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/fit/ - Fitness

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Hello fit. I'm 32 years old, I'm 181 cm tall and weigh 120 kg. I want to lose weight up to 85 or 80 kg. For about a half a month I do this: I eat 1 banana or hard boiled egg, then go outside for 5-7 km walk, then do 2 km running, then I go home to 10x10 (ten squats, 10 jumping jacks, 10 pushups. 10 sit ups. 10 s plank, 10s leg raises, with minimal rest between those and up to 10 s rest between sets) then I do weight lifting (5 kg dumbbell, 5-10 s rest between excersises) then I go for another walk (2-3 km) and another run of 2 km. Then I eat dinner (usually tunna salad or anything up too 1000 calories) (usually I eat up to 1200 calories a day) and do another 10x10.
Now I need advice. Is 1 10x10 is enough to get enough cardio and buildup endurance? As my knees start to really burn up after 2nd 10x10 in evening and I feel I'm bit overtraining as of now.
>Ib4: ur fat!
Yes I know. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing
>Yes I know. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing
that's stupid and impossible
>Hello fit. I'm 32 years old, I'm 181 cm tall and weigh 120 kg. I want to lose weight up to 85 or 80 kg. For about a half a month I do this: I eat 1 banana or hard boiled egg, then go outside for 5-7 km walk
and that's enough minus the strange snack at the beginning :D
and u join the church of cico as i sip on honey coffee shreaded but real :D
up your calories to 1800. Going for 1200 is a bit low and your recovery wont be that great. It will effect your sleep eventually.
If you do this daily than yeah, you are overtraining. Your height and weight won't make it easy on the joints. Go for the walks daily, run by-weekly and workout every other day.

You should lose weight and gain endurance
No bacon, egg, cheese on a roll this morning…

Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient.

(No offense AIDS patients….)

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time
Thanks, that's advice I need.
> I'm 32 years old, I'm 181 cm tall and weigh 120 kg.
>then go outside for 5-7 km walk, then do 2 km running

Keep lying to your self
Running while fat will absolutely destroy your joints btw
if you want to be more aggressive with a cut, do it for a month or two tops, refeed with about 2000-2250 cal for a month.
no, just walk until u are human weight - perfect bmi is decent indicator
then eat as much as u want ur bf percentage to be withing reasonable limits of course - not too lean and not too fat
then u can layer hypertrophy and postural work - everybody should do cardio of sort, do mobility of sort and hypertrophy training of sorts - WHO would fucking agree

if anything is hurting fucking stop and reconsider, especially joints but your shitting behawior is also good indicator, it needs to be reasonable to bring results
>no i will pull through the most ridiculous routine, become superhuman from pile of lard on mismatched body
u might do it, especially castrated with roids in the process - not an option
but sth else is going to break if not ur bod first
u will get bad fucking mood, trouble sleeping, low energy, low libido, shit sleep, low mental functioning, increasingly disastrous shit "life"

no u can't put ungodly workload on your body without repercussions, to op:
u fucked up, unfuck yourself wisely if u can
Yeah I've noticed, now I try running 100 meters and then walk 500 then run 100 again in slow pace, working on proper breathing
No I'm afraid of any bulking as that was what got me fat in first place, so I'll try to stay on 1500-1800 calories per day
Thanks, I've felt really misreblepast last week and now thinking about increasing calory intake from 1200 to 1500/1800, 2000 tops while cutting back on training (will try to break up days into weight & cardio and increased walking/light jogging on even days.
Thanks for tips guys, I'm trying to turn my life around
You are doing too much with too little calories. Keep diet the same if you’re doing okay with that, but replace all exercise with walking.
Walk an hour when you wake up. Walk an hour at noon. Walk an hour before bed. Or if you don’t have the time do an hour AM and 2 hours before bed. Watch as you go from 240 to 200 in a matter of months. What you’re doing now will burn you out and lead to injury.
Replace even weight lifting and body weight excersises?

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