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/fit/ - Fitness

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Uncomfortable truths:

Nobody actually needs to squat more than they can OHP, legs are useless
you can utilize unilateral leg exercises to attenuate axial loading of the spine, 135 lb split squat is likely going to take you to the moon in terms of gains, unless you roid
> gets kicked in the body/legs/head
> -ACK!

> moooom! Squatting is hard! I-it's u-useless, r-right?? mom??
Nope, you're just another pussy. Fuck off.
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>nobody needs a strong posterior chain
I could kick a hole through your chest. Don’t find out the hard way.
When I was wrestling in HS zerchers / deadlifts and squats actually made me really strong and put on a decent amount of size. I think having a lot upper body and lower body strength is good for grappling.
>he doesn't squat
you are weak
you will always be weak
What about when I squat to lift up 250lb granite slats and carry them to the dumpster
. I bet besides the 45 minutes a week you spend at a gym the rest of your time is spent masturbating and playing video games
>be former powershitter
>fucked my back up (of course, there's a reason you only see dudes up to mid 20s doing stupid ass squats and deadlifts)
>now my squat is around the same weight as my bench, scared to go too heavy and really can't without snapping
>still have an insanely high box and vertical jump (can box jump up to my chest, about 65")
>run retardedly fast, can even out-sprint many niggers half my age and this has been tested plenty

Most the fitness bullshit you read online is a meme. You don't need to do deadlifts at all and squats don't have to be heavy. They really shouldn't be because you'll fuck your shit up. Don't even get me started on how my knees feel like bones grinding together. I'm guessing my decent leg aesthetics come from the leg kicks and leg curls I do. I'm only squatting a bit over 2plaet but the athletic performance of my legs is amazing, way better than it should be at my age.
at least do belted squats bro
Dumb take. You should keep your body's proportions balanced & consistent. The leg muscles are large. You miss out on a lot of size, bodyweight, and strength gains if you ignore them.
>don't need to do deadlifts at all
Let me redpill you on this, deadlifts and squats are the same motion but squats are safer to do because the weight is less awkward to pick up. With squat, the weight is situated across your shoulders and your body goes down, then comes up. With deadlift, the weight is hanging off your arms, which situates the weight across your shoulders and your body comes up, then goes down. It's the same fucking movement, the weight is still ultimately hanging off your shoulders.

Also do the one set routine, I was getting scammed into doing extra sets my whole life. Get way easier gains off this way easier routine.
It is. In grappling, especially wrestling which is the most brutal sport, neck, upper, core and lower strength is necessary. So basically everything is needed for wrestling.
His legs are fine
>Nobody actually needs to squat nor OHP, barbell "lifts" are not even useless, they are harmful
agreed with every word and letter bot
>legs are useless
American detected
>the weight is less awkward to pick up
you are in an air conditioned gym, on comfortable flooring, in comfortable shoes, on a flat platform, with a perfectly balanced barbell that has a convenient grip and knurling, presumably with straps and sleeves, and you consider that 'awkward'? how did you even survive to adulthood?
Not everyone stuck their butt out to every other man's dick on daily basis, but most of us carried backpacks at the very least.
That's literally a comfortable lie for pussies too scared to squat.

>deadlifts and squats are the same motion
Not for most people, because deadlift is more efficient emphasizing hip hinge. If you can get away with barely bending your legs, that's how you lift the most. Squat only requires knee bend to be a squat, so if that's all you have to do, that's all you do (torso upright).
I found this out the hard way. My posterior chain and core are both so week that it's totally fucked my posture. I'm trying to fix it but it's so demoralizing having to deadlift essentially the same as what I can bench.
>topic unrelated to gay men
>immediately starts talking about gay men unprompted
please at least try to stay on topic, as hard as that may be for you.
There are a plethora of other hip hinge exercises that don't have the high risk level of heavy deads. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who isn't going to compete in powershitting, which is also retarded.
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>legs are useless
If he wore normal pants you wouldn't even see the disrepancy.
Besides, only like 5% of people achieve that upper body and only with roids so thanks for proving my point that legs are utterly useless.
this is dumb and wrong
lol it's literally the other way around
keeping deadlifts and replacing barbell squats with bulgarian split squats is the biggest lower body redpill

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