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/fit/ - Fitness

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Even dyels have the confidence to be fitness influencers now
Do you look better than him?
Looks gross
ew wtf
I've seen holocaust (if it was real) victims who looked better than him, either flexing too mch or bodyfat way too low. I look better easily any day, especially after a hard day of picking cherries. It's legitimately crazy to see pictures like this where there's no tan lines or anything, the implication being that these people never go outside.
This person looks like he was just repatriated after being a prisoner of war
Out of curiosity what do you look like?
looks like roids
Like this but with a health % of body fat along with natural tan lines where you'd expect from people going outside.
lets see
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You're an enormous faggot.
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Not him but I'll post body. I mog you.
based 5'10 poster
Are you making fun of my baby lifts when it's likely you aren't natural. No way you started steroids after a 3pl8 bench or are putting on much more than 10lbs/month especially considering you probably sleep well ever and don't drink like a queer.
Even lardasses look better than him
>I've seen holocaust (if it was real) victims who looked better than him
No you haven't.
I am bigger than him so yes.

Bro everyone looks better than him
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>>74620238 good fren

I’m 38, and would rather look like me than OP. Lower bf doesn’t mean better.
How does someone get so lean and still have a fat fucking face
If you timestamp this it will go into my mythic physiques of /fit/ folder because holy fuck lmao
Alex is that you?
Bro cropped out his legs
yes wtf, he looks untrained and skelly mode
The white pill is that this looks 100% works on Normalfags. He WOULD get attention without a shirt. Lean natty lifters look like shit in the gym hierarchy but they do fine in the normiedome. I'm not saying be skinny. Just know the bar is low. It's easy to be exceptional when the average dude is a fat ass. Be cheerful and keep your chin up.
why are your legs shorter than your torso

can we please get the manlets off this board? they are shitting up the entire vibe around here.
>especially after a hard day of picking cherries
Tell me you're hispanic without telling me you're hispanic
I'm sorry dude but you look like you've never worked out in your life.
you have body dysmorphia
post body
you have body dysmorphia but the other way
>and would rather look like me than OP
why would you rather be ugly and fat?
this has to be bait
both trolling but fatfaggots actually argue like this

Severe body dysmorphia. Good frame plus 10lbs of muscle is all most people want and consider fit.
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Your turn. Bet you are younger but look older.
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I truly hate social media influencers or whatever...
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I can't tell if he grew muscles or just lost fat to the point where his muscles show.
Facial fat is a sign of poor metabolic health and unbalanced hormones
You look 47

Your trolling sucks
You don’t look a day under 40 idk where your youthful delusion comes from
>still ugly and fat
lol. lmao, even.
look mom i replied!
>look mom i replied!

Comments are salty today. Imagine needing more.

This is all demoralization. Dude is an absolute Brad and better looking than 90% of this board. Saying this isn’t enough just creates despair.

Oh yeah OP looks starved not fit.
>I am bigger than him

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