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Why am I more inspired by fictional characters than real life men?
Cause fictional characters are cooler.
I got inspired by the Jojo to lift and actually put some color in my clothes

>Why am I more inspired by fictional characters than real life men?
because we cherish myths and stories, stories from millenias ago from Greece still have tight grasp on western media
stories simply are more emotional for us
Because real men tend to be heavily flawed, even more heavily flawed than fictional characters and deep down we all know this
Jesus is the coolest non-fictional character tho
Because this world is messed up, OP. Nothing like the world in the image which you posted.
It's much easier for fictional characters to embody ideals, because there is no limit to what they're capable of, especially in something like One Piece, where Zoro can cut a fucking mountain in half with a single slash, where the blade doesn't even make contact with the mountain.

Anyways, what Devil Fruit would you go for if you could have anyone, /fit/? For me, it's the lightning human fruit, because I am a sucker for lightning abilities.
because you've never had a man in your life worth believing in. so you assume that fiction can provide it.
this mentality generates mixed success results because it is all within the power of the individual to accomplish the goals they set out to achieve.

t. someone who actually learns things from the shows they watch
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Checked. I'll respect your digits and admit I only posted that pic to farm (you)s.
Cause you spend your childhood in front of a screen
Marco's devil fruit is pretty fucking good too. Built-in flight, controllable flames with healing or damaging properties, as well as some intangibility. Great combo.
You probably have a bit of social anxiety. As a result, in your solo time, you probably prefer animation and want to think about ideals they allow. Don't let it dominate your personality, but it isn't inherently unhealthy. Just introverted. Obviously you're in good company.
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Because sometimes they are impossibly based
Enel got stooged hard. Top 5 powers easy if he scaled with awakening bullshit. Even moreso if they went the railgun route and expanded it to electromagnetic
blessed trips
because they dont live under human dictated guidelines.
most ppl only feel free of morals this way. which is natural and deep down seeked out by every living being. this is why "evil" characters r highly beloved.
Anime is cool and some real guys are cool
what about your dad or something? maybe not for bodybuilding inspiration but for being a good guy
What if he's not?
then he's not the guy
anybody in your life that you look up to?
Preordained trips
No son wukong is the coolest non-fictional character.
Goku from fortnite is real?
Because humans are dogshit, and our fictional creations are better, more idealized versions of ourselves.
Based and amen
Kizaru's fruit no contest. I want to be so fucking overpowered that I can just do whatever the fuck I want, like travel by riding on cannonballs, and making small talk with my opponents because I don't give even a single fuck.
>wants to be enlightened
>does it
Absolute madlad
EM manipulation is Kid's thing.
Ope Ope no Mi
>Generate sphere around myself
>Make myself peak physical condition strongest smartest and fastest possible
>Repeat every year on my birthday or whatever
>I am now an immortal god
Ezpz why would anyone ever choose anything else?
I'm going to start watching this tonight.
You actually can't make yourself immortal with Law's fruit. You can make someone else ageless, but only at the cost of your own life. That's why Doffy gave Law the fruit in the first place.
Because you're probably fatherless and autistic.
Autism. Your mind is busted.
Don't need to.
Just need to make myself 29 or 30 or whatever every year.
>Pure electricity can't do EM
Kidd jobbed hard to shanks and is dead so who gives a shit what his fruit did now
Some of that fruit's abilities are cast from lifespan, so, it might work, until you drop dead 5 years later. But hey, you'll leave a good looking corpse at least.
Crocodile too
Jobbed to a pre gear 2 luffy and now we have to pretend that the 3 months in impel down suddenly made him able to cross blades with mihawk and shit
or that fucking Dorry and Brogy who jobbed out to goddamned Mr. 3 can take on admirals and shit
[spoiler]not that mihawk isn't a jobber and a half himself[/spoiler]
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hes not dead both him and law are very obviously coming back, in what capacity who knows but they are out of the race for the one piece.
i would have the buku buku no mi because its pretty busted and i feel like i could make better use of it that mont dior did in WCI
because you're a cringe one piece fan
based and understands the importance of mythology-pilled
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>Because sometimes they are impossibly based
>gets kicked out of heaven for mogging everyone too hard
>chills in a cave on earth with monkey bros for millennia
>mogs some dragon for magic stick
>pisses on Buddha's hand
>becomes enlightened anyway
Kizaru is all around just based. Fucking tom Jones looking bastard
you think of yourself as an underdog but have long ago aged out of the the underdog demo.
anime's generic blob humans ease your fear of death and fomo of not having fulfilled your life's purpose.
what age is zoro? he could be 14 he's wearing jewellery, he could be 50 he's wearing a durag hiding his baldspot.
your peers have more to teach you but you are not ready for that discussion since you are spiritually deficient(and maybe mentally too.
There are some legitimately inspirational people around, however, most are just oxygen bandits.
Mr 3 is admiral level. The sooner you understand this the sooner the world will make sense to you.
> is ashamed and guilty of killing a million people during the revolution
> vows to not kill any more people
Sounds like a pussy. Still like him though.
thinking you have the ability to judge someone by critically consuming "content" without any insight into their philophical style of living/their training methodology or even the way they eat is why people think their peers have nothing to offer them.
even "oxygen bandits" are part of an unbroken chain of humanity - there are lessons there even for masters.
what most people fail to understand is improvement is ALWAYS a collaborative - getting it from your fellow "meat head" always has compounding effects over absorbing insights second hand from an untrained unblooded and untested mangaka who most likely despises what he sees in the mirror since none of his characters even faintly resemble him.
because people have flaws while fictional characters are idealized set of characteristics that you impose your desired archetypal beliefs onto

aka autism
God bless and amen.
He's a Meiji era batman, the japs did good with this one
>trips of truth
I'm not OP, autismo. There are a few legit inspirational people I work with. They are also many oxygen bandits, for example a department who tried to get a guy with 48 years at the business for suggesting wearing ponchos to a taco themed staff celebration
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You know the fuckin answer. Look at the men who surround you. Are they remarkable? Are you?
jesus was a skinny dyel manlet who didn't lift
I'mma respect the trips and rep my 666
GL Sailor
Zoro isn't fictional

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