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Literally why would I do barbell or double dumbbells over picrel?
Single arm allows you properly focus and fully explode one side to failure without worrying about imbalances.
>b-but muh barbell strength
Nobody does chest work for strength outside powertards, 99% of people are doing it for chest growth, and the hell wouldn't I exclusively do the one exercise that maximizes isolation/hypertrophy?
The image demonstrates a series of exercises using dumbbells on a bench to target specific upper body muscles. The exercises focus on working the anterior deltoid, triceps brachii, biceps brachii (short head), upper pectoralis major, and lower pectoralis major. This visual guide is designed to help in performing effective strength training for the upper body.
Agreed, "NOes! Yu caNT jusr do one arm EXErcises you havr to riSk injury doin dumbll at same timerino!!1" LOL i crack myself up XD post chest hypertrophy routine niggas
Nothing wrong with unilateral work, just typically forced to do machines at a certain point due to the physics of the thing. Unless you're Shaw when he was fat, you're gonna have trouble balancing the bigger dumbbells on just one side.
You're a faggot.
FP(that isn't OP)BP
nobody in this board lifts though
Balance is a big fucking problem even at moderate weight.
gpt ahh reply
This exercise looks absolutely retarded. You are placing an incredible amount of strain on your rotator cuff for no benefit. It hardly even works your chest. At the top of the rep, your chest is doing nothing to hold it up. At the bottom, it's doing nothing to hold it. All the strain is on your rotator cuff.

Just do bench presses if you want chest muscle hypertrophy for fuck's sake. People try to overcomplicate lifting by adding all of these retarded meme exercises. There are like 6–10 exercises you should be doing, and anything else is overcomplicating it and wasting your time. Stop doing retarded meme exercises, and then with all of your free time you now have, go do sprints or rock climbing or jiu jitsu or literally any other physical activity in addition to lifting 3–4 times a week.
hijacking your thread about dumbbell bench for a stupid question
i have only trained pull/back for about 5 years now for a sport
decided to finally round out the rest of my body and have hit push very hard for about a month.
now i am have AC joint strains in both my shoulders.
is this due to bad form (i do drop my dumbbells pretty deep because the pec stretch feels good)? or just neglecting particular joints involved in push for 5 years and just deciding to hit them really hard
You're not feeling a "pec stretch" you retard. That's your rotator cuff screaming in pain and telling you to stop being a retard. It turns out your shoulders really don't like it when you hold weight against gravity far away from your body with a stretched arm. Hm it's like that's a completely unnatural position for humans to ever be in and that's not at all how we are built to move.
thanks bro, i will adjust
This. /thread.
>do a bunch of needlessly complicated retarded unstable shit
>MAYBE get 0.5% advantage
>more than likely you will be using energy/force to maintain balance in your body and not be able to actually target the muscles you want as effectively
Not worth it desu
its more like

>never developing OA in your shoulder in older age due to stronger rotator cuff muscles

Barbell bench press destroys shoulders. If you have trouble balancing the weight, that means you have muscle imbalances in your shoulder. Unilateral training also leads to greater activation of muscle fibers which then results in greater strength and hypertrophy gains with significantly less weight.

There's a reason why a large amount of people can't do dips, it's not a coincidence that the bench press is the most popular lift.
Doubles workout time
Post pecs
front delt u meant - this movement has nothing to do with pecs lol
>they are used
so is ur asshole shut tight as u do it - it's just as "used"

unilateral work is awesome, why would u emulate barbell while doing unilateral movement is eluding me though, must be u're fucking retarded
why is this board so filtered by unilateral work?
Prolllly me nuking your shitty threads shilling bilateral mostly barbell movements bot, any problem?>>74621506
Spending 2x longer time for no real benefit, not thanks
It's polarized. you just have to pick a side.

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