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/fit/ - Fitness

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Can somebody give me an unbiased summary of the pros and cons of steroids
Pros-faster recover and more muscles
Cons-faster death and more health complications
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Off the top of my head

>Better muscle growth
>better strength gains
>surpass natty limit
>libido through the roof (if you keep everything dialed in)
>faster recovery
>some steroids improve mental wellbeing

>tanks hdl skyrockets ldl
>raises BP
>e2 can get out of whack in either direction
>Hurts cardio (limited exceptions)
>suppress test if you don't know what you are doing
>some steroids hurt mental wellbeing
>long term heavy use can affect fertility
>long term heavy use increases mortality
Pros: you'll get bigger
Cons: you'll appear as and will finally become your final form as a mega insecure faggot

Have fun
Don't ask /fit/ it's full of dyel bucket crabs fearmongering about everything. Most posters here are too pussy to squat and deadlift and you're gonna ask them about roids? Many genuinely believe roids will turn them into trannies. Keep your questions in /fraud/ if you want actual answers

/Fraud/ already has enough gatekeeping fags. Don't mind the separate thread.

I forgot a con

>psychologically addictive
Pros: you get big fast due to a 500% increase in metabolism/fat loss/muscle recovery/etc.

Cons: you'll deflate back to DYEL within 2 months after you stop pinning and become EVEN MORE DYEL thanks to perma-fucked test production.
>Don't mind the separate thread.
I'm just saying he'll learn nothing outside of /fraud/ other than the usual low IQ stigma and fear mongering
>/Fraud/ already has enough gatekeeping fags.
Why is that bad? You rather read natty retards writing their low IQ revenge fan fiction >>74618925? Just lurking fraud is more productive than this
Only genetic losers use steroids.
Pros: Increased testosterone, which leads the more strength, muscle, etc., faster muscle recovery, enhanced red blood cell production, reduced body fat

Cons: Lower IQ—I'm serious, this is actually a thing—hormonal imbalance, testicle shrinkage, mood instability (anxiety, depression, and yes, roid rage), skin and hair problems, unhealthy heart growth—leading to higher rates of heart failure, liver damage.

This is all I can remember off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more pros and cons I've missed
As >>74618940 said,
>>74618925 is complete vullshit
Stupid fucking faggot and your fake gains can go fuck itself when you got mogged by a natty farmer carrier
Can't wait to laugh at your tiny wrists
>asking nattycucks about something they never tried before
Nattyfags fear the needle and improvement, they rather stay in their safe bubble. They rather swallow pajeet herbs than get the real thing

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