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/fit/ - Fitness

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I like Goggins but this kinda stuff is cringe
He’s a gen Xer with schizoid personality disorder. Give him a break
He left his First wife that he had a daughter with. That's no man.
Character is more important then physical strength.
>I like Goggins
>schizoid personality disorder
yeah those are known to seek the spotlight and be highly driven
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The worst fag in fitness
His entire claim to fame is that he was a little overweight and then lost the weight. Now he tours the world and gives motivational speeches. Does he tell people how to lose weight? No, he acts like the toughest guy alive and has this weird cult of punishing yourself. You have to run all day every day, if it's cold, if it's raining, if you're injured. Run all day every day. Only then you will be able to ....run some more. And then you run and you keep running until your kidneys give out and then you pay for surgery to get a new kidney and then you run through the sahara desert and then you keep running and you run.

That's his entire shtick. Just pure mental illness. And the thing is that he can just claim this stuff. He can film a 10 second tik tok where he runs in the rain and claim he was running for 10 hours in a thunderstorm, and that is supposed to do anything for you or even be good.
You could build your will power and character by getting in shape and putting your life together and achieving goals, forcing yourself to do what's hard just to succeed in life, or you could be like Goggins and record tik tok videos where you run in the rain with no actual point to it.
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It's not mental illness it's just a grift like any other. Retards can easily mistake doing dumb shit for exceptionalism. They think that people aren't grinding all day because they're not smart and hardworking like themselves but really people are just not doing it because they're not retarded
Yeah I thought the whole being coach or whatever for a UFC fighter thing was kind of cringe. That’s not his domain. His advice for pushing through hardship and being disciplined is second to none. Idk what the eagle (I think that’s his nickname) expected to happen. I guess it was just an image thing but it had the opposite effect for both people.
I didn’t know this. Idk the circumstances involved, and I don’t think you do either but correct me if I’m wrong. She could have cheated or a thousand other things. But if he chose to leave for no good reason that couldn’t have been overcome then yeah that goes against all he preaches. I thought he was hyping up the mother of his children for being a great wife and mother years ago I wonder what happened
He doesn’t seek the spotlight though. He just does it to make money. He’s not on social media. Limited podcast appearances. Being driven doesn’t have anything to do with it.
I fucking woke up today at 3 am,3 fucking am and to do what? To out for a run,what are YOU doing at 3 am? If you arent GRINDING you arent doing shit, then complain and bitch your not where you want to be, 25 fucking miles today i could feel my kidneys giving out,did that stop me FUCK NO i kept going

>writing all this unironcially
His claim to fame is that he came from a shitty background where he always had his head up his ass and he went from 300lbs to 190 in 3 months and then successfully completed some of the most mentally and physically challenging training on the planet. Not only is the weight loss in such a short time frame huge and way harder than anything you could do, but to go from a fat retard with zero discipline to someone who can pass spec ops training in that timespan is crazily impressive. Most people don’t have that level of discipline at all and this mentally ill fucker did it in a few months.

I’m not exactly a fan of him nor do I think anything he says is paramount or some special knowledge but the fact is he is an animal of out working everyone. Your essay is exactly what he wants. You are coping and seething not because you have any personal vandetta against him but because the level he operates at makes you feel like shit about yourself. Of course it’s easier for the fat weak dork to just say “nuh uh I could do that too if I was mentally I’ll plus he’s faking it” than to consider the actual takeaway which is to push yourself harder. You don’t have to be a fucking idiot and run until you’re pissing blood to take his advice, which is how I know you are getting insecure over a literally mentally ill guy.
Yes, giving the camera the finger is cringe and makes you look like a 12 year old.
Mentally ill low test Goggins fanboy arrived to defend his internet dad
Nta but he’s right and you’re only further proving his point. The other anon he replied to (you?) wrote a massive wall of text about how much he hates and totally isn’t obsessed with David goggins
More mentally ill cope
1211 characters
238 words
1363 characters
259 words
>y-you wrote words so you lost
You wrote more, you lost
Nice try but we're not buying your courses, Goggins.
It's easy to be fit when you're a schizo that has never had a real job. Being a ZOGbot is not a real job.
Whats with the running? What is he running from?
Didn't read
>What is he running from?
really gets the goggin joggin
>copy pasting someones post to word counter website proves how non-chalant and uncaring you are
nobody is impressed, everyone can see through your facade
>dude I totally don't care about my e-dad so I wrote an essay defending him and sucking his nuts
>b-but YOU'RE the one who is obsessed with my dad
In regard to his first wife. He said that she.was just a pump and dump fuckpig wife that love him at his worst, bUt left her ass as soon he got big and Rich. A perfect man
all of these influencer types act like they are the biggest tough guys around when all they really do is write books and do podcasts and collect millions of dollars, its pathetic how everything real has been superseded by imitation.
He spent like half his time in the military just failing military schools. If he wasn’t black they would have just bounced him out the first time and he would have been a crazy motivated guy refueling jets.
>Wall of Text
>A shitpost
Hmm..which one of these would I rather see more of..
Well since the little nigger faggots who shitpost and act willfully retarded all day on this board, are dime a dozen..
I can do without you
I started to read his book some time ago, but dropped it one third in.
But I reading the section in the screenshot I wondered how realistic that is. He was a 300 pounds guy who claimed a couple of paragraphs before that he couldn't run a mile without coughing his lungs out and feeling like his heart would burst, and the next day he started the routine in the screenshot.
That level of fitness, to a big fat bastard, would be impossible. He'd either collapse from exhaustion or wreck his joints.
People keep getting filtered, his horrible upbringing is what made him not his “discipline”. Would you want his exact outcome for yourself or your offspring? No, well I wouldn’t touch what he has with a ten foot pole, imagine what he could have been with a healthy relationship with his parents, hint probably not marketing hims discipline online.
It's even more cringe because he is bald kek
But... but... willpower and discipline surely would make up for his lack of fitness, wouldn't it?
Wouldn't overcome the physical limitations of the body. That amount of exercise would destroy and out of shape fat bastard. Knees would be fucked, he'd collapse from exhaustion.
Because he lies a lot. He claims his bad habits relapsed in the military and he became morbidly obese and lazy again but when he shows the picture he was a roided out strongfat 275lbs.

He claims he had no ability to do cardio yet could run a marathon in 3.5 hours with 0 training.

He claims that he escaped the mistakes his dad made with him yet he abandoned his family the exact same way his father did to him.
There is 100% no way he lost 110lbs in 3 months, even starving yourself wouldn't get those results.
Nah, just a regular autist
Not when you're 19 years old. That's sort of the fucking point.
You can get it under control no matter HOW bad it gets as long as you're young.
I'm 41.
Most of my friends are fat and they're dying that way.
The /fit/ friends know we can't ever stop.
made up disorder
>I'm 41.
>Most of my friends are fat and they're dying that way.
>The /fit/ friends know we can't ever stop.
35 here. Totally fucked up my life. But at least I'll always be in shape.
greg plitt mogs him from the grave
>His entire claim to fame is that he was a little overweight and then lost the weight. Now he tours the world and gives motivational speeches.

I like how you leave out the parts where he achieved considerable feats of strength and willpower because otherwise you wouldn't have a point. That's clever!
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>totally fucked up my life
By lifting? Or what?
>at least I'll always be in shape
Yes. Have you seen how fast it gets nasty for the fatbros once 50 hits?
Dude. My older brother is 54, he has friends who are sleeping in oxygen masks and using "walking aids."
Whatever you did to your life, it can't be worse than that.

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