abysmal. The entire point of a journey is to stick to it and truly go after what you want. Not half ass pity party shit like some modern age typical zoomer faggot. I realized my work ethic absolutely shits on the average person from my gen group, zoomers and millennials are borderline genuine pussies.
Good bench man and kudos for making progress but you are no image of beauty. You could probably look much better if your diet wasn’t ass
True and checked
insufficient data for meaningful answer
Still fattie, stop eating like a pig
I can only see half your face but you look dumb
you're probably stuffing your stupid face with garbage 24/7 without even registering it like all fatfucks
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Your half right retard. Picrel is Jan 20th only a few months after my Sept 10th start.
Gaining fat on a very successful bulk like mine is given.
yes im afraid you are retarded
even if you're very charitable to him, its not a matter of lighting in OPs case lmao

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