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/fit/ - Fitness

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If steroids are so bad for you, how come celebrities and actors are able to get away with living long and healthy lives despite using them ?
they're bad for you, but not very deadly. if you're careful about it and do things moderately (and have highly paid doctors overseeing you) i don't think frauding meaningfully reduces your life span
Arnies several heart surgeries are worth more than your families net worth
How long has it been common, 15-20 years? And the older guys are only 60 now? Not a great case.

Arnie had a couple heart surgeries.
>muh congenital defect
One lots of people don't need surgery for.
Stallone seems fine
its actually good for you, don't listen to gatekeepers.
Except most if not all of those were unrelated to PED use.
Jo also had a brain aneurism, something noone can predict.
they also drink a lot, do coke, and smoke
doesn't mean these are healthy or good for you lol
most people are also addicted to some form of ssri
also benzos
celebrities and rich people too
>Except most if not all of those were unrelated to PED use.
THIS fucking cope
literally the "triple boosted young man suddenly had a heart attack for no reason" headlines of roidsimps
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sure thing bro
You just can't fathom a weekend without your alcohol binging or coke addiction can you?
Other drugs are widely the cause of these deaths
This is proven with the absolute countless roided dudes who don't dabble in other things, that end up living well into an older age, and being perfectly fine for decades.
lmfao none of those happen
Because people like me and you are not cut out for this. They do roids and get jacked and live long and make money, you do roids and develop man boobs and get bald and get fucking cancer and die at 32 piss poor
>liver damage (inb4 i-its just test bro)
>kidney damage (inb4 i-its just test bro)
>high bp
>sleep disruption
>heart diseases
>testicular shrinkage
>potential infertility
>tendon tears

>n-none of those h-happen b-brah, fake news!!!
unironically the stupidest fucking board
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you are right! just like smoking is completely healthy because there is always 1 dude who smokes a pack a day and is 90 years old and completely healthy. ever heard of survivalsip bias?
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someone should make one about the effects of being a terminally online nigger
do you have a non-crunchy version of this pic?
>just like smoking is completely healthy
Governments wouldn't ban it if it was unhealthy.
>take steroids for decades
>suddenly die within 24 months of injecting untested mRNA gene therapy
no refunds.
the government doesn't actually care about what's healthy for you. it cares about what's healthy to the maintenance of its own power, and the comfort & wealth of the elite. free speech is a significant threat. guns are an extreme threat. a strong, angry male population is an extreme threat. that's why most governments attempt (many succeed) banning these things. only incidentally does the government sometimes ban things that are unhealthy due to public outcry, i.e. the armed rabble speaking and gaining steam, organizing, and getting angry.
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this is now a roid age thread
the only one raging here is you, sport.
>suddenly die within 24 months
my sides
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roid age, not rage.
Most of those are fixed by controlling your e2 by taking an AI and not doing crazy amounts of dosages. Also never take 19-nors.
Balls are fixed by HCG.
Hair is fixed by Fin if needed.
Orals are cycled so any damage is temporary or you can take mild orals that don't damage liver like Anavar.
>all died after vaxx role outs
>must be the steroids
>Roid trannys running insane amounts of gear and taking the vax and dying
>Is the same risk as taking some test around or after 30 years old
I don’t get millennials obsession with trans ? Why do they call it roid trannie ? Is this a sexual thing I can’t make a connection
>most people are also addicted to some form of ssri
Surely not
It takes a few days of reading to bypass all of these and learn how to control the side effects lol
and it takes years playing with the compounds
if you are stupid and start off a first cycle as a dyel with tren then yes steroids are dangerous.
if you are smart about it they aren't dangerous at all
here you go brother
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and if you start feeling a bit off mentally simply take anti psychotics. This should help you with the bulk too because you'll put weight on. Then if the anti psychotics make you a bit sad and dull just add an SSRI to take the edge off. That will kill your sex drive though so just add some viagra. If the boner keeps you awake do some valium. then if you wake up groggy just take some caffeine pills
most if not all harm can be removed, if you are smart about it
people usually are not and do not have the financial means to rely on smarter medical professionals or particularly experienced coaches to optimize their hormones with questionably legal substances
hell, most doctors will screw it up royally
Because they aren't so bad for you.
doctors are completely winging it. It's all a bullshit facade to stop people shitting themselves in first world fear that a magic man can't fix all their problems
>people usually are not and do not have the financial means to rely on smarter medical professionals or particularly experienced coaches to optimize their hormones with questionably legal substances
>hell, most doctors will screw it up royally
I don't think this is true. Studies have shown 5% of men do steroids and many of them are middle class office workers.

The guys who do craptons and crash and burn are just easier to notice than the guys doing small cycles for nattygains with 2 workouts a week.
Now this but unironically
Vaxx status on each of these individuals?
kek indian pharma shills won't admit it was the vaxx not rouds
no such thing as ‘fake natty’, you either are or you arent, lying about it doesnt mean you are fake, it means you are a lying roidtranny
Are you being serious?
They are damaging their health. But they've got actual experts (not bro-scientists) who can monitor them, and ensure they use them properly and ensure that their post is done properly too. The actors are fucking themselves up and to suggest all live happy healthy long lives is BS.
a lot of steroids are, before all, addictive drugs that will quickly make you semi-dependent on them, I think people ignore this aspect way too often, you either become bigorexic and regularly up your dosages just to end up with a bloodwork worse than your grandma's or you just can't handle being off the cycle (not having enough drive, depressions, gains fading) and cruise all the time, age twice as fast and turn into a real mess once you're for some reason forced to stop juicing
it's kinda bullshit if that's not your career
>perfect hair
He's clearly natty you fucking retard. Steroids make you bald, it's a fact.
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right on target
The guy did about 3 or 4... in one of them, the official reports say that he had the valves replaced during open heart surgery and opted for organic valves because the mechanics would be harmful during training... This bastard did it. a whole heart transplant, but he'll never admit it.
I can confirm that steroids are TERRIBLE for you and you will INSTANTLY get acne, a heart attack, go bald, and have your balls fall off. It is just like ALCOHOL or MARIJUANA in that regard and dyel natties should train and eat harder instead!
Don't believe me? read this post >>74616198
>t. terminally online manlet who, after learning his new favorite term to psychologically project his insecurities, defends roids despite looking like shit and not even using them

tiny penis energy is so fucking real lol ignorant faggot
I have never paid a penny for medical treatment
And you will die poor, childless and uneven top to bottom muscle ratio because you don't do legs
You're wrong
I'm just trying to get as many anons as possible to ruin their lives lol
Logan is natty; you're just a loser.
Doctors are some of the stupidest faggots you will ever speak to.
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>yeah these guys who do roids don't have any side effects because they told me so

Do you believe everything you hear, OP?
>hcg fixes balls
>counteract these side effects with even more drugs with their own side effect
hcg might fill them up while you're on it but your balls will Never go back to their pre steroid size if you stop.
>takes exogenous hormones in an attempt to be someone he's not
you were definelty not top of your class in school
Anons how can people lie so vociferously? Seeing Logan Paul vehemently deny ever using steroids without a hint of guilt or self doubt was unreal to me. If I were in his place for sure I would have felt guilty and been squirming for lying
funny watching roid trannies cope when there's a mountain of evidence that they are lethal, especially if you have incel genetics like you all do
you deserve to fucking die if you ignore the truth
1. Why would you ever watch anything with him in it? Are 15 years old?
2. He was groomed since early teens to be a famous by his parents. Do you think he's a good person?
Muscle tears, acne, and balding are common side effects. Be honest
My god weed turned him into a nigger
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fit is just jealous faggots. They will say steroids are unhealthy while barry bonds looks better at 60 than most of fit looks at 15-35.
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I will never be a roid tranny for several reasons and not just personal health. Roid trannies look like ugly cartoon characters irl. Everyone looks at you and sees a retarded meathead who is likely a closeted homosexual. Roid trannies look at me (lean natty with good genetics) with utter envy because they see someone who looks better than they ever will who also isn’t dependent on constantly paying for a drug that is ruining my health and makes me look like a drooling mouth breather who’s only hobby is “gym”. Yes, actors take steroids. Actors = prostitutes in any non Jewish society. Financially successful and independent people who control assets and are actually masculine never waste their time on such homosexual bullshit.
Ill give you acne
Balding is genetic and can be mitigated with fin
tears only happen if you overtrain or take a large amount of gear. Just play it safe and dont train to failure or attempt large PRs often
he looks 'better' (looks like a 50 year old on trt) because he's on steroids though? Not sure what you were trying to prove here
It's not that bad on a per capita bases. Higher rate of death, but the actual percentages probably aren't anything that insane unless someone completely goes super full retard on them

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