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/fit/ - Fitness

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>*heals you*
>*cures your bloating*
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It makes you more bloated and more sick if anything.

Fuck veganlets and ketoniggers. Just eat like a human.
>cruciferous vegetables
>curing bloating
haha no
if anything but beans causes you to bloat, you likely have some sort of disease or your microbiota is off.

The bloating from beans should also go away with regular consumption. It's insane how weak peoples' guts are in modern times
Just take a probiotic and stop drinking bleach.
Enjoy your oxalates
This guy rapes
No thanks, plant-based retard. I'll continue eating the flesh of animals and plenty of butter. You should look into life insurance now before your next health event.
You're American, aren't you? You're not really eating meat lmao.
and anti nutrients
On the contrary, they'll make you sicker if eaten in excess. Same with nuts. Same with foods with lots of fiber like beans.
The bloating is your gut biome adapting to the undigestible insoluble plant matter, the more you eat it the more you bloat. You've merely gotten used to the bloated appearence. Insoluble fiber should be avoided.
Define anti nutrients.
no, the bloating is due to the fiber sitting in your gut for a long period of time. When you eat fiber, you repopulate your microbiome, which means the fiber that you eat will be more quickly consumed and thus not create as much gas.

Stop relying on people being ignorant of physiology to push your snake oil
anti nutrients.
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oxalate rich food tends to be also rich in nitrates, which promote blood flow and healing.

Anti nutrients aren't a problem. There are benefits tied to them and people that consume foods high in anti nutrients do not suffer from nutrient deficiencies.

I guess if you're a genetic dead end, you have to worry about these issues, but normal healthy people generally don't, even vegetarians.
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Listen, I just like food.
Why did all my inflammation go away when I ditched fruit and vegetables?
schnitty on the 'log
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>my inflammation
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>noooo you need to do this this keto diet because carbs are le bad
>hhahaha enjoy your clogged arteries, you ketomaniac. You need to add carbs so you can...
>nooooo, there are evil carbs. You need to go vegan or at least add veggies so you can live thousands of years and...
>hahaha enjoy your renal stones you stupid fuck, you are gonna get bloated and shit, better eat meat and...
what should i eat then??
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Here's what you do. Eat lots of meat and leafy veggies, as much as you can. For cooking mediums, use butter, ghee, pure olive oil, basically anything that isn't PUFA machine lube like canola oil.
Don't overeat carbs nor fat. Just eat enough, within your general TDEE.
Only (((shills))) will disagree with this mindset.
>20% protein
high quality sources like meat and dairy
>20% fat
vegetable fats should be about 12% EPA and DHA seem to be very important, too
>60% carbohydrate
>40+g fibre daily
from beans, whole grains, fruits, dairy. refined carbs are fine if not consumed too often or with other fibre containing foods. the ratios can be adjusted a bit to your liking. literally just don't overeat too much and eat junk food. exercise daily.
mmmm succulent meal
I also just had fish and asparagus, let's gooooo
the only reliable way to cut down on fats is by eating nothing at all.
Find your TDEE, chop it into 1/3rds. Meat and dairy of your choice until fat calories are used up, supplement protein until that's good, then fruit until carbs are used up. Vegetables to satiation. This is expensive as fuark unfortunately.

Nobody who says this has ever posted body
>tiny schnitz
>no lemon
Otherwise, meal is based. Would consume.
Plants are toxic. Those who get mad when you mention this, you have to realize, are experiencing chronic inflammation and have been for their entire lifetimes. This chronic inflammation crosses into the brain, by the way. There's a reason why they're called ketoschizo.
>chronic inflammation crosses into the brain
This. I haven't encountered an angry carnivore poster. Carnivores (non-starving humans) are usually quite content, smug. Enjoying life.
>I haven't encountered an angry carnivore poster
Haha haha haha haha
Serious question, honestly. Why aren't there any long lived carnivorous populations, and why are vegetarians and vegans so long lived with such little chronic disease and acute sickenss?
Every single interaction I've ever had with a carnivore was negative. I only ask calm and measured questions and they just scream at you, insult you and call you a vegan or peasant for eating grains or vegetables, or anything besides meat. They also say all kinds of things they never support like how great they look, or how perfect their health is or high their test is and never post their body or bloodwork or anything to support it and they call you gay or retarded for asking them to substantiate their claims.
The Inuit regularly lived to 100 eating a meat-only diet. Therefore your assertion is wrong.
Thanks for.correcting me. I'll rephrase, why is there such a disparity between plant eaters and carnivorois populations in terms of longevity? The ratio of Inuit to other populations that live to or over 100 is very radical. It seems as if plants were so toxic 90% of these people woudkt have made the list
>why is there such a disparity between plant eaters and carnivorois populations in terms of longevity?
No such study can exist to prove/disprove this due to ethical reasons. Longevity studies are always observational level (hypothesis-generating) and nothing in the realm of hard science. Again, your assertions are wrong.
Alright I see you dont want to have a discussion
What is left to discuss?

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