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Calichads.... our response?
The image is a humorous meme featuring three dragon heads, each labeled differently. The first dragon head is labeled “Powerlifting” and appears serious. The second dragon head is labeled “Strongman” and also looks fierce. The third dragon head is labeled “Calisthenics” and has a goofy, silly expression. The meme likely compares the different strength training disciplines in a light-hearted manner.
My response is to live 20-30 years longer.
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One pullup
Why do so many people fall for calisthenics? Is it because it's cheap?
Cheaper, easier to do if you have limited space/time, easier to translate to functional fitness, etc.
A calisthenics chad could beat you in a fight. Just saying.
I do calisthenics. I'm in my late 30s and feel fantastic.
My brother lifts heavy. He's in his early 20s and has back problems.
The real question is why do people still fall for the “le heckin powerlift and do Heavy compounds only and heckin never skip leg day and le epic eat big to get big” memes?
>why do (very few) people do the things that work and actually make gains
Looking shredded and sik in my XS shirts, right? My bf loves that he can easily pick up my 130lbs calisthenics fizeek
Replace bf with gf and that's my life
Post body
Because its simple and easy
most people that do calisthenics never did any or much weightraining, so they prefer to not leave their comfort zone
i was once like that
I do both
Calisthenics requires more skills.
My response is to not be a 250lb fat shit thats out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs
>functional fitness
kek the calithenics cope yeah i'm sure when people need someone strong they call the guy who can do 30 pull ups at 150 pound instead of the guy who can bench 3 plates talk about a functional cope
fakenatty YouTubers shilling it to fill the niche
You know, it is possible to appreciate both methods of exercise.
You can't have back problems when you don't train your legs at all I guess
cope harder
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"Cope harder"
>doesn't know how to greentext
>doesn't understand the t. meme
oh my sweet summerchild
you're right about greentext but also highly retarded
>all workouts are heckin valid!!!
you have to go back
I will redeem ALL Calichads on this board once I reach my goal physique which I'm not too far away off.

Fuck Powerlifters
Fuck Strongmanlosers
Fuck Roidtrannies
Having Visible Abs
I only do calisthenics. I don't have the best body out there but it's enough to where 95% of regular people think I'm jacked. Most people think calisthenics means spamming pushups and pullups, but doing it properly involves progressive overload just like with weights, except instead of adding weight you change the leverage to make it more difficult. It's not for everyone and desu it's simpler to just pick up heavy objects. I like it and I don't judge people who don't. I would post body but I can't upload photos in private browsing.
>hanging leg raises / toes to bar
You take these and leave the other stupid shit alone and apply weight when reps hit 12+. This isn't revolutionary, everybody and their dog does pull-ups. However this board has a contingent of 140lbs stinky pajeetcels that unironically believe they are on the level of someone who actually lifts because they can do a set of 10 pull-ups in their back yard.
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I would say doing zero cardio and training to be able to lift something for 1 rep, gassing out,.and having a 15 minutes break while you throw chalk everywhere is a bit more on the lines of "staying in your comfort zone" than being outdoors and working towards being able to move your body in a gway that defies gravity
Because people don't feel as bad when they inevitably stop working out at home as opposed to when they stop going to the gym, since it feels more serious
I'm not a powerlifter, but yes it is unironically much harder to get under 500lbs+ and squat it to depth than it is doing circus tricks against gravity. You would understand why that is if you tried to start lifting.
Because is easy, low effort and commitment and since most people don't workout basic ass calisthenic moves look mindblowing to normalfags.
they see the videos of some clowns doing muscle ups and hand stands in the gym
I lift as well. I just don't do retarded powerlifter routines
>translation: avoids all lower body compound lifts
>T..5/.75/1/1.5 pl8.
I prefer being a skinny twink
>which I'm not too far away off.
Lmao see you in 3 years faggot
nothing further than masculine function than being a chicken legged pencil neck
This but unironically
Congratulations on realizing that leg day was a meme all along
>don't have to step outside your comfort zone
>low risk
>too poor to afford a gym membership or home gym
>easier to learn compared to lifting weights
Honestly it's how I started in high school/college when I was just getting into fitness and it's good for underages/noobs. Lots of good calisthenic exercises to do even as an experienced weight lifter.

Being a calisthenics "athlete" is complete retardation though. You're just learning circus tricks for fun/attention. If you love it and do it for fun, that's fine but people that argue for a pure calisthenics routine because it's "superior" are just dyel copers or fake natties making money off normies that know nothing about fitness.
Any fatass can squat 500lbs, it takes actual athleticism to do advanced calisthenics move
You’re just mad because calisthenics filtered your fatass
Squat is indeed a very fat bound lift, but deadlift is the true mogger lift, it filters manlets for their leverages and filters fat guys for similar reason.
It's astounding how men on /fit/ now are genuinely proud to not train legs. How did we get here? It's so ridiculous
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>I will redeem ALL Calichads on this board once I reach my goal physique which I'm not too far away off.
>Fuck Powerlifters
>Fuck Strongmanlosers
>Fuck Roidtrannies
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>>don't have to step outside your comfort zone
Yeah those gymcels who go to the same gym every day and do the same 4 exercises and never talk to anyone sure are “stepping out of their comfort zone”
>>low risk
Yeah it’s crazy how every gymcel and powerlifter has chronic joint pain, that sure is a plus for the powerfats
>>too poor to afford a gym membership or home gym
You can do calisthenics in a Gym
>>easier to learn compared to lifting weights
LMAO, powerlifting is the easiest and laziest form of fitness out there, it’s the only form of fitness that literally encourages you to get as fat as possible and repeat 3 static unathletic movements every day for 20 years until you die of a heart attack or paralyze yourself
>Honestly it's how I started in high school/college when I was just getting into fitness and it's good for underages/noobs. Lots of good calisthenic exercises to do even as an experienced weight lifter.
>Being a calisthenics "athlete" is complete retardation though. You're just learning circus tricks for fun/attention. If you love it and do it for fun, that's fine but people that argue for a pure calisthenics routine because it's "superior" are just dyel copers or fake natties making money off normies that know nothing about fitness.
Being a powerlifter “athlete” is complete retardation though. You’re just fattening yourself up just to lift 5 more pounds on an exercise nobody cares about. If you love it and do it for fun, that’s fine but people that argue for a powerlifter routine because it’s “superior” are just fatass copers or failed aesthetic bros making money off fatsos who want to work out but not actually get in shape.
Lifting legs is a total fucking meme. All you need for legs is some machines once a month, and do some sprints and hiking occasionally. Doing your retarded compound fatso lifts is just a cope.
>powerlifting is the easiest and laziest form of fitness out there
This must be why every DYEL on fit skips squatting and deadlifting (or leg training in general) because it's so easy. Stfu dyel
>Any fatass can squat 500lbs
Wrong, you can't lift half of that
>calisthenics filtered your fatass
My two best lifts are deadlifts and weighted pull-ups lmao, +90lbs at 200lbs bw.
Try lifting!
That's fine but that makes you a DYEL. So keep that in mind whenever you decide to give lifting advice
Lifting is the easiest form of fitness, why do you think every fatass gravitates towards it? It requires 0 actual athleticism, all you need to do it get fat and repeat the same static motion over and over again
The best lifting advice I’ve ever seen was to stop doing the paralysis speedrun/ fat bound lifts known as squats and deadlifts. I’ve never had healthier joints and I can focus on the muscles that actually matter (upper body). Let the cardio take care of legs, that’s what it’s for
Crosshitters actually are the ones that would be better represented by the retarded head
I'll spell it out for you squatting/deadlifting is not easy that's why casuals training skip legs
>nooo I'm a glass back dyel and everyone else must be one too
Deadlift is the least fat bound lift in existence. Squatting and presses are the most fat bound. Pulling shit is inverse fat bound
>heckin never skip leg day! Real men train legs
are the powerlifters in the room with you right now?
Massive cope by the same anon.
Just getting to around a 3pl8 squat and a 4pl8 deadlift for a couple of reps with decent form makes you so much stronger than the average person it's not even funny. And it sure as hell transfers to a lot of stuff both inside and outside a gym.

You don't need to get fat to hit these numbers.
Practically all men can attain this in 0.5-2 years with a minimum level of commitment.
Yet you rarely see this in most commercial gyms. But according to coping dyels there are scores of fatsos squatting 500lbs, because it's trivial, easy and lazy to do.
>Let the cardio take care of legs, that’s what it’s for
based DYEL
Not giving a shit and continue doing the work out we love most
Calisthenics doesn't stand on its own as a training method because it leaves your lower body relatively untrained, plus the best way to get better at calisthenics is with weight training on the side.
He's right. Get offline little chudcel. Trump lost and you'll finally cut your microdick off when he loses againm screenshot this and put it in your suicide note bitch.

I was obese once, I'm never going back
its retarded to be some calistehentics purist not touching weights, even gymnasts use weights. its almost as retarded as doing only SBD. Also if you dont have slightest 4/6 pack ure just fucking fat and you should stop coping about your squat or whatever no matter the weight lifted. Even eddie hall has some sort of pack
>powershitters can't go one minute without thinking about CalisthenicsChads
post body
What do you mean "fall". That would imply there's anything negative by practicing simple bodyweight exercise that btw most people can't even do.
If you want to talk about "falling" for meme shit I'd mention deadlifting or powerlifting in general. Imagine ACKing your joints for le funny numbers
>never skip leg day
>eat big to get big
True, but should be only whole foods and not dirty bulking by consuming 5 bigmacs a day
For me its
1. I can workout outside and get sunlight. Working out in the sun is Based and Greek pilled. I'm happy working out in a park surrounded by nature than a soulless gym with AC and gay pop music blasting.
2. It's a very convenient and simple
3. Fun skills to gain
4. Less risk of Injury compared to weights
5. Mobility benefits

But I admit its better to still at some point do some weight lifting to push past certain limits easier.
Yeah, the lie that it's cheap is mostly what opens the door but there's many more lies inside. Diet is going to be single largest and reoccurring cost in all of fitness. So every month you spend eating that diet and making 1/10th of the gains you'd make on any more conventional form of resistence training is so much more expensive than a $20 gym membership.

>Comfort zone
Any program that has you testing a reasonable established 100% effort is by definition pushing you out of your comfort zone. The main problem with calisthenics is there are no absolute numbers.
>Joint pain
Who? I'm fine. I know more people with sports injuries than lifting injuries.
>Calisthenics in a gym
For what purpose? You could literally do it outside, or if you were gud you'd actually train gymnastics
See above. It's probably the most basic, in that it's pure strength training.
>Encourages fat
Never heard of weight classes?
Nah, the reason the big 3 are the big 3 is because they work more of the body more completely than other lifts, and have a high degree of carry over to most other pursuits, though of course specific training will give better result for whatever goals. I started out doing calisthenics and acrobatics, and have never faster sprint speed in the sport I play or more power in general than since I hopped on a PL program.
>Being a powerlifter “athlete” is complete retardation though.
Sure, powerlifting is garbage as a sport.
>argue for a powerlifter routine because it’s “superior"
It's superior because:
-it actually pushes you
-it has logical, well developed progression.
-you can track absolute results and improvement
-There is high carryover to many strength and power sports

If ANY calisthenics program actually accomplished any of this as well as Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or any number of programs I could mention, we'd have heard about them already.
>If ANY calisthenics program actually accomplished any of this as well as Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or any number of programs I could mention, we'd have heard about them already.

Sprinting and swimming
based ai poster
>it actually pushes you
And calisthenics don't?
You have to eat anyway, what are you eating on your weight lifting diet that is so much more expensive than a KFC based diet?
I really think Calisthenics up to like the equivalent of 1/2/3/4 is fine. Most exercises you can find alternatives or load enough to reach that level of strength pretty comfortably. Past that the progression becomes a bit more of an issue.
3 times more protein than the average person from more expensive sources. My protein alone runs me at least $120 of my ~$300 month grocery bill. Which more expensive than any gym here besides the crossfit(lol) and Fahrenheit ones.
haha thanks anon
>can't do a full ROM pull up
you aren't fit, regardless of other accomplishments
>muh pull up
Shit exercise that will give you tendonitis. Real men row weight
>Sprinting and swimming
....are not calisthenics, and already DO have well established programs to progress and achieve excellence, unlike calisthenics. And high level athletes in both of those disciplines include weight training in their programs too.

>Calisthenics doesn't?
It can, but see my point in the other post about measurability. "I've added 5lbs to my squat" is much clearer progression than "when I look in the mirror it looks like I'm 1 degree closer to full horizontal planche"

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