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Do dead hangs actually make you taller? I'm a 5'10 manlet and i hate my height. could i get an inch or 2 from doing these?
if the exercise has the word "Dead" in it only DYELs do it
yes but you have to do it from the neck
Only if you're a fat fuck or significantly old, so you've got a lot of decompression you could get out of it. And it's not gonna last very long.
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Yes, stretch your legs and hips too, the straighter they are the taller you'll stand.
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> manlet
I hate you people
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>mfw 5'10 anons hate their height
>mfw i'm 5'5
You will never know what it's like to be female height. You will never know what it's like to be literally looked down on by every person you come in contact with.
you decompress your spine so yeah, it only lasts for as long as your pump does tho
Dyel cant do deadlifts, they advocate against them. Stupid nigger
I'm like 5'10 with slumped shoulders from sitting at my computer 24/7. Pretty sure I'd be at least 6' if I could fix my posture but holy shit it hurts to sit up straight for more than a minute
>t. 5'7" midget
snow crab build
lanklet build
"skipped leg day" build
skellyarms build
"winded going up stairs" build
>dead extensions
no traps build
I'm a 5'8 midget :(
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5'6 actually, shortest male in my family
God hates me personally

You get it, fellow short bro
There was a guy who for a time advocated only various dead hangs to build muscle. He kept changing his name and deleting his YouTube videos and then started up again. He had a solid muscular build and was in his late fifties to early sixties. The weird thing was that his family would rudely walk back and forth in the background of his videos ignoring him while being distractions. He wrote three ebooks on his exercises and exercise theory. I downloaded one but it was just word salad after word salad justifying his exercise theory that dead hang variations could build serious muscle without threat of injury. The last video I saw of him he was complaining he had lightly tweaked his back doing a dead hang variation. Given his grim face and constant grimaces, I think it was a major injury. He shortly after this injury deleted all his videos and disappeared. Just another exercise crank.
I'm 6'1 and i feel average as fuck nowadays.
I wish i was 6'4 and mogged everyone.
6'2+ is a cheatcode to life, work, promotions, relationships etc
You don't get it. Being 5'10 is torture.

You're ALMOST tall enough to be considered tall but not quite. Women will still reject you because you don't hit the 6' cutoff. So close yet so far.
bot reply
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Shit bait
Find a tall guy and be his sidekick
>it's the normal height guys complain about being an acceptable height thread
5'10-6' guys should be shot
cope and sneed
>he's malding cause he cant blame his problems on his height as they're 100% his own fault
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Hows the weather down there little man?
>he's malding about people he made up in his head because he played oppression olympics with them
165cm here
I hate tall people pretending to be short so fucking much, OP is a fucking grifter
most of you are tall enough to get laid easily
me? I'm literally the same height as 99.99% of women looking for taller guys
I'm pretty much removed from all dating pools
none of you will ever know true pain
>t. 5'10 manlet, screeching like a faggot
>Do dead hangs actually make you taller?
yes, u get injured shoulders and u stop ur retarded compounds and ur spine relaxes a bit form constant thoracic flexion and lumbar cervical extension - yes hanging like monke indeed makes u taller by unfucking ur posture a bit, until u feel a bit better and come back to benching etc. like dog comes back to vomit
I’m 6’2 so yeah I have no idea, sorry that happened to you though lol
Yep, most young white guys are 6 ft + these days. Not uncommon for girls to be almost 6 ft also. 6'3" is the perfect height where you are still taller than average but not a lanklet
>tfw 5'11.5"
I am the trickster.
Why wouldn't 5'10 be manlet? You guys need to start being honest with yourselves.
5'10 isn't far off from female height.
>Not uncommon for girls to be almost 6 ft also
There's literally no country in the world where it's common for women to be 6ft. Why are you talking out of your ass?
I just entered this thread btw but Im Australian and im 5’10 and i routinely see women as tall or taller than me. Idc though because I have normal proportions and the tall chicks are almost always fucked looking
The average height for women in Australia is literally 5'3. You notice the tall ones because being a 5'10 woman when the average is 5'3 is the equivalent of being a 6'5 man when the average is 5'10.
Thats because we have a shit load of asians and jeets in Sydney and Cuckbourne. I feel like a giant when Im there. Any other city and white women are big as shit
You're 5'11, I'm 180 cm. We are the same.
>Any other city and white women are big as shit
In every sense of the term big
limit the data to only white women and you'll find that number to at least 5'6 if not taller.

Get a bike or exercise bike and adjust the seat so your legs are forced to grow longer to comfortably ride. Also use resistance bands to construct a set up so that you are being stretched by your legs and torso while you sleep

eat eggs and drink milk eveyrday
Everyone subject to gravity has 1-2" hiding between their spinal disks. Astronauts come back from space a bit taller, it might even be a higher amount I forget. But you can't unlock them, your spine has to be somewhat compressed or you'll get injuries. I injured my back over stretching my spine with an inversion table. I never got taller, only ended up in snap city and yes I'm sure the inversion "therapy" caused it because it happened only when I was doing that BS.

You can/should only stretch to get rid of the compression caused by lifting.
Oh and even the astroniggers can't keep that height gain, they have to do extensive physical therapy when returning to Earth or they'll rip their spinal tissue. Their spine is like jelly because too much of the squishy disk matter is exposed.

There was a Russian guy who made a device that pulled his shoulders and legs while he slept. Literally just like truck bed tie-downs around his ankles and armpits with rubber so they pulled him. He claims he gained a lot of height. No clue what that would do to your spine health but seems like over a long enough period of time your body would indeed adapt to the forces.

think again chud>>74614966
What about deadlift? You won't make ass with hip thrust only
Yes, its only decompression so after few hours you get back to the initial height
Fixing posture may gain you little bit if its shit now
I'm 1,75m and I'm happy, what's wrong witg 5,10? Sounds ok amd average
>adjust the seat so your legs are forced to grow longer to comfortably ride
fucking kek
enjoy your knee and hip injuries you stupid fuck
No, your height is determined by the length of your bones, which is pretty much determined by its growth plates and when it fully hardens. This is why once you're an adult its pretty much impossible to gain more height unless you go for the leg chopping pill
idk but they help with my back pain
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DYEL spotted
You can literally lie to women about being 6ft and they won't be able to tell the difference
5’10 is good, because you’re equal to or taller than 90% of women. If you’re shorter than the average woman, it’s incredibly over.
Unfortunately, women prefer a height gap of 4 inches or more. And inevitably you’ll be standing next to a 6’+ guy, making you look shorter. But at least you get to heightmog sometimes.
Lol this applies only to the Netherlands really.
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>some of them do though
Bro is 5’6 claiming 5’10

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