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/fit/ - Fitness

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/fit/ is dying. its summer, and the zoomers don't bother posting shitposting on /fit/ :(

where are the oldfags of /fit/ (from 2010s) shit posting? on discord? they left /fit/ and moved on with life?

here's my routine, 3 days weekly, ultra minimalist...

A) Bench, rows + arms
B) Squat, pull ups + arms
C) Deadlifts, OHP + arms

I guess you can call it a torso + limbs routine.
it looks like shit and you'll give up after a few months because of how shit it is and how shit you'll look
I have been lifting for 14 years you retard. Started out with Strong lift 5x5, then switched over to Push Pull Leg.
Pretty good honestly. I like the compounds + arms approach, it strikes the best balance between aesthetics, strength, and effort required.
Seconded. especially if he's already been lifting for 14 years. At that point it's just maintenance, desu
>they left /fit/ and moved on with life?

you could say, they made it
thanks, whats your routine like?
Basically the same thing except spread out over the week. I hit the main compounds (s/b/d, ohp, rows) once a week, then do arms and whatever else I feel like (pullups, dips, calf raises mostly).
A: Double KB C&P, Bench, Pullups
B: Double KB Front Squat, Back squats
C: Running, Pullups, Dips. Sometimes DLs

ABCABCABC repeating
Day 1: Inclined dumbbell press, cable row, OHP, lat pull downs, triceps cable overhead, biceps cable, lu raises and abs.
Day 2: pull ups, dips, upright rows, flat dumbbell press, hammer curls, skullcrushers and trap bar deadlifts (low handles)
Day 3: Leg press, good mornings, good girl/bad girl machines, calf raises, leg extensions, and hamstring curls.

Off days I do biking or walking for about 1.5 hours. Going to swap the adductor machine for hip thrusts next cycle and I want to add bulgarians to day 1 but I’m always gassed.
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Here's mine, rate and hate:

Romanian DL
Pendlay rows


Rugby Practice

Front squats
Weighted chin ups

Rugby practice


Long run, or playing Rugby if in season.
all the cool people on 4chan moved onto /ck/ shitposting
Its simple, I like it.
/ck/ doesn't offer much unless you're into slop. might have one or two threads about cooking
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>DB Bench/DB Press
>Lateral Raises


>Rope Climb
>Gorilla Row
>Rope Sled Pull


>Calf Raise


>Lying Tricep Extensions
>J.M. Press/CG Bench
>Close Grip Chins
>Waiter Curls (or some other variation)




>Free Diving (weather permitting)

I live in SEA and have to work during the day Thursday, Friday and Saturday
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>oldfags of /fit/ (from 2010s)
Holy fuck, 2010s are oldfags? I remember the Zyzz and Tinytrip days like it was barely a few months ago...bros...
2010 was 14 years ago ... same age as Gen Z and Gen Alpha .... I remember zyzz, tinytrip and Frank Yang shitposting here. Bodybuilding misc was a thing. People used to read T-NATION articles lol. Zoomer fitness influencer wasn't a thing. Scooby even posted on /fit/ ...
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>I live in SEA and have to work during the day Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Oh thats cool. Whats your remote job?
4chins is going out of style, much like dial up bulletin boards of the 80s and 90s... and IRC...
My Dumbbell only routine
Mon. Push: Pushups, Danberu Puress, OHP (dumbbell), Lateral raise
Tues. Pull: Hammer curls, bent over rows, pullovers
Weds. "Legs": Squat, Calf raises, whatever ab work out I feel like doing
Thurs. Push
Fry. Pull
Sat / Sun: max and relax
>Day 1:
Bench 5x5
Incline dumbbell bench 4x12
Plate loaded machine chest press 4x10
Cable fly's 4x12
Seated shoulder upright press 4x12
Db side lat raises 4x10
Face pulls 4x12
Cable tricep extensions 4x12
Skull crushers 4x10
>Day 2:
Deadlifts 5x5
Standing T-bar rows 4x10
Plate-loaded chest supported rows 4x10
Seated cable rows 4x12
Lat pulldowns 4x12
Seated incline dumbbell curls 4x failure
Standing ez bar bicep curls 4x10
Rope cable curls 4x drop-set AMRAP
>Day 3:
Squats 5x5
Leg press 5x10
Calf raises 4x15
Leg extensions 4x10
Leg curls 4x10
Planks 3x failure
Russian twists 3x20
Leg raises 3x15
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>ultra minimalist...
I feel mine is too, on leg days I throw in some extra things like calf raises, every day I do abs
Really doesn't look like a lot my man.
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>Push Pull Leg
weird split but ok. which leg do you train?
I'm limited with my equipment but also do drop sets which I don't bother to record, working out doesn't need to take more than half an hour desu
50 push-ups, 10 burpees, 10 chalice squats (45 lb) repeat 3x

30 minute on Jacob’s ladder

Dumbell time
40 weighted incline sit ups (30 lb)
10 curls, 10 lat raises, 10 hammer curls, 5 lat raises (25 lb) —-3x

Roman chair/ assisted pull up machine time
60 leg raises, 20 body weight pull ups, 20 chin ups
60 leg raises, 20 assisted pull ups/20 assisted chin ups
60 leg raises, 20 assisted pull ups/20 assisted chin ups

I’m probably a stupid boomer faggot for strictly doing full body every day. Half of the time I throw Bulgarian split squats on the squat machine and chalice “split squats”. More like weighted plies like in ballet. Throw in plank here and again, but above is mandatory 2 days on, one day off

This has been a great routine for me even if it is all over the place
>I’m probably a stupid boomer faggot for strictly doing full body every day
As long as you know there is only endurance gains from that, you're not going to get big muscles then who cares
Yeah, I know it, at least with my upper body stuff. I have added a lot more reps than weight, better form. But not with my legs. They are getting huge. I’m old as fuck, too, so I’m realistic. really just want to get strong enough to never hurt my back ever again.

If I ever did try to dedicate days to arms, legs etc what do you recommend? Just double up on respective sets?
>dedicate days to arms, legs etc what do you recommend?
Depends on your goals desu, but you say you're old as fuck, how old?
I'd just do a minimalist program and throw out any heavy lifting, up the sets and reps
For how many reps are you aiming?
What do you do for arms?

I like minimalist workouts. I’m an oldfag, i work full time, have a family and twice an week martial arts training.
So a Minimalist workout is all I can do.


bench 3x5
Power clean 3x5
Curls 3x15
Skullcrushers 3x10

Seated Press 3x5
Deadlift 3x5
Pull ups 3x10
Ring Dips 3x15

It doable twice a week besides all my other activities.
41. I have a lot of little injuries you’d expect. Elbows won’t let me to tricep stuff, bench hurts my back (no idea why because I do a billion pushups) and watching people deadlift makes me want to cry. I don’t look 41 but I feel it whenever I don’t workout. I also have mental problems that exercise helps. I don’t care about getting much bigger arms and chest but I’m liking new visible abs and ass of steel. And not falling apart
>Anons were BORN while I was here shitposting
Stay away from compounds and go high rep low weight so it feels heavy around 15 reps
41 isn't that old dude
Thanks, man. Have you ever used a ladder machine? It looks silly but that shit changed everything. Big chunk of cardio in the smack middle of my routine turned me into a mutant. Walking away from it kind of feels like you swam a bunch of laps. I’m in the middle of the desert and there ain’t no pool so I’m in love with it. I don’t get why people put down cardio before you lift.
Yes I have at my old gym, had all the equipment you could think of, I miss derrimuts
>For how many reps are you aiming?

5x5 for compound lifts, 4x8 for accessory lifts

>What do you do for arms?
Tricep rope pull downs, rope bicep curls, machine for delts. 4x8 for all of them, lift heavy.

I use dumb bells, cable machines...
Going to be nothing but bbc and cuck bot posters soon enough. It's by design you see, they can't allow an anonymous free speech forum.
My 4 Days "split" i currently love.
1# Push-Pull Day= Bench variations (Pressing power + chest/tri) + Machine+BB Rows Variations (Working the entire back+lats)
2# Legs= Leg extensions+Curls + Leg Press + Squat and than some other stuff i feel i need to improve (usually grip related or biceps)
3# Shoulders= OHP or DB Press for pressing power + a lot of DB stuff for delts, some cable stuff for rear delts
4# Arms= BB/DB Curl variations, Tricep extensions variations (mostly cable) and than some forearms to finish the day.
I do Deadlift every now and then, 200+ Kg 1RM at the moment. Nothing impressive, but i'm bigger and stronger than most of the people i see at my gym.
184cm - 93kg - ~20% Fat
Mine is
A: squat, ohp, chinups + arms and lateral raises
B: DL, bench, rows + arms

Alternating 3 times a week. Two to three warmups and 3 heavy sets of 5 reps or more. Been working great for 9 months.
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I joined around 2010,used to browse the misc and bodybuilding.com has a teen and ended up here (i got banned a lot there lol). Have to admit 2010-2014 were like peak years,now this place is full of defeatist propaganda and incel shit
First post worst post
Thats standard you retarded newfag,stop trying to give advice to others when you dont know shit
autistic or esl? it was a joke. he said leg instead of legs. plural vs singular
Bench/OHP 3x5
OHP/bench 3x8-10
Barbell rows 4x8-10 SS lat raises 4x10-12
W. pull-ups 3x6-8 SS w. dips 3x6-8
Barbell curls 4x6-8 SS french press 4x6-8

Squat/deadlift 3x5
Deadlift/squat 4x8-10
W. sit-ups 4x8-10 SS wrist curls 4x12-15
W. leg raises 4x8-10 SS r. wrist curls 4x12-15

Pretty much stalled on the big 4s linear progression so it’s probably time to start using 5/3/1 or something for my main lifts
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Upper body day for upper/lower split is tough if you're pushing heavy. Respect to you :)
i like the basic exercise selection, but why not do back and biceps shit on lower body days and move the abs and forearms onto upper body days to avoid needing to superset several heavy compounds?
The zoomers unironically shitpost on tik tok comment section.
Yeah it’s tough, but I always preferred to build my work capacity while lifting rather than just doing a standard PPL etc
Definitely sounds more efficient, but I like doing my lower body days first and having my back fried before OHPing and benching seems like it might cost me a couple kilos on the bar. That being said, I might try it out of curiosity for a couple sessions before I start periodising my lifts
stronglifts 5x5 wasn't around 14 years ago
I created a routine based on one of Doug Hepburn's old fashioned routines, but slowed way down and modified. I'm a 40 year old manlet and I've been lifting for a few years, I can't progress quickly and I used dumbbells anyway so it's not like I can just slap 5-10 pounds more every session. I use very slow progression on purpose.
Each workout starts with the main exercise(s) of the day, heavy-ish, 8-2 progressing to 8x3 by adding one rep each week. So it goes like this:
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
When I successfully complete 8x3 I add 2.5 pounds and start over, usually doing a "deload" session first.
After that I the complementary exercise at lighter weight 4x6, progressing to 4x8 the same way:
6 6 6 6
6 6 6 7
6 6 7 7
until I get to 4x8.
For upper days I superset the exercises.

DB single leg deadlifts 8x2-->8x3
DB reverse lunges 4x6-->4x8
Cardio (some HIIT stuff)

DB Bench & DB Row 8x2-->8x3
Weighted Chins and DB OHP 4x6-->4x8
Arms/shoulders (curls, rolling triceps extensions, db upright rows) heavier cheat reps

DB reverse lunge 8x2-->8x3
DB single leg deadlift 4x6-->4x8

DB Weighted Chins & DB OHP 8x2-->8x3
DB Rows & DB Bench 4x6-->4x8
arms/shoulders lighter strict reps

It's weird but I like it and it's working for me so far. I don't have super impressive numbers or anything but I feel good and feel like I can continue to slowly make progress or at least maintain for a while this way.
Yeah it was. 2010, starting strength and strong lift 5x5 was the THING MAN. I don't regret doing starting lift for 1 year.
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>I'm a 40 year old manlet and I've been lifting for a few years, I can't progress quickly

No need to progress quickly brother, enjoy the progress and take it easy <3
Thanks bro, I'm pretty happy where I am. Since I've never used barbells I don't know for sure how strong I'd be, but I imagine I'd be decently close to 1/2/3/4 if I ever tested it out and I'm fine with that.
I have always had to adapt routines to be dumbbell only but I still focus mostly on compound exercises. I started out doing a dumbbell version of phrak's greyskull, then created a routine based on 5/3/1 BBB, now I do this. If I ever start burning out maybe I'll move on to single and double instead of doubles and triples, and change up the lighter sets too, I dunno. It's pretty stress free, I always feel like I can complete my workout without expecting to fail any sets.
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definitely can’t hurt to switch from top to bottom to find what you prefer, but once you start periodising and your diddly gets high enough you’ll probably have a hard time rowing serious weight the next day, so it might be best to jump the gun now
My routine is pretty similar to this.

Bench 5x5
Row 5x5
Chinup 3xF
Dips 3xF
Leg Raises 3xF

Seated Press 5x5
Trap Bar Deads 5x5
Incline DB Curls 3x12
Tri Ext 3x12
Lat Raises 3x12

Aim for 4 days a week but a lot of the time it's only 3 days a week.
I follow Mike mentzers philosophy of lots of rest days and minimal sets. I am surprised you guys do so much volume. I wonder if you all have big arms from going 5-6 days a week?
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>bench day 2x a week
Bench 5x5 pyramid
Close grip bench 5x10
Ohp/lat raise/rear delt raise superset 3x10
Pushdowns 5x15
Face pulls 5x15
>squat day 1x a week
Squat 3x5
Front squat 5x10
Db rows 5x10
Decline sit ups 5xF
>deadlift day 1x week
Deadlifts 5x(varies)
RDL 5x10
Db rows 5x10
Decline sit ups 5xF
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>where are the oldfags of /fit/ (from 2010s) shit posting? on discord? they left /fit/ and moved on with life?

This board has gotten progressively worse for the last decade. Most threads get derailed by schizo stuff, like someone posting something inane about v0ccines and the thread goes to shit. Personally I'm busy with career/family life but I sometimes lurk.
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I unironically do pic related after I someone post his routine on /fit/ and I liked the simplicity
is this ok for someone not too advanced?
>I wonder if you all have big arms from going 5-6 days a week?
Do you?

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