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What in the fuck is going on with this obsessive reaction against any possibility of picking up a tan on on the internet now?
Forget about sunscreen, not even that is good enough apparently, because you will still tan somewhat. I don't understand what the fuck it is these redditors think adults are supposed to be doing when hanging out at a pool. The pool is surrounded by recliners, what else are you going to do except lay out under the sun and... pick up a fucking tan?? Are we not allowed to go outside now? Do we have to stay in ze pods?
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>he wants to be more brown
it's simply pasty whitoid cope for having skin that doesn't turn the sun into a beautiful bronze. a deep tan is yet another way to mog.
idk it always seems like it's southeast asians and south americans that clutch on to whatever slight paleness they have as an indicator of social status
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refer to >>74613498
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Jews dont like tanning because its for the working class goys.
yeah but whites develop a tan by lounging in the sun, not by back breaking labour in the constant equatorial heat.
thats how niggas are made anon
You dig.
Go look up anything about going out in the sun and you get bombarded by articles telling you that the sun will murder you and rape your mother if you go out without sunscreen on.

I know one dude who chooses to live in a basement without windows because he's a hopeless hypochondriac who thinks a slight headache is extreme cancer. There's no hope for them, they cannot comprehend that going outside doesn't mean you won't instantly develop advanced melanoma. Hilariously, they often don't take vit d, which isn't even enough on its own anyway.
It’s just the latest meme where everyone is afraid of ageing in the slightest way so they avoid activities that stop them looking like a twink
When I see a pasty male I assume he is a beta. Most likely works in an office all day for long hours and is not very good with his hands. The kind of guy that won't crack risky jokes around his colleagues because he is afraid they will judge him.
We figured out sun damages the skin and makes you look like an old, wrinkled ballsack sooner, grandpa. Get back into the tanning bed and get cancer.
Taking is a retarded boomer meme and it's decades past time that it died of melanoma.
What? Look at Swedes and Germans, they get really good tans from the sun
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I’m a eurochad from the south and we can tell German/Swedish/Northern girls apart from the rest because they either have this unnatural white ghostly skin tone, fake trump-like tan or sunburned-tomato skin. they also have very narrow hips and broad shoulders but that’s a whole other discussion.
yeah it's a deathly fear of aging that comes from being internet brained. They waste their youth online and then live the rest of their sad existences trying to make up for the inevitable missed developmental milestones. All of a sudden turning 25 is a death sentence because you can't be young again. Faggots
I would do everything to be able to tan, I was made fun of for my entire life for looking pale as fuck
>From the south
Pick one
I wear 50+ SPF and still tan when I go abroad but here in jolly England I use a tanning lotion
Manlet chads rise up!
im 180cm and that's more then enough to make it here.
If every race on earth was separated and each had their own country, with all communication blocked, white people would just live their lives normally for eternity. Every other race would sit around asking themselves "what are the white people doing?" or saying things like "i bet those white people miss us and our culture". You know, obsessing, coping and seething.
People think they can somehow prevent aging by rubbing chemicals on their face and hiding in their rooms all day
I am out shirtless at high noon on every sunny day (if I'm not working)
got a good tan going, been working on it since january
I'm not talking about sitting out in the sun for hours and not doing anything.

But it's summer. With summer activities. Outside, by some body of water. In your swimming trunks. You fucking loons are acting like we have to live like some kind of Michael Jackson/mole person
Because they want you to live in a corporate apartment in a government sponsored “walkable city” and rub corporate chemicals all over your body and eat corporate packaged food and never go outside and only consume corporate media and products while scrolling your government tracking device 13 hours a day
Demonizing the sun and being outdoors is one step to achieving this
That's where you are wrong, rednecks exist because of Europeans who worked hard under the Southern sun. Am physically tanned myself from doing long hours of labor outdoors.
>t. redneck
Yes, it is the same dynamic as rural Chinese peasants tanned by the sun vs the nobility and lords in the shade with face whitening makeup. Swarthy meant working outdoors which meant serfs and working class. My girl likes my redneck tan so I don't mind.
>Every other race would
Suffer a catastrophic collapse because they can't make ball bearings and maintain their industry
cbt is always filled with the palest whites though who are afraid of the sun

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