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/fit/ - Fitness

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Is it true that prisoners have higher test than normal people because they are constantly in survival mode? How do replicate this at home cuz i don't want to go to prison?
Marry a black woman or schizoid white woman, you’ll always be on your toes
Start fights with people or don’t back down. I cut a guy off at the grocery store the other day younger black guy he pulls up and starts talking shit I jaw back finally ask him if he was mad enough to park and fight about it or not he curses me some more and calls me a nigga and drives off. Fight or flight was going but a real fight probably would’ve been better
Yeah they got hiv
>Start fights with people or don’t back down
Easier said than done. As soon as shit hits the fan people typically pussy out
Go do a martial art and start sparring
I know what you need but I can't talk about it
nig behavior
Who would even know this shit? How would anyone here know the answer to this? Do you think prisoners are being lined up to have their ng/dl of their test and free test taken for some reason? Who would have this information?
1. Pick up a combat sport.
2. Start unflinchingly telling people what you actually think, and watch them fail to cope and get hostile about it.
3. Get plenty of sunlight, particularly in the morning.
4. Sleep 10 hours a night.
Live in an inner city
This is ridiculous. Steroids are cheap and been used for half a century already many studies. Stop being a faggot
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Nigga moment
Yes they're higher test than average but it's probably not because they're in danger all the time. The average violent offender is probably going to prison because they're high test low inhibition to begin with. So any kind of sampling is going to skew towards that.
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>she’s taller than him

Anon you’re going to get shot
go to a school filled with lots of violent bad people(niggers), you wont be afraid of anything or anyone after you've been through that.
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And yet she still misses his cock!
>schizoid white woman
No. That'll hurt the quality of your rest if nothing else.
She'll get away with it, too.
based as fuck
you'll make it, nevermind the low T virgins, fight at grocery stores.
Join an MMA gym with a spar every week or so. Knowing that there's a fight ahead of you keeps you in that mode.

Become a cop or soldier, but both can have the opposite effect if you're prone to cortisol production to deal with adrenaline boosts.

Move to the ghetto.
You cross the street if a dark skin person is walking your way
I’ve been in a lot of shitty areas and seedy places but I’ve never had someone act very aggressively towards me, I’ve seen certain demographics being aggressive towards people but they never even eye me when in the same vicinity. Don’t know if I’m just lucky or something about me wards off danger but I’m glad it doesn’t happen. Still have my eyes peeled at all times
they dont normally attack or antagonize someone who looks physically imposing who looks like their head is always on a swivel.
What's with their pants? Has 1998 fashion returned?
>Is it true that prisoners have higher test than normal people because they are constantly in survival mode?

stress doesnt increase test, its actually the opposite
>women will lust after/date/marry criminals, even murderers, terrorists, and serial killers
>I am a 32 year old khv
It's sad to think about how pathetic some of us are lol
Work in an all male enviroment as it were
Rest assured that she'll probably end up decapitated dumped in a drainage ditch. Psycopaths and cluster Bs are a perfect match.
Live in an all black neighborhood
haha tradies are a bunch of passive aggressive sissies who have tanked their test levels with beer, ciggies and fast food
alcoholic chubsters who get limp dick by 50. some arm strength there is because if you blast arms everyday they will grow even if true alkie
well i hope Obama era and scene and 70s or 80s fashion wilp come back minus hipsters ofc. already seeing scene type people. wiggerism and lumberjack hipster beardfag shit needs to get extinct
>as a result of lifting and have more muscle mass on them
kids I see nowadays dress like they're homeless
pick on strangers and fight them
be racist irl
join a dojo/boxing club and fight all the students and then the owner
join illegal budokai
>constantly in survival mode
Im constantly in survival mode due to being on chans 24/7 and reading horror stories and /pol/
baggy clothes are fashionable. on purpose. cant sell skinny jeans as well as baggy shit when half peoplenare fat fucks :(
>swing autist making memes about himself
You are such a narcissist. I guess that’s not a surprise since you post about your retarded work out nonstop

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