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>Destroys your knees and ankles
>Doesn't even burn that much calories for the amount of work you put in. Just eat less, CICO
>Same amount of cardiovascular conditioning can be achieved through weightlifting in a shorter amount of time as long as you're circuit strength training and not powershitting. You should also be breathing freely, performing a Valsalva's maneuver with every lift interferes with venous return, reducing stroke volume thus hindering cardiovascular improvement
>the other mental and health benefits of running can be achieved by just walking outside
Humans evolved to run

No other animal on earth can outpace us
Post body
>cardiovascular conditioning can be achieved through weightlifting
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>Same amount of cardiovascular conditioning can be achieved through weightlifting in a shorter amount of time
Running is fun
Wrong. Even continuous circuit training doesn't provide cardio benefits like continuous zone 4+ running.

Verification not required
you forgot that jogging a bit makes you last longer in bed
not like you would now

you are also less likely to gas out if you ever play sports with other normies, they really get impressed when you have no problem playing while they choke from their breath
again, not like you would know
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This one man destroyed millions of knees and joints
He doesn’t know about runners high
complete meme that doesn't happen to 95% of the runners saying they had it
>does daily wilderness marathons in your path
>dies of hunger when they can't ambush their prey
>only became dominant because of agriculture
>still had massive famines
>Humans evolved to run
No, otherwise running wouldn't destroy and age your body.
We are built for walking and short term sprinting. Running or jogging is unnatural and no one did it until running around like a jackass became popular last century.
Except for bears, dogs and big cats to name a few.
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cardio and pullups, every fatass's worst nightmare
>>Doesn't even burn that much calories for the amount of work you put in. Just eat less, CICO
insulin sensitivity, nutrient partitioning, level of bf at which bodyvstarts catabolizing muscles. cico is midwit take or worse.
cardio is great, running is shit

high rep bulgarian split squats will gas you harder than any sprint
>Destroys your knees and ankles
I mean does it? are runners cripples? seems like they do this shit into their 60s while sedentary people are all busted. if you're worried about your joints run on grass/soft surfaces easy solution. yeah technically you can just lift and walk, maybe do some sprints and you should be healthy, but running feels good.
jesus christ I cant even tell if it's bait. why do retarded people love quoting people so much? do you actually think the words gain any value because they were said by some dude?

Look at the fucking hand on the chin, I bet you think he is a fucking genius because of that hand on the chin
>some book said it so it must be true!
You are an NPC
Fatasses will make any excuse. Go to the gym and do some meme exercises, but as soon as it comes to something slightly difficult like a 10 min jog around the block you are suddenly exposed for the unfit pussy you really are
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Nonsense, nomadic hunter gatherer nations frequently outcompeted early agricultural societies
>are runners cripples?
Every single one of them is injured half the time and lives with serious chronic pain.
>lives with serious chronic pain.
no they don't, I've been running for 2 years I get injuries but they go away, nothing long term, my joints feel amazing
>quotes a book without any explenation
>Somehow makes it true
Running like all fitness is subject to diminishing returns on time investment. As time investment goes up recovery demands go up and so does risk.
You can be a fairly fast runner, running only 10 minutes a day and doing endurance work elsewhere.
If you can't manage to run a 5k without walking you are a cripple a fraction of a whole human.
>I get injuries but they go away
This stops happening once you reach your twenties.
>my joints feel amazing
Doesn't matter, you're still doing damage even if if you can't feel it yet. You've only been doing it for 2 years, if you keep it up though you'll probably end up needing a knee or hip replacement.
dont listen to that retard just run ive been running for a long long time my joint health is tiptop just take a good rest every now and then
okay, do it for 20+ minutes so it actually counts as cardio (you know, actually increasing your hearts endurance) and get back to me. Jogging 20-30 minutes shouldn't gas you out, if it does it just means you are a fatass.
bewteen running sessions that is
>things dysgenic freaks tell themselves to cope with being more subhuman than even blacks.

High intensity training leads to better physiological adaptations than regular exercise / cardio.

It is well-documented that HIIT administered for different durations is an effective way to enhance exercise performance [38,70,122,143]. Mostly determined using time-to-exhaustion or time trials, HIIT-induced improvements in endurance capacity are attributed to both molecular and physiological factors, including increased maximal CS activity [128], skeletal-muscle blood flow and vascular conductance [144], lactate carrying capacity and hydrogen ion release capacity from active muscles [145], and sarcoplasmic reticulum function [146]. Besides, the increased V˙O2max and oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle following HIIT play a major role in improving exercise performance [91,127], allowing the same exercise intensity to be performed for longer after the training intervention.

The only benefit you get from steady state is better fat oxidation.
>>Destroys your knees and ankles

Thats from you not knowing how to step correctly and from wearing shoes that changed the shape of your foot and how you step
yes, you have to painstakingly unlearn bad biomechanics, and then you have to buy $200 shoes every few months in order to run properly

oh and you have to injure yourself doing these things, because the body adapts very poorly to high impact exercise. Hopefully your body doesn't fall apart by the time the proper adaptations are made
We evolved jogging on soft dirt and grass not flat hard concrete you retard.
running does not come naturally to us, which is why most people have to learn to run on the balls of their feet. Walking comes natural to us. We instinctively learn to walk with a heel strike before we learn any other movement pattern.
false, children have perfect running form
>This stops happening once you reach your twenties.
I'm 30, bro you're talking out your ass there's no proof that running is bad for your joints but we know people that don't exercise have fucked up joints, it might aswell be a wives tale at this point.
>Hopefully your body doesn't fall apart by the time the proper adaptations are made
Mine didn't. I didn't buy $200 shoes either. Guess I'm just better
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>higher intensity than jogging
>less time requirement than jogging
>builds strength and cardio simultaneously
>builds work capacity, improves your possible weight room volume
>builds conditioning
>builds massive legs
>improves your speed and agility
>builds a strong grip
>improves your knee and hip health
>little to no risk of back injury
admit it rooncucks, you were brutally mogged by the sledchads.
The ultimate cope post.
If you don't deadlift, squat, and run regularly you are a failed male
This is bait, but it's true that running is a meme when you could be biking. Only reason to treadmill over stationary bike is if you want to practice running itself.
>this guy sure knows what he is talking about
>realize it was me all along
20s? Lol hahaa hehehe.
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Walking is superior. Low impact, can walk faster to burn more calories, can read manhwa while walking on the treadmill. Also, it's low intensity, low impact, no pain in knees shins or ankles, I can walk every single day.

Pretty sure I hit 40+ miles this week from walking daily, and I am doing decent with no injury. Walking is better than running imo.

You can walk twice a day if needed. Running takes too much out of you. Walking uses stored bodyfat. Running uses glycogen and carbs.

Pic related my morning walk from this morning.
Idk how people convince themselves of this drivel.
What you exercise is what ypu improve. Lifting weights makes you better at lifting weights.
Running long distance makes you better at running.
Rucking makes you better at rucking.

HIIT isnt a magical exercise that makes you better at everything.
Dysgenic hands typed this post
I can still beat you in a foot race, which is what im training to do
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>it's low intensity, low impact
This is exactly why its inferior. Pic related, I run for the same time you walk yet burn 2-3x more calories. Not only that, but my heart rate, breathing efficiency and VO2 max are superior, benefits that you will not recieve from merely walking due to its low intensity. No injuries to speak of either, I will get up and go longer tomorrow

In short, 9 times of out 10 running is superior to walking. The one exception is if you are too fat to run without harming yourself
and i can grab you by the ankle and drag you along the concrete until your skin is gone.
>b-but at least i can run away faster!
incredibly low test response
forward sled pushing simulates sprinting and backward sled dragging simulates deceleration when running. sleds will improve your running performance and agility.
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that's because you are a legitimate retard and have no concept of what the underlying physiology behind exercise is.

Actually, even though I know you are a retard. Tell me how the body discerns between rucking and running, for example. Lay out, in detail, the biochemical and mechanical physiology that goes on internally during rucking that forces the body to adapt specifically to rucking vs running.
I had to carry a large box weighing 35kg (gun safe) for one kilometer today.
I got incredibly winded after just 200 meters and had to have a lot of breaks.
Was a good muscle workout as well.

Cardio is a useless meme, just lift and carry heavy things and you'll get winded + muscles
Absolutely based advice. All these studies for what?

Want to run distance? Go for long runs. Want to run fast? Do sprints. Shrimple.
Children don't "run", retard. They either walk or sprint when playing.
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>very dangerous
I've been running 10km every day for over 4 years. EVERY DAY. Not like 5 times a week or whatever. Every single day. I've missed maybe 5 or 6 days total in 4 years. I'm 37. Never felt any pain, never had an injury. I also play football on Saturdays. Perhaps I'm not a weak faggot piece of shit obese worthless subhuman, or I'm just lucky.

>which is why most people have to learn to run on the balls of their feet.

people have to relearn how to run because they sit for 85% of their day and are 50 pounds overweight. The shin and calf muscles need to be strong to run with proper form
Is that a map of where your house is?

you don't even understand what that study says. If HIIT was some magic secret track coaches across the globe would replace making their athletes run 40 miles a week with whatever meme shit you posted. Funny how they don't actually do that tho, huh? Best way to get better at something is to do that thing. HIIT helps athletes who already have a cardio base, thinking it gives you a cardio base in the first place is retarded. I don't expect you to reply, and I actually don't want you to. You've never played a sport in your life and are a gymcel. I lift 2/3/4/5 and my 800m PR is 1:56. Don't give a shit about your shitty genetics
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>lifting, i.e. skipping cardio, gives you better cardio than cardio
Maybe, maybe not, Don't come looking though, you'd never catch me
Yea but since you're burning more calories during running, it's also more catabolic for muscle mass.

The good thing about walking is that it takes just enough energy for fat burning, without burning into muscle mass or glycogen stores.

That's why bodybuilders walk for cardio instead of running. Walking preserves muscles mass more effectively than running.
they walk because they cant run for shit
you are a moron that does not understand the importance of a moderately sustained heart rate coupled with an increased need for oxygen to the muscles, this is why you need to jog/run
this is what gives you cardio, no amount of cheating will give you those cardiogains,

no amount of powersharter cope can compensate for your gay little walk, as >>74621000 said, at some point powersharters can't run without entering heart failure from all the extra weight and roids that damaged the heart
Why not just swim?
> Last century.
> Ignores how athletes in ancient greek olympic games had RUNNING as a sport.

I spit on thee fucking gay ass heretic!
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> You need to jog/run.
> You NEED TO Squat.

lol nah, take the carry pill faggot, human body has adapted to walking, running, crawling, swimming, picking up things and placing them on shelves.
i do my morning walks in the afternoon
>I run for the same time you walk yet burn 2-3x more calories
That's at least half glycogen which you have to replace or you feel like death, so the fact those calories were burned is almost irrelevant.
as i weigh 98kg i just walk and do an hour on the elliptical twice a week.
>running does not come naturally to us
For the Homo-Diabeetus Americanus, maybe, but they doesn’t count as humans.
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op is a calflet
So is that why Norway, home to some of the greatest endurance athletes in the world, has a HIIT protocol named after them?

You have no idea what you're talking about and you were trained by a retard.

>Doesn't even burn that much calories for the amount of work you put in.
If this is the concern then you would be swimming.
>human beings have evolved to work at wallmart
You tell them! At least you have a job, aye?
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>some guy that sells weightlifting machines said that weightlifting is better than running
he also advocated for extremely high leg sets. Like 50 rep sets, so the cardio was baked into his program
well at least he did make people do some actual cardio then, this alone makes him much more based than rippetoe
>incredibly low test response
It's not. Being able to leg it is incredibly important in sports or for when you need to outrun the police.
I've never doubted the ability to twist a weight lifting routine into something that counts towards your cardio. I could do the same for some fucking yoga if i wanted to. This doesn't mean it's a good idea, though.
you'll call me gay but
>is pulling

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