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For men who want to get pumped repeatedly at the gym.

QoTT: favorite bench press variation?
I like decline bench press. I dont do anything else to train pec minor so
This thread is needless, /fit/ is already the gayest board
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Gays are degenerate sodomites. Twinks on the other hand.......
You like twinks daddy?
Close grip incline
Just sitting in a sauna (at proper temp) is exhausting. How are you supposed to fuck a twink in there, let alone a twunk like in OP pic?

Homosexuality is based but you guys have to think realistically. The shower, the shower is the place to breed twinks!
I want to sit in a sauna naked with a towel over my eyes and a hard on. And let whoever do whatever they want with my cock while i don't look

I'm not gay btw. I just think it's hot.
who all would do anything to suckle on an older man's muscular tittie?
I made this post last night but I'll ask again here.

Yesterday my sister was telling me about how her husband sometimes gets hit on by gay men and how it annoys him. They'll even tell my sister she's a luck woman.

This has never happened to me. He's considerably more fit than me but I feel like I have a better face, he's even said he hopes his son gets his jawline genetics from my side of the family. Why don't people hit on me?
have you tried asking one?

Love them, especially the ones that love trades
Repent sinners

Gays appreciate fitness way more than women. Fat gays are only tolerated as a fetish. That's why the obese ones ha e to hang out with women. Same deal with the skinnyfat, scrawny ones, only there's no gay fetish for them.
I'm not fat at least.
All of you have Hiv and aids
>Hiv and aids
get with the times grandpa. i's not an issue anymore
don't forget a thick layer of poop crust on the dick
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I can’t speak for all gays, but for me face is almost entirely irrelevant (unless it’s truly extreme one way or the other). Body matters way more. Big arms big chest big legs all pushed in my face.
>sauna AND bar
im ugly so even the gay guys wont hit on me in the sauna :(
The decline bench press is the most pleasant for me, plus you can carry more weight and your shoulders get less fatigued and you pump more, it's perfect.
Someone should post the webm of the dude flexing while fucking the dude
Davide Zongoli - yay or nay?
how can i hit on this guy at the gym that always hangs out with a group of 2 other people?
Wait until he is in the shower. Push into his cubicle and have sex with him
Its worked in every gay porn so it has to work in real life too
Maybe I should go to an actual gym instead of working out in my parent's basement. Maybe then gay men will hit on me and my massive ego will be satiated.
What does he look like?
Like if kyros christian and malik delgaty went through a blened and were cast in a 2007 brent corrigan mold
he is this short lean asian
Perfect. SA him in the shower
my gym doesnt have public showers though, or a sauna
Wait, there are other workouts to train lower chest?
My understanding is that to get asians to fag out, you wear goggles and have them spin a wheel w/ various yen values on it for sex act.
Then he'll lay back and look completely bored while you rail him, but then he'll cum with only slightly dick stimulus.
How do I convince my bottom bf to lift weights
Start only showing him videos with muscle bottoms
This was true for the boomers who survived AIDS up to early millenials. The gay obsession with fitness was a reaction to seeing your friends drop like flies or hearing in school about how it was going to be the next great plague and finding out that being gay makes your likelihood of contracting it a thousand times likelier. People born after 1990 have no memory of that and gay zoomers tend to get fat.
>Then he'll lay back and look completely bored while you rail him, but then he'll cum with only slightly dick stimulus.
This sounds like every encounter I've had with Asian guys.
No. Gay zoomers get fat because they feel more accepted and comfortable in life. They literally were not bullied to death in their childhood. They are literally closer to normal than previous generations of gays - so it isn't a surprise that their lifestyles and self-image conform to the mainstream typical.
Mainstream society... in case you didn't notice... is fucking fat.
It's still not ok to be fat. But zoomers aren't tied to a fence and beaten to death by homophobic Nat-C trash these last twenty years.
After Project 2025, though, there won't be any gays in the US outside the concentration camps. A process that will take about three or four years.
It still is

Definitely no asians allowed in my bedroom. Still haven't met a single one who didn't think he was too good to have sex with anyone. The ugliest, dumbest trash lookin' down on everyone else who is literally having a good time and socializing. I'd be embarrassed for them, but they don't really understand the situation so it would be wasted effort.
Dont forget parasites
In the US, about 7k people die from HIV every year. Straight cisgender women are the fastest growing demographic of HIV+ patients (in particular, black women).
By comparison, influenza, the common flu, kills about 25k - 40k depending on how severe that year's strain is. Diabetes kills about 60k per year. Traffic kills about 40k and cancer and cardiovascular disease (including stroke) kill about 450k - 480k ish each.
Now, for details, the cold hard facts about who exactly those 7,000 people are? They are people with other complications in their lives. They have mental illnesses of various kinds, especially addictions to controlled substances and personality disorders (they're victims of dyseducation, poverty and social dysfunction, basically). These complicating factors mean they don't maintain compliance with their treatment plans so their illness goes unmanaged. Why is it important to comply with your treatment plan? Because if you don't take your pill every day as prescribed, your virus has a chance to develop resistance to that combination of medications. And there aren't an unlimited number of medications, though there is now a variety such that the vast overwhelming majority of newly diagnosed HIV patients can find a combination which is effective against their strain.
Go get tested, it's free (yes, free, ask around until a case manager points you at a service provider which does free testing). Get on PrEP.
And don't spread stigma or misinformation. You're gonna be ok, kiddo. It's all gonna be ok, just go get tested. Like three times a year.
You really think some adhd riddled zoomer is gonna be discplined enough to use prep?
I really think that educating and supporting young people with actionable information and encouragement can cause some to get on prep and to use it so that they don't have to suffer the horrors and anguish which wiped out their elders.
The entire point of medicine is to prevent and heal that suffering.
We are fortunate to now finally live in a time when prep exists.
Imagine going back to 1990 and walking into a gay club and shouting "this pill will prevent you from ever getting AIDS - you can bareback and you'll be safe!" Just sit down and think about that image for a second or two.
You really think someone would just do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
>Project 2025
What's that?
Heritage Foundation's pet project for exterminating gays, enslaving women and just generally transforming the US into Iran.
Aren't republicans usually pretty pro gay?
>After Project 2025, though, there won't be any gays in the US outside the concentration camps
I thought you were serious for a moment
I'm deadly serious. They will very literally round up and kill gays en masse.
Buy a gun if you're so worried about it.
Ya. Because one faggot holed up in an apartment with a gun is totally gonna hold off the Nat-C hordes. It'll be fun like one of your zombie survival video games! They'll never get into my closet! It's an invincible fortress!!
No but if every faggot had a gun they'd think twice about knocking down doors. Are you gonna be the first one into the apartment of a deranged faggot with a gun?
>They'll never get into my closet! It's an invincible fortress!!
You cannot defeat an invisible enemy :)
You aren't supposed to be here. Yes it's a blue board, but you really shouldn't be on 4chan until after you're 18, kid.
I'm 24 :(
And yet you have the emotional development and world awareness of a thirteen year old... Don't you have some league of fucking legends you're supposed to be playing? Or is it fortnite, I don't know what dopamine gambling addiction engine the children are obsessed with lately.
Why are you so mean?
They still have some of the Jesus stuff leftover from the Bush era, but they've mostly conceded that gays, at least CIS ones, are a part of mainstream America. The only part of the alphabet they take issue with are the Ts because they are (sometimes rightly so) worried about impressionable children getting confused about their gender or worse, getting irreversible surgeries and being accused of abuse or neglect when they don't "affirm" it. Traditionally the Democrats were the pro-gay party, but if you look at what recently happened in Hamtramck, Michigan or any place where Muslims or some other less gay-friendly culture has become enough of a voting block, it's obvious they'll throw us under the bus and reverse everything we've fought for over the last 50+ years for a few more votes.
It's a conspiracy theory made to scare minorities from voting any other way than Democrat. The simple 'they're racist" or "they're homophobic" with no further explanation is no longer working, so they have to make up slightly more elaborate stories.
That's not mean, anon. You're encountering reality. It's normal for it to be less than orgasmic. It's painful in direct proportion to the degree by which you need to grow the fuck up.
How am I being immature?
The Heritage Foundation is a real and decades old and very famous conservative think tank. And they are public about their agenda. It's literature they publish and circulate because it helps them to get funding.
A conspiracy theory isn't just whatever disturbing thing you want to deny is real. That's not what that term means.
And for the record, the wikipedia page has citations at the bottom.
>herr derrr gonna buy a gun and hide in my bedroom and I'll be safe from the Nazis!
If everyone had a gun it would be far harder to round them up like you're saying. I bet you've never even shot a gun homo.
Sounds like cope after you were caught out with the build back better shit
I won't need to. The Nazis will save me the expense. Of course I'm not gonna get shot. I'm not gonna be there. They're gonna grab the house bitches flouncing around thinking they're one of the good ones.
So. By all means. I'm begging you. Please stay there in that shit hole country. Buy a gun if you feel like it.
Sounds like you're coping, anon.
Gays can't be /fit/
>no u
Typical faggot
You mindlessly vomit meme phrases like "cope!", you are pulling a "no u". When someone mocks your "no u" by slapping you in the face with your own "no u", the correct thing for you to do now is quietly reflect on your life and the ways in which you are manipulated because you have been too stupid to be self-aware before.
You are being laughed at and dismissed.
Where are you moving that's so much better?
Best exercises for bigger butts and arms? I need to go back to the gym and I want to focus on those two things specifically.

Satan is right. Show him you are attracted to muscles bottoms, or start telling him you want him to get more muscle.
>my sister was telling me about how her husband sometimes gets hit on by gay men and how it annoys him
>he's even said he hopes his son gets his jawline genetics from my side of the family
>Why don't people hit on me?
But anon, your sister is hitting on you and even her husband is on board with wincest babies with strong jawlines :3
Fucking gross dude.
Oh you're a faggot then? gross
I don't find my sister sexually attractive, freak.
Thats what I mean, that is like really super gay.
What brother doesn't love his sister and what kind of a brother doesn't help her sister out in her time of need for strong-jawed children!
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>men posing in trunks: fine
>men posing in trunks in gay magazines: nsfw

thanks janny now i know
Holy shit what happened to this board
Sounds good.

I'm early millenial trade. I think it might vary by circle. I interact with younger gays, especially twinks and none of them are fat. It's funny they despise fatness among themselves, but most of them will see a chubby daddy no problem.

>After Project 2025, though, there won't be any gays in the US outside the concentration camps. A process that will take about three or four years.

Who's going to put them in the camps? Lady MAGA?

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