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File: monkey bro swingin.webm (2.63 MB, 450x800)
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whatd you do today?
Nobody has yet been able to explain to me why humans can grow long hair but monkeys don't?
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I'm actually doing my routine right now on the pull up bar I got installed in my room

Thinking of doing 5x4 reps for a set of wide pull-ups, another of chinups and another or neutral grip pull ups. That should hit everything back and biceps wide. All done with perfect technique, none of that kipping bs or crossing my feet behind

Then I'll hit push-ups to failure along with triceps and finally some abs work
Look at the monkey kipping. He’s never gonna make it.
>tfw no monke bro to do pullup workouts with who might one day decide to rip your face off
After I read that story about that crazy bitch I have an irrational fear of apes.
They probably just get haircuts, dumbass.
>monkey barbers are very quick and very secretive
Same. Monkeys aren't fucking cute and more people need to realize that.
Did some weighted false grip ring pull-ups after deadlifts this morning.
You guys having a laugh?
just some light stuff as a warmup for lifting today, but recently started doing muscle ups with shitty form
>the primordial instinct to just hang from a bar/bar, present in literally everyone since age 0
it's insane to me that people keep denying this fact
no amount of brainwashing will stop this
calisthenics just feels natural, feels like it's a right thing to do, it's in your blessed faVstian indomitable spirit and more importantly in your veins
Someone didn't have monkey bars as a kid
Why does it have a boner?
Chimps are very violent and dangerous, but that one was having a psychotic episode because he was high on Xanax and alcohol. I think they normally wouldn't randomly rip the face off of a female who they were good friends with.
Some dead hangs after lift at Jim for back
Then power sit and study for test for make bigger monies
That's the worst part. You could build a good rapport and trust with them but if they get randomly triggered then there's no reasoning with them. I'd trust them about as much as a 6 year old carrying a knife.
i always love that this monkey is fully torqued during the entire webm
File: monkey nails.webm (1.44 MB, 634x720)
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are you tards laughing like monkeys dont have grooming standards?
holy fuck that looks like so much fun I wish I could swing around a set of bars with a friendly monkey :(
What does fully torqued mean
hurt my shoulder for the third time doing wide archer push ups, i think i should stick to gym machines and treadmills. that and rotator cuff exercices
I think it's very rational actually
You will never be a real gymnast. You can't do simple tricks or flips. You can barely do basic exercises with your rings. You have nothing on the pommel horse. You're a body-weight bodybuilder twisted by calisthenics' influencers into a crude mockery of athletic perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Sportsmen are disgusted and ashamed of you, gymbros laugh at your useless circus tricks behind closed doors.
Gymnasts are utterly repulsed by you. Hundreds of years of athletic advancement have allowed professional athletes to sniffs out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even streetlifters who "pass" look inelegant and clumsy to a gymnast. Your form is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a gymnast to train with you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a glimpse of your ghetto public pull up bar.
You will never be big. You wrench out a fake smile every single workout session and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep down inside you feel overuse injuries creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under an unbearable weight.
Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a gym membership, start taking creatine, and pick up the barbell. Your bros who have long moved on to lifting weights will find you, surprised but relieved that they no longer have to be associated with an unbearable shame and disappointment. They will take a celebratory photo with you and hang it at the gym, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know that a DYEL was once there. Your body will in time decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a physique that is unmistakably of a weight-lifting bodybuilder.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
cope redditor
>90% of the training we do is calistehnics
A psychotic human friend could do the same
Did you make this pasta? It's really good, got a good laugh out of me, never saw it before
yesterday was weighted chin ups today is weighted dips
I'm into conventional weightlifting but I recently got rings. I haven't really done much with them, I usually just do ring pushups as a finisher after a chest workout. I'm wondering 2 things: If I'm really just doing complete novice things to fuck around, can I do them on my rest days from the gym? Also, how long does it take until I get the stability on the rings that the shaking stops?
dont monkeys have alopecia?
I mean their hair is the longest when they're babies
No, but they can get it and unsurprisingly, it also has an impact on mating success

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