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anyone in the military know any good routines for someone with basically no free time? only pretty much have weekends off unless i get cucked
>military cucks
If you said this to me or any other veteran I'd brutally smash you against the ground and curb stomp your pathetic face
thank you for your service to israel and the pedo elite you worthless sack of shit
I will sacrifice my life for ZOG!
You need to work on your language comprehension shitskin nobody even knows what you're asking.

The military just has you run and do cardio until you kill enough brain cells to follow every order. It's shit unless you want to run marathons and take it in the ass. Do the one set routine, literally just do one set. So long as it's a max it's effective. Dumbfucks waste extra hours in the gym and I mog them.
should've just been a firefighter dumb fuck
at least then you could have benefitted your community
but no you go fight a war for some jews and get a superiority complex for it
you didn't fight for my safety, our country was never in any danger. you fought for big money that is corrupting our government, and that makes you the enemy. go fuck yourself.
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You riled up the cuck posters alright kek
Can't wait for anoth 40 "zogbot" posts from dyel fat cunts and pussies
Don't know why you'd ask people in the military. They have nothing but time. When I was in we'd do like 15 hours of organized PT a week and then do informal PT for about 5 hours a week. Some guys would then do PT after they got off work.
I know a lot of zogbots and they're all skinnyfat DYELs.
That said, I use their gyms and they're pretty fucking nice. Full of Australian Barbell Company equipment.
We're not big time savers. The military actually wastes enormous amounts of time and everything else.
Anyways here's our usual shit
>1 hr in the morning
9/10 times a gay run, 5k in like 24 mins, the rest of the time is filled up with useless stretching. Sometimes it's a "strength circuit" but it's never real weight so it's cardio.
>self directed stuff in the evening about 1 hr
Mostly guys lift and they do powerlifty routines.
If you're an sm asking this question my advice to you is to start shitbagging PT so you can do better in the gym on your own time.

Bunch of dyels that
>"would have joined, but would have punched a drill instructor in the face if they yelled at them"
>jew obsessed
>fat, unqualified for military service
>can't own firearms due to criminal backgrounds or psychological defects

Realistically it's going to suck having to workout with no time, even a Murph would take more than an hour to complete, if you're not up to fitness standards. Gonna have to find some time where you can.
I'm a usmc vet, I have yet to encounter anyone who would actually say that kind of thing to my face. Even then, I'd probably laugh at them as they stammer it out
Genuine question is the shit talk from you guys to navy genuine or more from a place of brotherly love? I’ve met a lot of marines and they act like total faggots. Over half had MOS’s doing desk work shit, most of the actually chill and fun to interact with ones were infantry and actually in dangerous jobs. The only ones being little bitches were clerical desk work roles. So I genuinely don’t get it. Like I know 3 flamboyantly gay twinks who are marines and they’re the furthest thing from “tough”, not saying that to shit on them or anyone it’s just the truth. Two got married and met through USMC. Those two are chill, but my point here is on the dudes who act like actual faggots talking down to everyone and especially to other branches come to find out they had an MOS working in an AC’d environment out of harms way and it seems there’s just as many gays and trans in the marines anyway. There’s times and from certain types of people where it genuinely doesn’t seem like good natured banter at all but more of a holier than thou spiteful sort of thing
A phrase I’ve heard a lot was along the lines of
>Can’t stand these squids
>the seabees are the only navy personnel I like I can’t stand the other squids
Like, here’s the stereotypical marine who acts this way in my head rn. Had a logistics MOS, started blasting and cruising test, now walks around shoulder checking everyone (not making this up I ran into one like this last week), talks down to everyone, and acts as if he was in fellujah but was not. I could understand being like that if you survived some combat, that’s earned imho. But more often than not I find that isn’t the case. Several of my combat vet marine buddies are the kindest most patient people I know.

I genuinely want to better understand what this shit is about, don’t want to ask my bros though
t. Cookie
Online it's mostly just to discourage white men, especially Americans from enlisting. For obvious reasons.
I've always seen it as a "you're slightly different than me, so I must talk shit" type of thing. Even within companies and battalions the same thing can be witnessed.

I definitely agree, the more Pog the job, the more pretentious the faggots they are. Absolutely ridiculous the bs they try to pull, all because they're paper pushers. Likely it's to compensate for their lack of experience. I had an actual brony in my platoon just before I got out... dude was quiet and definitely the type of dude I was naturally a little cautious about... my suspicions were confirmed when I heard through the grapevine what the guy liked to get up to on his free time. Straight serial killer type of shit imho.

Long story short, I think a lot of it is trifke down from poor leadership, and people having very little say in how they get to treat people, until they have their 2 seconds. Anecdotally, I've seen senior staff come to units, only to try and make it run exactly like their old units (it never works)
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>Straight serial killer type of shit imho.
What was the brony doing?
A large majority of the military is white. Must not be working lol
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For context, he looked like pic rel, I swear to God. About 6'3 and 170 pounds. Did not talk much, and had a sly smile that was unsettling. Mind you, I've encountered dudes with double digit kill counts, to include a guy with 6 confirmed kills in one building of Iraq with a tomahawk. But this guy made the hair on my neck stand up
The dude was a transfer from Okinawa, he came to Lejeune as a Lance Corproal (e3, not unexpected from the island of njp's) one field day, I was running, I offered the guy a beer, because I refused to run those sober (I expected all of my Marines to get drunk and blow off steam while they cleaned, because it's fun and I'd rather not be formal about it unless we had literally all the staff and officers down our throats)

Dude said he didn't drink, but he would chsinsmoke Newport 100's (nonmenthol)
The combination of not drinking, from an island of Marines where they do nothing but that, with chain smoking wild shit like a non menthol Newport, and the odd body language, my mental alarm bells were just ringing at the guy. Maybe my wires were crossed. Idk. But then we find out he's a brony too. Spooky regardless
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yeah i wonder why white guys dot want to enlist in the white hating tranny circus that is the US mil nothing is going to get those numbers up high enough litterly nothing and a draft is the instant balkanization of muttland which unironiccly is the best thing that can happen for the people of muttland
let me guess muh blck diamonds litterly everybody hated those unproffesional fucks
When were you in Okinawa? You may have met my brother in law.
No, he was a white dude who got those kills. Granted, those hajis had it coming, and they dared to be in the same building as that SSgt. Still think (persoanlly) he could have just killed then quicker, but eh, they shot at one of his Marines. As far as I know, it was the one they sold at the px, probably Gerber or so.

Apparently he was incredibly processional, albeit a terrifyingly affectionate to one of my best friends (he wouldn't let the guy leave until he gave him a hug)
Negative, I was on Lejeune. Wish I had the experience of being on that island. And probably did somewhere else lol small marine corps
>in the coming months
>feb 2023
>nothing happened

Nothing ever happens.
I'll ask him next time I see him if he ever met a brony that chain smoked newports.
okey so you are a larping faggot otherwise you would know what it means
its litterly habbening right now these programs take time and you can clearly see it if you are not retarded
I can get the “slightly different so I must talk shit thing” but the types I’m talking about act this way towards civilians even. Which isn’t to say that’s particular to marines, I’ve even seen that attitude come from Air Force guys (which is obviously way worse lmao), but it’s mostly pog type jobs marines I see it from. I just don’t get it. The bants I’m all I’m for. These types don’t take it well when you banter back. But the types who act like a genuinely angry fagaloid “I’m better than you” like it makes me wanna lash out and scream to “suck my dick I promise some desk jockey working less than 10 he’s in AC while seated wouldn’t last a full 12 in the pit.”
>nonmenthol newports
That’s actually fucking insane why smoke newports at all. That is actual psychopath shit
> he's not like everybody else so he must be a serial killer
Imagine being this retarded. No surprise I suppose give your line of work
Brony or non menthol Newport fan?
Lol oh OK lil guy. I'll just enjoy my va rating with my "larp"
Lol my iq is higher than yours.

Drop your mensa membership info, and I'll drop mine.
A lot of those dudes have something to prove lol I loved calling those guys out. Sometimes it's just insecurity, other times it's that thwy have something to prove.

I remember one time one of my juniors were talking some good shit, andi wasn't having any of it. I spent about 10 minutes chewing his ass, and intentionally getting him as pissed as I possibly could, because he was being retarded. I finished it off with giving him the dirty pistol (I was an armorer). I knew he wanted to mag dump into me, and I gave him the means to do so. Power played that man so hard that day. He was a good dude, but he was being a lil bitch that day.
Oh, lol to your second part:

Not just Newport non-menthol... the 100's. Dude was spooky spooky lol
Duty pistol*
Im a vet and actively shit on active duty zogbots.
Go ahead act up you'll be getting articled for being a monkey.
>all these IDF and Edwards AFB posters
kill yourselves
Idk I got out as a chief at 9 years and it's just not that serious homie

routine for what? had plenty of time to hit the gym even during 2-month fast cruises. Even working 90 hour weeks in port on 2-section duty you can still easily spend 3-5 hours a week in the gym
You're a boot

>t. Chair force
this is such a common way of thinking its not even funny anymore, i suppose its some tribal bullshit, same reason we persecuted gays
times were better then so we need to return
like you literally have every meal made for you how can you not get off your ass and hit the gym a few times a week
Its been happening already. The armed has posted new commercials featuring white men again.

This is of course only tenporary
I’m joining for my own selfish reasons, doing a minimal contract taking a job that will provide the skills I want for the future jobs I want. I don’t view it as “muh serving and protecting” I view it as “I fucked up made the wrong decisions and wasted so much time these 4-6 years will compensate and potentially put me ahead of many of my peers.”

But also, if all white men stopped enlisting, you know 100% suddenly the shit skins who joined would be celebrated and commemorated for their service. It would entirely be painted as a “you strong men joined up to serve our country when no one else would” type of thing. Veterans Day would suddenly be taken seriously, they would create minority American Veterans Day. How fucked is that? You just know this is true too.
as they say, there is nothing new under the sun
Sure buddy
Some white guys are enlisting and others are going into what officer programs they can, it's mostly legacies. But recruitment numbers are about half what they were pre-plandemic, most all the drop off in recruitment is white men. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.military.com/daily-news/2024/01/10/army-sees-sharp-decline-white-recruits.html%3famp

ZOG is losing friends faster than ever before.
>the shit skins who joined would be celebrated and commemorated for their service
More likely they would be treated worse than any wagie. The more diverse, the better for those who want to consolidate and destroy QOL. There's no prestige in enlisting and never has been except briefly when banker wars are over occasionally.
yes because yu dont even know what black diamonds were that means you are full of shit
and you choose to serve the tranny forces? LOL and your dick is also 6 feet big and your a kolonel also
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>be weekend warrior
>go to change MOS so have to live on post for four months(Fu Huachuca)
>eat either defac sloppy or fast food sloppy for that time
>graduate and get back home
>cook actual food
>can properly shit now
How is anyone supposed to stay /fit/ with defac food?
people like you truly need to die you have no honor you would litterly serve the devil or in your case Israel which is almost the same thing if it puts you ahead, disgusting
>see a sir
>good morning sir
>its ma'am!!! hold it right there chud!
>you're getting sent up to the CO!!
>45x45 RiR
>OTH discharge
yeah no thanks, you can go defend the mental illness deteriorating the country. I'll be waiting innawood with other disgruntled vets
Kek’d simmer down, boy.
I watched a coast guard boot camp video and the drill lady almost sounded like she was getting off when punishing and humiliating the recruits and I think I would enjoy her punishing me by riding my huge cock and edging me and stepping on my balls lightly while talking on that slutty masochistic tone of voice she had until “forcing” me to cum deep inside against her cervix lol that would be just terrible.
go into intel or IT
try to get your CoC to send you to training, make it look like youre a lifer but when it comes time to renew don't.
you'll have contractors offering you hogh six figures to work for them
invest the money and never have to work again also go to medical for EVERYTHING. So when you go to the VA you can get disability and never have to work again in your life.
It's not that complicated
>Grow up playing Call of Battlefield
>Uncle/Gramps/friend's older brother talk about how badass they are and how badass the service is
>Be a future mass shooter all through high school
>Hit 18 and enlist, hoping muh-reens will make a man out of you
>Be shit at basic so you get a shit pog mos
>Oh shit can't let people know I'm still the pussy faggot I've always been
Their whole identity is completely wrapped around being a military badass and they won't tolerate any threats to it. You see the same thing in blacks.
military woman are whores I fucked so many sluts while I was in
I will consider what you suggested but had other plans as far as what rate to do. I really prefer doing hands on work. I was also gonna take advantage of the va home loan to have some rental units. Use the GI bill and get into an apprenticeship while living in one of my units if that would work so I was getting housing paid to me still, main goal being to just work towards having enough rentals that the profits from that pay all my bills. But having the trade to fall back on if all fails and still make decent enough money doing osmething I don’t hate.
I want to pull this off, but I’m unsure how. I have old knee injuries which are a bitch and I’m currently training to overcome with kneesovertoes. They’ll have it on record. But I will undoubtedly be in moderate pain at times while I’m working it hurts once every few weeks for a few hours if I overdo it). It’s not so bad (with the training I’ve been doing) that I can’t manage but it aches from time to time. Bone on bone. Is it possible to get disability for that? To claim the navy made it worse? I’ve heard about the whole “sorry not service related” meme and how it has truth to it, how there’s dudes with way worse issues than me that actually are service related not getting jackshit
>same thing in blacks
You mean how the vast majority think blackness somehow equates to being hard or knowing how to fight when in reality they either came from an upper middle class background gated communities got a current year car at 16 etc etc and they’re just nerd? Or they may be from the hood but that entailed them getting punked on every day and they’re actually just a hyper emotional timid faggot? So around whites they try to act like someone they are not to cope, especially when they don’t get their way on something like having a meal be reimbursed after they licked the plate clean?
Yeah that actually makes a ton of sense viewing it like that. Same type of insecurity.
if its on record before make it sound like the service made it worse. Lie. The us govt already lies so much and fucks over service members already, get yours king. This nation needs a major downfall to build back to it's glory days.
This may actually be easily achievable enough. Records say I’m totally fine and have been for years. Go in, keep knee healthy do whatever training I can during basic and after during contract to keep it good. Hit up medical anytime it happens to ache. Maybe increase frequency towards the end. Lie and say it’s killing me. Get it checked again after, will most likely have to have the bones resurfaced again at that point even if not in pain, say service did it even though it would have been like that anyways.
This might be my best chance at that. Shit even a 10% wouldn’t be too bad. I may be able to achieve some financial freedom by age 40 if I do everything right
>just help the people that destroyed your country for benefits
good luck with those recruitment numbers Rodriquez you are gonna need it kek you incompetent cucks
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>Imagine sacrificing your life for 20 years in a desert or jungle only to get taken back by the enemy.
>nooo you’d be helping isreal by joining the coast guard and never leaving America nooooooo you can’t just get E4 and get an automatic BAH nooo youd be helping isreal by stopping spics from smuggling coke and shooting at carribean pirates and getting to not fat retards like myself while you get mired by and star at hot college sluts in bikinis noooo you can’t just have this badass job not even having to go to sand land chilling on boats and then get a pension after 20 years and retire before age 60 noooo stop it y-you’re just a recruiter trying to get numbers up! Israel! Da joos! Nooo zog I won’t go!
I wouldn't last long in PT. If a DI tried to start shit with me I'd kick his fucking ass.
All the guys that I've talked with use the old hearing loss trick for an easy 10-20%
Nah just have non-zero intelligence.

> he takes mensa seriously
Yup, we got a downie.

It's in our dna. Unfortunately a huge percentage of people are straight up to retaraded to realize it and think logically.
No you wouldn’t. And if you did, you would get double fucked with battery/attempted murder charges + the UCMJ will have their own way with you. You would just laugh and go to your barracks room to go scream and punch the air knowing you signed up to get fucked in the ass
>t. USMC vet.

It’s literally not that serious.

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