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will I lose weight eating like this?
the sauce is a bit of honey and teriyaki mixed together
Cook it
Dont eat it
Lose weight
Where's the protein dumbass. Going skeleton mode is going chemo mode like a starved slave. Eat naked chicken and rice. 2 eggs in the morning. Like what the fuck are you even doing with your life with that plate.
market was out of chicken man I'm grabbing some tomorrow. had to make do with these veggies and a shake.
Yes, but your muscles will wither, and you'll look like shit once the weight comes off because there's virtually no protein on that plate. If you want to keep calories low and protein high, opt to add chicken breast, shrimp, or whitefish to the meals
only if it's fewer calories than you expend in a day
hope this helps
Shouldve got pork that wouldve been perfect in strips and fry an egg with all that
You are so obviously white lmao
Tbh eat like half that amount of rice with a lean protein and you straight dewd
why's it have to be naked? is a brush of BBQ sauce really so bad?
enjoy t2 diabetes
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>You are so obviously white lmao
Thanks for the compliment.
Depends. Is it pure slop Kraft sugar sauce? Then no. Also, naked does not mean unspiced, just means not breaded
looks pretty low calorie, chicken + veggies and rice isn't very satiating tho IMO. if you can deal with hunger, then you should be good. what else do you eat during your day?
Just pokin bro lmao
>Not making pico de gallo w all that jazz
Balsamic at least?
>omg today I was someone's 88 to their 77
there's a bed of chickpeas under with lime vinegerette sauce
half a lb of strawberries and 4 eggs
it's from a local Japanese family that sells it, ingredients are clean but prolly lots of sugar.
This but no shrimp. No protein, your body eats both fat and muscle. You need baseline daily protein to build and retain in cuts.
Sounds like a deconstructed hummus you little gastro genius lmao
But yeah, if anything you should eat a cut of meat. Like 1lb steak. 1 chk breast, .5lb pork chop ect, add veges as desired, keep rice low to none on the daily, only as calorie supplement if you need it
As long as you are on a deficit yes you will.
The sodium will make you retain water weight though.
damn I thought I could just stuff my face with rice. gonna have to double the veggies to make up for that
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That looks amazing anon did you cook it? Anyway like other anons said crucial element missing is protein. Reduce on carbs if you must.

t. nip who’s ancestors almost exclusively ate carbs and veggies
thanks anon. yes I did make it
>destroys vegetable nutrients by overcooking
>mountains of rice
>sugar sauce
Actual troll post
>cooking out the nutrients
lmao. you cook out the water dipshit
>rice, veggies swimming in fat, sugar sauce
>trying to lose weight
Wtf are you doing? Only a woman or a shitskin could be this stupid.
i dont know, retard.
how often do you eat?
what do you eat outside of that?
what is your fitness routine?
what are your goals?
retarded fucking thread. do better.
>fat and sugar
lol it's literally vinegar and a teaspoon of honey. Mad you can't cook?
What kind of non sequitur is that? I guess you're a "male" zoomer with that hilarious attitude.

L2cook and stop asking dumbass questions, son.
how do cows get so literally beefy on grass
Where's the protein? Add any kind of meat
Lmao retard
No bread, no cheese, you're on a cut. Fatty. Jk, you got this
>1.5 cups of rice and some vegetable slop
Cut that down to a half cup of rice, then add a chicken breast
That's mostly fiber and water so yeah depending on how big you are. 3 meals of that a day isn't much calories. I'd recommend more protein though, you'll fuck up a lot of systems only eating carbs. Basically you'll be all fucked up in the body and brain like a vegan.
That's a fucking pound of rice on that plate. Unkess you weigh 450 lbs, you will not lose weight eating that
we minmaxed into int and agi
They can break down cellulose and we can't. Because of that they can access more calories from grass than we can. Grass is also fairly high protein

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