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alright /fit/ you wake up one day only to find out you are back in 2009 and are Chris Chan how do you unfuck your situation and salvage your life?
Hard mode : no seppuku
>Get job
>Get fit
>Profit for the win!
>m-megan i'm going to rape your sweet l-little p-pussy

What timelines we could have had.
>get fit
>use ‘tism brownie points to get a decent job
>use e-fame to monetize sonichu as an ironic avant-garde comic
Lift heavy
Get big muscles
Boyfriend free girls will throw themselves at you
>don't leave sakurai out in the cold seattle rain for up to 2 days
>sonichu becomes multi-billion dollar franchise
its literally that simple
buy bitcoin
move to thailand
train muay thai
become a chad
You fucking bigots, can you call her by her real name. Shes Christina.
If Chris wasn't such a completely incompetent and delusional retard, he could make a living by live streaming himself playing video games.
Was this before or after he uploaded himself fucking his blow-up doll, dressing in his mother's underwear, drinking cum-laced fanta, shoving the medallion up his ass?
If before, lift, get job, go back to college
If after, neck self
Now that you bring that up, it's odd that he didn't go this route. He even did recordings of video games he played (though he didn't upload these until years later) like animal crossing. But for whatever reason, it never occurred of him to make that into a gig .
>But for whatever reason, it never occurred of him to make that into a gig .
Probably because Chris is deadly allergic to work, no matter how effortless.
buy some lego sets and some dlc's for a game ill never play on psn with my autism money
Chris' failings were entirely of his own doing. He was never even genuinely ugly, if he got down to a decent bf% and put on a bit of muscle he'd have been half decent.

He just had such a happy infancy being a spoilt fat little entitled shit that he decided to never mature beyond it.

Most awful people were spoilt brats who had such a good few years in their infancy/childhood/adolescence that they decide to stay there forever.
Look at how many boomers act like 15yo boys because the 70s were such a great time to be one.
Great economy, great music, easy pussy, coddling parents who never want their lil precious' to suffer a world war like that had to etc etc.

T. son of a boomer
>buy bitcoin
>stop acting like a dipshit
>work out
>don't troon out
File: starchsolution.jpg (1.13 MB, 1800x2700)
1.13 MB
1.13 MB JPG
Picrel diet, troon out, start onlyfans
He needs supervision at all times. Prison with Tyrone setting him straight is best.

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