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>circus dumbbell edition

Post home gyms, new equipment, etc.
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happy Monday lads.
get those grills ready bc 'Muricas birthday is coming up
did some squats and bench today
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Picrel from about a month ago. Just picked up a stainless Ohio bar for $200 yesterday on Craigslist and grabbed a 40kg kettlebell

Thinking it may be time for some kind of proper KB storage solution
What is this called?
I want to get one
I forgot the pic like a retard
lat pulldown machine
Lat pulldown + low row machine
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Made a new addition since last post
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>Huber 360
>now why the fuck would MWC have that?
>oh yea, bum leg
did you have to pay out of pocket? insurance? found used?
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New barbell. Rogue CB-4
What's with the piano key poster?
Can you even English Suite no.2 in A minor?
you've got a comfy setup bobbo
What did you get? Don't have your set up memorized lmao

Very nice, how does it compare to other bow bars? I'm sure less whip but in terms of knurl and just general feel?

Thank you!
how big is that?
And hwhere did you find it?
Those titan farmer carry handles are interesting.
Got a boulder or big tire yet?
I almost bought a schwinn airbike before I found this elliptical
might still get one
Only kettlebell storage I can think of is steel shelving
how is a bow bar versus a safety bar for back posture?
I've broke mine a half dozen times
>Huber 360
got it for a steal on surplus
like $400 or $500 a year ago
But I have been usin it for rehab
Fracture healed fine
but the tendons are still nasty
think I'm 8 weeks from injury
still havin a rough go
>what'd you get
Proform Cardio HIIT
fuckin thing has bluetooth and a built in fan
$120, I couldn't say no
It's 38MM so no whip. Thickness feels good on your back.

CB-4 feels like a more traditional straight bar squat while SSB feels more like a front squat.
The circus dumbbell is about 2.5' long, bells are 10" in diameter with a 2 inch handle, it's from titan fitness but they haven't had them in stock for years apparently. Got it off FB marketplace. Had to drive like 4.5 hours each way to get it but worth it given I'd have had to spend at least double what I spent on the dumbbell and gas to get one brand new.

>Bow bar
Weight should be closer to your hips so it'd be better than SSB if you're concerned about your back. SSB has the weight in front of you and tries to pancake you. Admittedly I've only benched with my Yukon bar so I can't tell you with absolute certainty though.

How's the knurl? Volcano style? How sharp compared to OPB?
bumper plates
I didn't realize these are plate loaded with a steel cover
How heavy can you go?
I don't think I have enough 10s to max it out (it may be close though) but if I had to guess probably 147-157+ lbs? Definitely more than I can do at the moment, my comp weight is only 115.
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All I need and a pullup bar. TGU, heavy club swings, and monster lifts and my back works after driving +6hrs a day. A lot of reverse ladder sets (for time control)
You need to add a sledgehammer and combine tire for ultimate "functional fittindis"
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free.99 off fb marketplce
my collection of weiders is slowly growing
GREAT score
I only use bumper plates, but would not mind some cast irons for the calf raise
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Please dont laugh at me...
I also got a full bucket of rice and a diy wrist roller for forearms
it'd be better if you clean up. get some totes and/or shelving installed
wall mount the TV so you want to spend time in there
get some shelves for the shit
throw away those mattresses
WAGMI brobro
Ive always wanted one of those bench things you can lock your legs into for decline situps. how much did yours cost you.
the bench on the far left? free off craigslist
>>circus dumbbell
>not round
She can smash my balls with her hammer if you know what I'm saying.
You don't need rice bucker or wrist roller for forearms. Just do finger curls with your barbell/dumbbells and hammer curls.
Rented apartment so all the owner useless shit has to stay down there since i cant throw it away
No sockets in the garage :)))
Ive been doing that and it didnt yield satisfactory results so im trying alternarives
>adjustable bench
>flat bench
>barbell rack/dip station
>pullup bar
>floor pad
>pullup bar I use near the floor to anchor my feetses
>curl bar
>2 dumbbell handle pairs
>154 lbs in small plates
>resistance band set
Any suggestions for more shit to cram into my second story apartment's living room?
Everyone starts somewhere anon

It's plate loadable. You want to buy me a rogue monster dumbbell for like $700 plus shipping so I can be inconvenienced by having to load it with shot instead?
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samefagging your own thread a min in
If you don't know how to run some electrical to your garage you've failed as a man.
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kinda pointless to blur out the license plate when the rack is blocking the first half
Nice try Rothschilds
Let me guess..
You need more?
Clean Bitch!
>Doesn't help me train to beat your ass
I'll need more bells if you know what I mean
Costco gym flooring
Anyone have this?
real niggas use tractor supply co horse stall mats
Anyone else do rice buckets? Do you change the rice ever? I keep my hands clean but my cat likes to jump in it once in a while. Doesn't shit or piss in it just sits there until I pick her up.
get a lid
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Anybody try resistance bands I’m
Debating on doing more arm isos after being push/pull/cardio

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