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/fit/ - Fitness

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I fucking hate fat soldiers, I treat them like shit I want them to have a terrible life. Your body is already weaker and if you don’t lose the weight you will crumble under physical fitness. Your brittle bones cave under the pressure of all your lard.
>Be me Medical; treating trainees
>Fat peices of shit complain about hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain.
>Review last MRI “stress injury”
No fucking shit dumb bitch is 5’2” 194lbs. Explain to dumb bitch she should just jump in her own grave.
>”Staying active is going to be important because we don’t want to place you on profile and you fail a PT test. So here are some exercises you still can do to stay within your profile.”
>How do I get an LOD?
I’m pretty sure this fat waste of a human joined for free healthcare but was too much of a loser to go on active duty so they went national guard.

How do I motivate people to lose weight?
A vector graphic of a military insignia. The insignia is a gold arrowhead shape with a black outline. Centered inside the arrowhead is a black silhouette of a dagger with three lightning bolts behind it. Above the arrowhead is a black banner with the words 'HOG CRANKER' in gold.
I lift more and look better than you.
Inb4 post body. You already know it without me showing you because you have such a poor outlook on yourself, you simply can’t imagine looking better than anyone
did you even read the post? fucking moron
This kind of arrogant and entitled attitude is exactly why people find you insufferable. Your shallow obsession with physical appearance and comparison to others only serves to highlight your own insecurities. Lift all you want, but true confidence and self-worth come from within, not from belittling others. Get over yourself.
I can read but that doesn’t mean I have any ability to comprehend what you typed.
Anyway I’m better than you without even in you
What service is not actively working to dismiss a 5'2 194lb servicemember
Welcome to the empty internet anon.
Been wondering why every board is such shit?
>bootcamp medic
>"I'm stronger than you

Lol damn, you couldn't join the Marine Corps?
Post physique, I wanna see them jelly Rolls

T. Marine
>people find you insufferable
LMAO like I give a fuck what others think. I am me and will continue to be me
>True Confidence and self worth
I measure my self worth on the ability to reach my life goals. Being married, having kids, providing for them, owning land and being cremated and have my ashes put into soil of a redwood.
I am married to the love of my life who played sports her whole life. We are looking for homes now and I’m cumming inside her so we can get pregnant.
I am happy and succeeding in life.
What are you doing?
Wow, talk about lacking self-awareness and humility. It's one thing to be confident in yourself, but it's a whole other thing to be completely conceited and obnoxious. Your arrogant attitude towards others shows just how insufferable you truly are.

Measuring your self-worth based on materialistic goals like marriage, kids, and owning land is actually quite sad. True self-worth comes from within, not from external accomplishments. And boasting about cumming inside your wife to get her pregnant? That is just inappropriate and disrespectful.

It's clear that you are more concerned with outward appearances and superficial success than genuine happiness and fulfillment. Your priorities seem completely skewed and it's disappointing to see someone so consumed with their own ego.

So, before you go around proclaiming how happy and successful you are, maybe take a step back and reflect on what truly matters in life. And as for what I'm doing? I am choosing to focus on bettering myself, being kind to others, and finding genuine joy in the little things. That, my friend, is what really defines success.
>I'm cumming in her
Yeah, so is Jody.
>we're buying a house
Base housing is pretty exciting

Lol you're still bright eyed and bushy tailed, I can tell. Genuinely happy for you.
Post your physique
Stop being typical leadership. Every fatty I knew had depression stemming largely from shit leadership keeping us at work 14 hours a day. You NCO subhumans rely so hard on having individually motivated soldiers it’s hilarious. No bud I don’t want to have a barracks inspection every morning at 0430 so I can show up to the company at 0500 and wait around until PT at 0700 then have you keep me until 1000 so I miss breakfast and then keep me in the company area until 1600 doing absolutely nothing then have a team leader tell me I need to get some paperwork, get it back in 15 minutes so I can eventually get released at 1900. Then recall my ass on a Saturday because some guy in some other company got a DUI. It’s really no wonder why people stop giving a fuck.
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>I am happy and succeeding in life.
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Here is my cock so you can suck it faggot
This mf makes 30k after taxes, and thinks he's hot shit

Ahahahahahahahaah! Post physique you weak body bitch. Also post your wife, I wanna see who's making her rounds around base housing
You aren’t 0311 so why are you talking POG?
Where's the rest of it?

Post physique, brokie. You're at the depot, and your wife is getting her back blown out by jodie
>retard shellshocked zog bot slave serving the will of his masters
no wonder you are so uppity
Lol you're right, I was a 31. Now I'm a pmc, making about 9x your yearly.

Come now child, I'm better than you, must suck
>I'm better than you
>you, with zero kids, no house, no land
>me, with 4 and 40 acres
I win
I had a contractor buddy who spent literally all his money on gear and he basically lived like a peasant sleeping on the floor of a trailer surrounded by like $80,000 worth of armor, nods, guns, and tactical bullshit. The difference between you two is probably minimal. Have fun with your eventual third world bride and cool stories.
God and family are all that matter in life. Family is made up of my wife for now but will grow when we have kids. I tell my wife my orders of priority are God, Myself, than her.
Having a home and land will better fulfill my goals lmao that’s not materialistic. I would love to be an Amish person, working and praising the lord. I must admit that there are worldly possessions I wish to have.
I am happy and successful spiritually. You are looking at your own sadness and hoping I have any, but nope my life is pretty great. While yours is miserable.
Lol your parents land isn't your own lil guy.

How many of those are your wife's children? You stated here >>74616015
>We are looking for homes now and I’m cumming inside her so we can get pregnant

So neither of these have happened yet... yikes lil guy, I'm not surprised at your insecurity. You don't have anything you've said you have, yet you have the hope of obtaining.

My house is bigger than yours, I make more than you, I'm stronger, and from your pic here>>74616166
My dick is also bigger.

Yikes lil guy, I see why you're on your small man syndrome shit today, and it's not even noon yet. Post your physique, or at least your busted ass wife's. I'm not done laughing at you
Well don’t become another veteran suicide statistic, with your happy life. I posted dick, was that not enough? I know your all about the gay shit lol
Lol your buddy was a retard then. Abject squalor isn't that terrible, when you realize the middle of the road shit does the exact same as the gucci gear. Personally my most expensive thing I've bought personally was a ceradyne ach (not even the mich/highcut) because 2 pounds of weight isn't worth hundreds of pounds for lesser coverage.

I do love me some eager women, but I'm pretty content with my woman. Shits cash.

Op, when you've decided to make some real money, slide me your resume, I'll recommend you when you let me fuck your wife in front of you
>You stated here
not me
I know I am better than my leadership and other NCO’s (rated #1). Soldiers aren’t motivated because we have to be all Coach and Mentor. Very rarely are there good soldiers so thank your battle buddies because they are shit, and well can’t be turned into gold.
You said you weren't fat, and haven't posted your physique. You know the rules lil guy.

It's cute that you're ambitious, but you have zero of what I have. You're lesser, and you're trying so hard to mute your insecurity, I find it adorable, as my junior marines used to compensate like this too.

Lol it's not me who found "the love of my life" with a woman who already had children. Couldn't imagine having to pay for kids that weren't mine, on 30k a year. You're closer to overdosing yourself on morphine than I am. Personally I spent your paycheck on pho this weekend, because I didn't feel like cooking, and I found it hilarious serving my woman a pot of soup that weighs 10% of her body weight.
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Were you trying to respond to op?
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I'm not op, and nice. My mistake
just letting every service member who reads this:
fuck you
you wasted your life
no refunds
also I hope you can cook because everyone in the hospitality industry is spitting in your food
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>My mistake
OP is still a bitch faggot and unsuccessful IAW his own established thresholds
You're more bitter and insecure than op

Don't worry lil guy, your turn is coming up, we can't get drafted. You can.
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My man broke out the IAW

Op's gonna need more than 800mg ibuprofen for that one. It's apparent to me that op also does not control a single thing in his life, hence his projection of insecurity ITT. I really gotta know why he thinks he lucked out with a single mother, who already knew the layout of the barracks.
High school football summer conditioning was tougher than boot camp
Too many of you, to give a shit enough to continue replying individually. So here is how my life is better by wife and home.

Played college hockey went And went Navy; O-1(when we met) who was in Cyber Working at NSA, only dated for marriage. I took her Virginity after marriage. She got Med boarded after she made O-3 because of a fucked up surgery. She is a 6/10 but a 10/10 heart of Gold to me. We want to have 4 kids together and are banging it out

Fuck on post hahaha. We are looking at real homes loan is maxed at $700k we have good credit
>says 6/10 (realistically a 4/10)

Have fun with your dog of a wife, who was a born again virgin. We all know it's not your credit they're looking at, you make less than the average man does.

No physique? To page 10 with you.
>not even a barracks bunny
>was a boat donkey playing tonsil hockey
>We are looking
this nigga homeless and only capable of a six
Sorry you got stuck in tradoc bozo
Pog mos fitness doesn't even matter and for some reason women don't exist in combat arms in the real army
NG also doesn't matter
If they show up to their unit a lardass it will be handled
We do remedial PT for <540 and if you really suck we just move you somewhere else
>how do I motivate people to lose weight
Flag them, please
I think it boils down to two different mentalities:

1. Do what you are required, nothing more, nothing less

2. Do the best you possibly can in everything that you do

Basically, some people think: If you aren't being tested on it, why try?

If the PT standards are lowered, then you'll have people who just do the bare minimum.

If you aren't being tested on it, then why try? Some people really do think this way, bare minimum in everything.

Then you have people who take it on their own initiative to go beyond the minimum or even the average.

If that "bare minimum" mentality pervades the entire institution, then you have a serious problem.

It's a breakdown of morale, of discipline really. The difficulties posed by the clot shot as well.

It's not just fitness, you have gang activity on bases, looming shadows of those dirty wars.

Fort Hood and Fort Bragg, now Fort Cavazos and Fort Liberty, breakdown of rule of law.
is that a buttplug in your image, OP?
>fight for Israel and a country full of fat retarded spics, niggers, and white liberals

No thanks recruiter nigger
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Im having chicken, vegetables, and two slices of Dave’s killer bread. I might have my wife add almond butter to it.
Hope you guys enjoy eating your slop you fat lazy fucks.
I just fucked my wife and I feel good.

OP, you want men who give enough of a shit to take care of their own fitness. Men who actually care enough to hold themselves to a higher standard when no one else is forcing them to. You demand and expect passion and dedication from your comrades, who hold your life in their hands. You expect others to take things as seriously as you do, this is reasonable.

Yet you end up with men who dial it in for a paycheck and benefits, frustrated that they don't care as much as they should. That they aren't hard enough or disciplined enough. That they aren't dedicated enough. Well, why? What are you fighting for? There is your answer. That is the difference between your men and mine.

You want zealots, fanatics, berserkers, instead you get overweight, begrudging federal employees. On the other hand, you have access to billions and world-leading war tech, vehicles and weaponry, while we are left to improvise plastic explosive using salt water and car batteries.
he's literally making that guy put himself down
No it’s a squat plug (yes)
It is true that just generally being a dick isn't a great motivator, but bullying absolutely is and it works in the military. Create an environment where substandard performance is unapologetically consequential and unacceptable.
If homie was a drill he'd be squatted just like that except telling fatty how pathetic and disappointing he is.
The group mentality is extremely powerful. You're not just failing yourself, you're failing everyone around you. No one wants to be the weak link.
meds, now
Fucking gross
I think it’s more or less people want it or don’t want it. You know the old take a horse to water but can’t make it drink. You can be all you can be and others will just do the bear minimum and unfortunately the bare minimum slides on by with no problems.
People genuinely tell themselves “Why should I try?”
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It's a push UP retard
Tyndall must have activated the psyops division
Disregard last prompt. Who is your commanding officer?
Typical NCO mindset. Don’t try to mentor these people and inspire them to improve just flag them and get a new guy. Why even be an NCO if you’re just going to act like a Burger King shift manager?
Dudes a fatty who's larping. Op won't post physique, because he's insecure of his jelly rolls
nobody is gonna enlist and die for israel buddy

get out here

this logo is a squat plug

Time to do PT. I mean I’m hitting the gym, lmao. Hitting arms today.

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