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If sugar is bad for you, why does it taste good?
Less sweet carbs are way better for you in every way unless it's pwo.
Wrong! Wrongo! Fruit is healthier in every way.
gay and wrong
You are wrong, sir.
Captcha: WR0NG
It tastes good because if you were marching through the desert for 1 week without food then sugar could save your life.

In 99% of human history people were starving all the time, there were no factories producing infinite processed food like today.
>Irrelevant time wasting thread
>if heroin is bad why does it make me feel good

<75IQ logic
Because it's a good source of easily digestible and quickly available energy, that is also typically found in fruit that contains a bunch of micros that are also very good for us. That's a very nice fucking thing to find in a food scarce environment, which we evolved in for most of our history. It only becomes an issue in the modern environment where food is both abundant and processed to contain a much higher concentration of sugar than fruit does.

Same thing with salt. We love it because sodium is probably the overall most important mineral, this shit is absolutely essential for transmission of nerve impulses and a bunch of other shit but it's not exactly a common find in nature, just trace amounts in water and food. We didn't evolve to eat whole fucking rocks made of the stuff.
This. Our body has adapted to seek out sources of nutrition by making them taste good. Fat tastes good, sugar and fructose tastes good. Salt tastes good because you literally need it for a functional nervous system. But in our age of abundance these evolutionary adaptations have been hijacked by a hyper competitive market in order to sell you the tastiest and most stimulating food and beat the competitor's product. Abuse those senses and your monkey brain won't know any better. Cut the sweets and goyslop for a month and eat an apple. You will realise it's much sweeter than you previously thought. I myself have reached the point where a banana might genuinely taste too sweet
glycogen found in a freshly hunted down animal's raw muscles and blood is what gives you that "kick" when feasting on it.
fructose is poisonous for humans so i guess humans got very little sugar through their normal diet.
Why did god/evolution create humanity to require scarce nutrients and minerals in an environment where they were hard to find
No idea, dude doesn't answer his phonecalls
Is not directed, there's no design to it, shit capable of surviving simply survives. Animals that didn't like sugar and ignored it were simply less successful at surviving and spreading their genes than animals that did like sugar.
Because then you'd now what to look for. If dirt tasted good and we'd all simply eat dirt and die of malnutrition within two generations
sugar by itself doesn't really taste good
if heroin/meth/fent/etc is bad for me why does it make me feel good
if veggies are good for you why do they taste bad
Sugar is good for you, dumb shit. Your body literally runs on sugar.
there's no better indicator that you're talking to a great big fat fucking retarded person who shops at the dollar tree or walmart than when someone tries to tell you that sugar is a DRUG just like HEROIN
please just die of fentanyl already, you are a lower form of life
>someone tries to tell you that sugar is a DRUG just like HEROIN
Most people couldn't come up with the definiiton of a psychoactive substance to save their lives and don't know both nicotine and caffeine meet that definition, go easy on them.
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You know why: jewish tricks
You logic is stupid because humans lack natural sense to know which foods they need to eat to get vitamins and other nutrients they lack. Also, sugar often causes stomach problems too! And it causes non-alcoholic fatty liver more easily than fat because sugar gets stored in liver as fat.
existence is bristling with privation and you were built to be the most resilient creature on earth. not even (re)tardigrades could win a fight against the Aryan race.
You can get everything you need from vegetables. Fruit just has a bunch of unnecessary sugar in it. Only niggers/monkeys and asians eat fruit

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