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Is roiding worth it?
Yes. Inferior animals have nothing to live for.
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Roiding inevitably leads to homosexuality.
vax status?
nope, fuck powershitters
two (more) weeks
That is the biggest cope I have ever witnessed
Please formulate your ideas and opinions in a manner that other people can understand.
Forgot to mention I am trans <3. Talk to me like a tranny.
Absolutely disgusting, I don't have tiny nuts so I'd rather not self medicate hormone replacement therapy like a tranny or this repulsive lesbian.
kys faggot
here's your hot 36 year old fitness enthusiast
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lmao @ burgers. making lots of money for (((someone else)))
Dropping like flies.
No, to answer your question.
what a ya gonna do....at least she didn't suffa...
Surely it was veganism that killed "her" before the roids did.
Bill gates and his Banana tittys can burn in hell
I don't understand why the word influencer is being tossed around so blatantly. Who do they "influence" ? Even the younger generation sees them as lab experiements and grotesque freaks. Having x amount of bought followers doesn't make you an influencer.
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I could have saved her, anons.
it's either that or "content creator" take your pick
Feels good knowing relax maxxing is the way
I've never seen this piss goblinnuntil today
Roiding is fine if you don't care about living long, keeping test in your old age if you do manage to survive your 30s, and couldn't hack it natty. If the willpower, dismorphia, and societal expectations are too great and you need a little cheat code, go for it.
Wonder what she was taking for it to kill her. I mean she's obviously on shit because women don't get that big, but there are some woman who are like literally double her size and still alive.
If you can do a cycle and fuck off, sure. protip: you can't.
Or if you're old and can't function without extra test anyway, sure but who gives a shit at that point.
She died of pneumonia
She was still a roidtranny, but it wasn’t the main cause of death
ok but you do understand in these type of situations roiding is like a multiplier, pneumonia is dangerous for a normal human, but it's significantly more dangerous for a roid tranny
the ultimate way to live is maxing out physique after starting training by the age of 14 at the latest. by the time you're in your late 20s you will hit your peak, then you get on trt. by your 40s maybe try some hgh if you wanna be a monster
lol, dumb self-obsessed cunt.

Good riddance, I welcome more of this, much more.
Yeah the thing about womens divisions is they often don't need to have great genetics to get a pro card. She will never have tons of muscle no matter how many drugs she takes but she can still use tren or boldenone or anything else to get shoulders and glutes and look hard while starving.
The women who are really genetically gifted are on a whole different level and don't need to kill themselves to compensate.
Who the fuck did this stupid bitch "influence"? Whoever coined the term "influencer" was a dickhead.
again only dyel pajeets care about being natty
Pajeets are exactly the sort of subhumans who would sell off half their life for vanity. I want to be healthy for my grandchildren and to say nigger in public because I'm from a different time
If you're gonna roid then just roid, don't embarrass yourself even further with pathetic copes like this
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for some it is absolutely worth it
like any tool, it can be taken too far and used irresponsibly
I'm sure it was the roids. Maybe globo warming killed her too. Anything but the vaccine.
i can smell the curry from these posts kek
Looks 58 so she lived a full life
I want to suck giant clit
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No, roids are a problem they want to attach to you to control you easily.
If I could turn back the clock to be 18 again, I would take steroids at that age. Roid rage can be written off by adolescence, and even your steroid use can be written off as the foolishness of youth. Essentially, if you're young, you don't have to worry about the negatives outside your body. The results from your exterior world will be positive and plentiful. The trade off is hairline and high likelihood of permanent injury somewhere in your body that will affect your mobility and be a constant burden for the rest of your life.

Here's the thing, tho. Everyone has a constant burden for the rest of their life. If you roid, you pretty much know what it will be tho. And aside from physical pain, everything else in your life will be going well. There is no more potent privilege in this world than being attractive, and if you look better than everyone else, people will throw opportunities and money at you for nothing.

You won't have money problems. You won't have romantic problems. You won't have family problems. You will have back pain or a fucked up knee or something like that. So, the real choice is:

1. Bodily pain for the rest of your life but everything else is way above average
2. Everything is way below average, but if you sacrifice everything that feels nice, you might make 6 figures.

Roiding is worth it if you're around college age. If you are old, tho, the social benefits will not happen. People will be very put off by your roiding and you will likely end up in legal trouble from roid rage incidents. You'll just be an oaf who society will try to lock up.

I (34m) have a friend. He started juicing when we started college. I did not and never have. I am much much smarter than he is. I am broke. He's the dumbest person working in finance and he makes good money, has a great wife, kids, and a house. People give him their money cuz he's fit. Simple as that. If I could turn back the clock, I'd roid with him and we'd be multimillionaires.
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What the fuck is up with her thumb
That's actually her clit, just shows how big it can get on gear
aztec genetics
She looks fucking terrible.
Being that lean is terrible for you, the steroids take years off your life at the end but it's the cutting drugs that kill you early like that. Your kidneys are just dying
Theres no saving that manface
If you're worried roids are gonna turn you gay you're probably already repressing. This thought pattern doesn't normally occur
it's insane how stigmatized steroids are even here, am i on reddit? Or am i on the same site i see child porn posted bimonthly? Fit is full of sissies
Test and Sustanon are the same thing.

A guy like this would be on HGH year round. (Insulin too)

Steroids make your dick harder, not softer.

Who the fuck wrote this shit?
This place was alright a decade ago.
I don't know when it went down, not that it wasn't always going down.
Now it's mainly demoralization.
anything progestogenic fucks up your brain and sexuality a lot more than test. but yeah it's a weird ass screenshot
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Why are they all white or Italian looking?
Where do people make up this shit and think you can't search everyone involved?
Robert Maxwell was from Europe and came to the US more than a century after Mary Maxwell's family had been in the US.
And Robert Maxwell isn't even Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch's real name.
This but 14.
>by your 40s maybe try some hgh if you wanna be a monster
how does hgh works? I understand stacking it with the other substances. What I am interested in is however, will low dosage of hgh only increase your lifespan? Will it help with keeping injuries and pain low? Will it help you keep lean physique, provided you dont eat too much?
Glad this thing is fucking dead
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>There is no more potent privilege in this world than being attractive
you imply that sterons = being attractive. Thats just simply not true. Plenty of 20 yo roiders ugly beyond comprehension. Plenty of roiders going with the powermeme line. The getting old fast part sets in as well. Aged skin is unattractive. Your mate prolly has nice facial easthetic going for him, as well as he's tall. And most importantly, lean. You can get steroids, and still gorge yourself on food due to your impulses exacerbated by them. Your mate had a bright future ahead of him, sterons or not.
I think it is for these people because they are usually mentally ill (the severe cases) and/or lacking an identity / mission in life.

However the vast majority of roiders AFAIK don't overdo it like these sickening freaks.
actually based, but you are throwing pearls to swines, most /fit visitors are gay and/or brown.

They will never be happy
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If they have sponsorships and promote a company or their products then they are influencers, even if they're small.
>t. NEET living off of gibs
Vax status?
Being bigger and stronger than other men boosts your career. Chattel treat you with respect and exude competency.
If you're a man isn't the best compromise to do mild trt with no roids.
Every time I see a story about these relatively young people (like under 40) dying, I get so jealous of them. Why can’t I be so lucky to free me of this miserable life

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