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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Boogie will never lose the wei-AAAACKKK!

Who's laughing now?
didn't he just do a crapto scam to pay for his fat retard medicine
dubs and booger has a heart attack within the next 3 hours
>a month to lose 5% of his body weight
>from a starting point of over 400lbs
He'll be dead soon. This retard is still gorging.
Buy a hat for your hat
I'm not familiar with US royals, but I remember that this guy had a gastrectomy years ago. Now you have Ozempic available like candy and he is still over 400?
if this post ends in 4 booger will make a full transformation, go down to 12% body fat and mog all of /fit/
5 and boogie loses all the weight, develops osteoporosis, and learns to fly with the loose skin
Wow, the secret to weight loss was scamming your audience all along
i was still in highschool when he started to try and lose weight
Digits and booger finally dies.
Good riddance
>Doesn’t say when

Waste of digits he’s going to die eventually anyway
dubs and Boogie will be the first human to be given biological immortality and will die only with the heat death of the universe or the Big Rip
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it’s over boys pack it up.
>430 lbs
americans are fucked in the head. I can't even remember the last time I saw anybody this fat irl, maybe I've never. How the fuck can you weigh 150 kg and think "ah it's not so bad yet, time for cake"?
Oh wow he is only 407 pounds after all these years!
Watch this, in 2 months he is gonna show a progress photo where he went from 423 to 412.
Boogie is doomed to repeat the cycle of losing some weight and gaining all of it back plus some. Any progress he achieves will be undone because he's a born quitter
I swear he was in the 300s last time there was a thread like thid
Boogie somehow got gastric band surgery and still managed to eat on it
i distinctly remember him being in the 380s
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This dude will do literally anything except stop eating.
Anon... 430lbs is around 190kg.
At those weights the simple act of not stuffing your face 24/7 with slop makes you lose weight.
It's uncommon to see these people in the US because they're typically laying down at home eating. Most of them are scamming disability or being enabled by a loved one. Largest people you'll actually see a good quantity of are the 300lb variety of "used to play football in highschool then I became a truck driver" types.
Dude is being collectively shit on by YouTubers for selling out his audience to a pump and dump crypto coin. He's gonna stress eat back to 450
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what have you done
He has plenty of money in bank. He's just pretending to be broke. Disgusting fat faggot. Now he's playing as if he did some exercising and it was just sheer willpower that he lost weight. Except it was his fat faggot injection that did it for him.
You fucker. Trips and Boogie dies when he gets below 400lbs
dubs and boogie gets swole
Boogie already outlived Zyzz and Rich Piana. He won. Roids are worse than being morbidly obese.
>and taking medication that my doctor prescribed
lol bro really wrote that after diet and exercise as if it's not the major factor
>Watch this, in 2 months he is gonna show a progress photo where he went from 423 to 412.
This. Dude's done this song and dance too many times to count. He keeps saying he's losing weight and never mentioning how he just yo-yo's right back to his starting weight each time, sometimes even exceeding his previous upper limit. Somehow he's got an army of nut huggers ready to defend his honor about it.
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Trips and booger dies this year
he could simply just not eat
he probably injects 5 ozempics per day
Trips and you losers stop posting about this loser and giving him attention.
Trips and you stop rolling to kill me
yea he probably took a few 5lb shits and lost some water weight. Nigga probably has 100 more lbs of water in his asscheeks alone
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Hasn't he been on this journey for over 10 years now? In any case this is the result that waits for him
/fit/ BTFO
Unironically he can't fail this time because GLP-1 drugs are fucking magical. Impossible to gain weight on them.
boogie literally told people not to buy his meme coin and that it was a joke you fucking retards. not boogie's fault if people were still too stupid to buy it rofl.
Doesn't he have cancer?
How is he only lol sing that little weight witch cancer?
he's lying about cancer
>Create rugpull meme coin
>Shill rugpull meme coin on your main channel
>Tell people on the lolcow podcast you cohost it's a scam
Really says everything how he feels about his fans. Dude's just a scumbag who will bleed his dwindling fanbase dry.
>US royals
kek good one
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>Losing more and more weight, good job Boogie
This is actually sad... He can't even maintain. He gained 75 pounds in 4 years after he was already fat
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fuck you. Trips and he dies by end of year
what's his secret
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>fat crypto scammer using his drug induced weight loss to smokescreen the fact that he tried to scam his dying audience

boogie is a selfish, narcissistic, sociopath and I am thrilled to know that fat pile of shit is going to die before me. I look forward to the day I see #boogiefuckingdied trending on twitter.
>fat person loses a few lbs
>oh it was 'just' water!
I thought when you are 300+ pounds you lose weight on accident. Like oh I was cleaning the garden and skipped a meal, down 5 pounds. Oh I got carried away in the supermarket and pushed the cart for an hour, down 5 pounds. Taking a shit probably costs that fat fuck a couple of pounds.
>shit probably costs that fat fuck a couple of pounds
Bet he regularly takes 5lb shits easy. Imagine the immense amount of shit, chewed up food, and material that is halfway between food and shit, currently clogging up his intestines

If he fasted for 2 days and shat everything out he'd probably be down 20+ lbs
Yeah if they fasted for a couple days the water weight would probably be like 15 or 20 lbs. Imagine how much water their salty adipose boys can hold.
wow boogie took a shit
get off of fit boogie
I thought this grifting pig died
did I switch timelines again?
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so boogie farted?
it’s fucking JOEVER
Boogie is literally going to outlive all of us
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Boogie is cursed by the goddess Nemesis.
"Teiresias prophesied that Narcissus would ‘live to a ripe old age, as long as he never knows himself ".

His stubbornness, ego and refusal to take responsibility is his life force and he will continue to stare into that narcissistic pool of reflection (quite literally seeing himself on his webcam and monitor) until he withers away and dies.

He needs a symbolic death in order to be reborn and move past his current problems. He needs to turn the camera off, delete his youtube account and get a real job where he can calibrate to reality and realise that people have it a lot worse living in slums and are not lucky enough to be able to stuff their face with 4k kcal a day in a fantasy arcade gaming figurine neverland shrine.
>through diet, exercise and taking the medications
Thanks schizo
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Trips and booger turns to Christ and returns his crypto scam money
>it's not unethical to scam people if they're dumb enough to fall for it
you have the morals of a Mumbai alley cat
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Who here /Hassle/pilled doe?

He was always scamming his audience. One for him, one for his hookers.
He has cancer but the type of blood cancer that kills you in 50 years rather than a few years.
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> fat
> unattractive
> broke
> almost reaches 50
> gets to fuck a skinny zoomer gf looking like this everyday
Is this a glitch in the matrix?
>someone well known online has a girlfriend
As soon as he stops taking them, he will gorge and die
i agree desu
someone falling for shitcoins in the year of our lord 2024 deserves to be poor, unless they're like elderly or have brain damage
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Trips and boogie becomes god-king of the universe
rare wojack for my collection. thanks anon.
She's definitely fucked in the head. But hey at least he gets pussy and I can only fuck my hand.
fame trumps everything

goblinesque serial killers get fangirls
How do you avoid this when losing weight?
After stomach surgery as well
people defending boogie are just memeing right? no one would actually simp for this blob would they?
this fat faggot is 100x worse than DSP, don't care what anyone says
Yes it's mainly bait, though if you have mental issues you should be able to understand that boogie also has severe mental issues. You couldn't pay me to eat like he eats.
Kind of funny really that body builders fizzle out before ppl who don't do any movement and just gorge themselves to death with food all dau
At his size? You don't. The sad reality is that sometimes you just destroy your body and have to live with consequences. Once you get over 300ish pounds loose skin is just about unavoidable.
>At his size? You don't.
That's pretty bleak.. What's the cutoff then? At what weight you don't get stretch marks?
I meant loose skin I dunno why I said stretch marks.
dubs and boogie lives to 2100
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>I'm succeeding!
>net gain of 50 lbs >>74616785
there's no way they're actually having sex. i refuse to believe she can somehow dig out his shrunken penis from the mountain of fat it's been fermenting under.
Is boogie really balding? My hairline looks like this
Cope. I get called a liar but I had more girlffiends when I lived off slop and lived life as a neet. Gyming and wage slaving has got me no where but injuries and humiliation.
Sam hyde?
trips for confirmation
Dégage de la gros porc
He's on Ozempic and will fucking die
Boogie could have become a living legend had he just shot this other fat fuck. Such a shame.
Your incredulity is kind of irritating, what, you thought you could just destroy your body. balloon to over 3 times a healthy body weight and just diet back down to looking like a normal healthy person like it never happened?
can I get a qrd on the crypto fiasco? I don't know anything about it
He admitted that can't have piv intercourse.

What's the point.
Imagine the torture of living in that body
>sold his fanbase out for $5k upfront to promote a crypto scam
>turns out the group behind it made in the ballpark of $3mil
>but it's ok because he said it was all a joke in the launch vid
>he's also teaching his fans a lesson that crypto is bad
>it was more about building a community to chat with fans
>and the money's all spent now
>"I'm broke all the time, I had to sell some of my shit"
>"You know I lost everything to crypto too?"
>"I paid my medical bills with the $5k"
>"oh uhh, I have cancer now by the way, feel bad for me"
I hope he has cancer and he dies at 400+ pounds. There're very few people in the world that fill me with actual rage as much as Boogie does.
The weight varies. The better rule is a question, do you have folds? Guys like Rob McElhenney who got super fat but their gut stayed in the firm shape of a basketball don’t have to worry about the squirrel suit. The body is stressed but not broken. However, once you sag it is over. The only way you are getting rid of the skin is a surgeon.
>and taking the medications
He'll gain all the weight back when the crypto scam money runs out and he can't afford the pills.
His body is just developing starvation mode, I'm sorry to say that boogies set weight is between 400 and 500lbs and he will soon rocket back up to 600lbs because his body thinks he's starving himself.
What if he just fasted to 180. Wouldn't that be nuts?
Boogie fucking makes it this time
Fr fr no cap ong check ‘em
If that's true then you're also balding.
>Dubs and he's meeting his maker tonight
check em
Fat people don't fuck. The idea that boogie can maintain an erection for more than a few minutes is laughable. She probably has to fuck him like once a month. Good thing for her it's over quickly.
>gets gastric bypass that makes anyone who isn't retarded lose weight fast
I can't wait until this fat fucking faggot finally dies.
Cute mosquito.
what time is it in burgerland now anyway?
If 1-9 eternal boogie death

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