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How long will it take me to get a physique impressive to normies as a beginner?
Indian girls hate white boys though. That's a discord troon.
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>tfw white but not tall
Cope, Indian girls like white guys just as much as Asian girls do
cope. all non white women lust over white men. all non white men lust over white women. that's just the way of the world. everyone wants to get some white.
saaar, plz saaaaar
Utter cope
You can keep the dalit whores. Enjoy timmycels
>posts a whore
>Timmy thinks that's a win
Every race loves whites because we're the most beautiful, except maybe aside from certain types of East Asians. No race can resist us.
She doesn't look 75
keep the redeem lil jeet
White women love Black men though. Cope.
you guys keep spamming these but are still incels, really makes you think
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At least in the US and Canada, they'll marry white men if they don't stick to their race.
Human sexual instinct isn't going to change in 10 years.
white men can't be true incels. all real incels are brown. so cope and seethe
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ok manlet
t. bigger
They pretend to hate white boys. Because they know they'll be disowned by their family if they ever look in the direction of a white boy.
But away from the watchful gaze of their family/other Indians they will drop to their knees for the BWC.
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>pretend to hate white boys

Do they not realize the shit they post online can pretty easily be seen by their friends and family?
So then why aren't deep inside brown pussy then
Seems to have changed considerably in the 5 years represented by the charts. 140% increase in AF rating AM, ~70% overall drop in ratings of WF. It's obviously true though that white women prefer white men, now as always.
It depends, all you need is to weigh more than 70kgs and have your body fat be 20% or lower
Fucking irony for WW is that men are done with this shit at least the decent ones.
>I have to swipe 15 times instead of 12 times

As I was mulling over scientific black pill, this was one of the parts that helped me get over it. There was some poorly conducted study about attractive Asian vs attractive white that sort of snapped me out of it as well. The difference between dark green and dark red is not devastating. That and also I got with 5 different women when I decided to start trying, that certainly had something to do with it. I got enough random sex that I had a moment where I felt I needed to get an STD test before entertaining women I was chatting up. My height starts with 5, I'm half black, and I don't have a six pack. If you don't suck you can get laid. I'm 100x more sympathetic to people who lament modern/white/western women being shitty compared to people who think modern/white/western women won't fuck them.
Sounds like you were just above average looking and too autistic to realize it. The importance of height is overstated, as are six pack abs. By far, face is most important thing.
all women are whores so yes it is a timmy win pranjeet
I think I'm slightly above average for a rational scale. I wouldn't go that far for the women's scale. I've settled on some sort of red pill. I earnestly believe there are learned skills that can make or break whether you are successful with women. I think I cultivated a sense for how to talk to women. I also think an attractive person can flounder a sure thing just like a company that starts with millions of dollars, gets managed by a retard, and goes up in smoke.
Completely false, pajeetas love white guys more than anything
4 years natty, 4 months if you roid
Pajeet women would be to white guys what pajeet men are to white women if not for internal pressure and policing.

For a curry gf you should normiemaxx. You need to be so normie and middle-class presenting that the pajeet girl will be confident her most judgmental family members will be okay with you.
She also must be confident that you are so normal that you will also conceal her rabid lust for white cocks.

This is similar to BDSM where BDSM girls want you to appear normal irl so that their family won't know they are degenerate perverts.
If you roid, months. Natty? Double that if you do everything perfectly.
Seething indian hands types this post
Go home rakesh. Just because you filled up your subcontinent with literal shit doesn't mean you can just start over elsewhere
Good morning! Respectfully redeemed sar! They only come to white countries to date indian chads like us!
How do you double “months”? That’s vague as shit
I'm sorry rajesh but this could not be further from the truth
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kek absolute cope
Women are so fucking bad at sexy talk

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